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Kelainan Konjungtiva

dr. Sahilah Ermawati, SpM

Clinical Use Slit-lamp examination is
performed in a logical sequence:
• l. eyelids
• 2. eyelid margins
• 3. tear film
• 4. conjunctiva
• 5. cornea
• 6. aqueous humor
• 7. iris
• 8. lens
• 9. vitreous
Punctate staining patterns of the
ocular surface
Punctate staining patterns of the
ocular surface
The major disease mechanisms of the
outer eye that the clinician should
the history and examination:

• immune alteration
• neoplasia
• maldevelopment
• degeneration
• trauma
Common Clinical Changes
Hyperemia Focal or diffuse dilation of the
subepithelial plexus of
conjunct ival blood vessels, usual ly with
blood flow; other changes include fu
siform vascular
dilations, saccular aneurysms,
petechiae, and intra-
conjunctival hemo rrhage
Chalasis Laxity of conjunctiva, sometimes with
prolapse over
the eyelid
Common Clinical Changes
Chemosis Conjunctival edema caused by a transudate leaking
through fenest rated conju nctival capillaries as a
resu lt of altered vascular integr ity (eg, inflammat ion
and vasomotor changes) or hemodynamic changes

Tearing Excess tears from increased lacrimation or impai red

lacrimal outflow

Mucus excess Increased amount of mucin relative to aqueous

component of tears

Discharge Exudate on the conjunctival surface, varying from

proteinaceous (serous) to cellular (purulent)
Mucus excess Increased amount of mucin relative to
component of tears
Discharge Exudate on the conjunctival surface,
varying from
proteinaceous (serous) to cellular
Papilla Dilated, telangiectatic conjunctival blood
varying from dotlike changes to enlarged
surrounded by edema and inflammatory
folicle Focal lymphoid nodu le with accessory
vasculari zation
pseudomembran Inflammatory coagulum on the conjunctival surface
that does not bleed during removal
membran Inflammatory coagu lum suffusing the conjunctival
epithelium that bleeds when stripped
granuloma Nodule of chronic inflammatory cells with
fibrovascular proliferation
plictenuly Nodule of chronic inflammatory cells, often at or near
the limbus
Common Causes of Conjunctival
A. Mild Papil

B. Moderate Papile

C. Giant Papile
1. Virus
2. Bakteri
3. Alergi
4. Trauma
Degenerative Changes of the
1. Pinguekula
2. Pterigium
3. Konjungtiva kalasis
4. Konjungtiva concretion

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