Cardiac Muscle The Heart As A Pump and Function of The Heart Valves

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Cardiac Muscle; The Heart as a

Pump and Function of the Heart

Physiology of Cardiac Muscle
3 major types of cardiac muscle
• atrial muscle
• ventricular muscle
• specialized excitatory & conductive muscle
Histology of Cardiac Muscle
Action Potentials in Cardiac Muscle
What Causes the Long Action Potential
and the Plateau?
A. opening of two types of channels:
(1)the same fast sodium channels as those in
skeletal muscle and
(2) another entirely different population of slow
• calcium channels, which are also called calcium-
sodium channels – slow to open & remain open
B. decreased potassium permeability 5fold- dec
outflux of potassium
• j
Excitation-Contraction Coupling
Cardiac Cycle
• the cardiac events that occur from the beginning
of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next
• initiated by spontaneous generation of an action
potential in the sinus node
• consists of
– a period of relaxation called diastole, during which
the heart fills with blood
– a period of contraction called systole
• Total duration = reciprocal of HR
• j
Work Output of the Heart
• The stroke work output of the heart - the amount
of energy that the heart converts to work during
each heartbeat while pumping blood into the
• Minute work output - the total amount of
energyconverted to work in 1 minute
– stroke work output X HR
• Work output of the heart is in two forms
– Volume-pressure work (external work)
– kinetic energy of blood flow component
• j
• J
Concepts of Preload and Afterload
• Preload- the degree of tension on the muscle
when it begins to contract
– end-diastolic pressure when the ventricle has
become filled
• Afterload- the load against which the muscle
exerts its contractile force
– pressure in the aorta leading from the ventricle
Regulation of Heart Pumping
(1) intrinsic cardiac regulation of pumping in
response to changes in volume of blood
flowing into the heart
(2) control of heart rate and strength of heart
pumping by the autonomic nervous system
The Frank-Starling Mechanism
• The greater the heart muscle is stretched
during filling, the greater is the force of
contraction and the greater the quantity of
blood pumped into the aorta.
• Within physiologic limits, the heart pumps all
the blood that returns to it by the way of the
Ventricular Function Curve: Stroke
Work Output Curve
• j
Ventricular Function Curve: Ventricular
Volume Output Curve
• j
ANS control of HR & contractility
Effect of Potassium Ions on Heart
• Heart becomes dilated and flaccid and HR
• Large quantities can block conduction of the
cardiac impulse from the atria to the
ventricles through the A-V bundle
• Cause such weakness of the heart and
abnormal rhythm that death occurs
Effect of Calcium Ions on Heart
• Heart goes toward spastic contraction, a direct
effect of calcium ions to initiate the cardiac
contractile process
Effect of Temperature on Heart
• Increased temp- increased HR
• Decreased temp- decreased HR
• heat increases the permeability of the cardiac
muscle membrane to ions that control heart
rate, resulting in acceleration of the self-
excitation process
Increasing the Arterial Pressure Load
(up to a Limit) Does Not Decrease the
Cardiac Output

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