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• The main idea of a text (paragraph/passage) may be directly stated or
indirectly implied by the author.
• Summarizes the whole text or almost the whole text.
• The most important general sentence, it is also called topic sentence.

• First sentence – the most general sentence in a paragraph

• Last sentence – it gives an overall picture of a paragraph
Topic Sentence First and Last

The main idea will appear at the beginning of a paragraph

and again at the end.
• To emphasize an important idea.
• To explain an idea that needs clarification.
Identifying the Stated Main Idea of Passages

• If the text has more than one paragraph, it is less likely but not
improbable to find the overall main idea stated in a single sentence.

• The stated main idea for passages is more likely located in either the
opening or closing paragraphs of the passage.
The use of antipsychotic drugs is inversely correlated with good recovery outcomes. The countries
with the highest percentage of residents using antipsychotic drugs showed the worst recovery rates.
A far higher percentage of those in the developed countries were maintained on antipsychotic drugs
than were those in the developing countries.

It is particularly interesting to look at the statistics of the group who arguably showed the overall
best results after all final follow-ups were taken into consideration – those of rural Chandigarh,
India. They showed both the highest rate of complete remission, with 71% of them having shown
no psychotic symptoms within at least 2 years prior to the final follow-up, and the highest overall
assessment scores, with 79% of them being assessed as having good to very good overall
functioning. It turns out that they were also the group with the lowest percentage of participants
maintained on antipsychotic drugs, with only 5%.
The use of antipsychotic drugs is inversely correlated with good recovery outcomes. The countries
with the highest percentage of residents using antipsychotic drugs showed the worst recovery rates.
A far higher percentage of those in the developed countries were maintained on antipsychotic drugs
than were those in the developing countries.

It is particularly interesting to look at the statistics of the group who arguably showed the overall
best results after all final follow-ups were taken into consideration – those of rural Chandigarh,
India. They showed both the highest rate of complete remission, with 71% of them having shown
no psychotic symptoms within at least 2 years prior to the final follow-up, and the highest overall
assessment scores, with 79% of them being assessed as having good to very good overall
functioning. It turns out that they were also the group with the lowest percentage of participants
maintained on antipsychotic drugs, with only 5%.
• Topic: The poor recovery rate of those antipsychotic drugs

• Main Idea: The use of antipsychotic drugs is inversely correlated with good
recovery outcomes.
Topic Sentence First
Most often the topic sentence is placed first in the paragraph.

Topic Sentence
Topic Sentence Last
A writer leads up to the main point and then directly states it at the end.

Topic Sentence
Topic Sentence in the Middle
The sentences before the topic sentence lead up to or introduce the main idea.
Those that follow the main idea explain or describe it.

Topic Sentence

• Example:
Language exists in two forms, the spoken and the written. Had we been
treating this subject a generation ago, we would probably have put writing
ahead of speaking. But the ‘new’ language teaching methods introduced
during and immediately following the Second World War have led us to
change our order of priority. This present-day emphasis on the spoken form
of the language is now reflected in our testing as well as our teaching of
second languages.
• In some texts, you may not be able to find a topic sentence because the main
idea is indirectly implied rather than directly stated by the author.
• The implied main idea is the main message that is suggested by the whole
• You need to infer the main idea from the various sentences in the text
because it is not stated clearly in ONE sentence.
• Express the particular point the author is trying to make about a subject
• Indirectly state information in the paragraph
• Require the reader to consider the information given and draw
conclusion as to what the main idea might be.

Skim Skim for gist: read the text quickly to get the general idea of the text

Scan Scan for keywords: look for content words that are repeated or referred to throughout the text

Question Ask yourself these simple questions:

1) What did I just read?
2) What is the most important point the writer is trying to say?

Connect Connect the keywords: put the keywords together to make a sentence. You may need to add
your own words to connect the key words logically.

Check Check the sentence: make sure the main message of the text is conveyed.
• Stated main idea = author-constructed topic sentence

• Implied main idea = reader-constructed topic sentence

- Implied

• DOES NOT contain specific details – statistics etc.

• DOES Not provide examples.
What is the Implied Main Idea?

Yellow is a bright, cheery color; it is often associated with spring and

hopefulness. Green, since it is a color that appears frequently in nature
(trees, grass, plants), has come to suggest growth and rebirth. Blue,
the color of the sky, may suggest eternity, or endless beauty. Red, the
color of both blood and fire, is often connected with strong feelings
such as courage, lust, and rage.
What is the Implied Main Idea?
Topic: Colors
Details: General Idea:

Yellow - Spring


Blue - Eternity

Red – Strong
How to Know if You Have Made a Reasonable Inference

• The idea should be broad enough so that every sentence explains the idea.
• Work through the paragraph, sentence by sentence.
• Check to see that each sentence explains the idea.
• Words used to identify MAIN IDEA:
• Thesis
• Central point
• Central idea
• Most important idea
• Primary idea
My Reading Lab
For more practice on main ideas, visit MyReadingLab, click on the
Reading Skills tab, and then click on Active Reading Strategies---
Maine Woods.

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