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Lawn Management

General Horticulture
AGR - 302
Lawn Establishment
• Better establishment lead to better lawn.
1. Choosing the suitable grass
2. Soil preparation
3. Planting
Lawn Maintenance
• Mowing
• Removing of clipping and thatch
• Fertilization
• Watering
• Pest Control
“ Shady Lawns”
• Mow 1/3rd to ½ of leaves.
• Optimum height while mowing,
Below optimum – root development decrease, damage the lawn.
• Mower blade should be sharp.
Removal of Clippings and Thatch
• Clippings ( 75 – 85 % water) decompose into humus.
• Thatch ( 60 % dead root or rhizome and 40% dead stem or leaves) Slow decomposition.
Thatch is due to;
 Excess Nitrogen,
 Acidic soil,
 Excess irrigation,
 Low aeration.
• Clippings – rake for removal
• Thatch - Mechanical dethatcher for removal.
• Never mow over grown lawns at once.
• If not remove Clippings? (Fertilizer, mulch, compost)
• Nitrogen fertilizer.
• Soil test required.
• Proper timing (fall or spring).
• PH testing required ( 2 – 3 years).
Less than 5.7 – Need lime (Calcium)
 How much to apply?
• Dry periods require watering.
• Overwatering causes – shallow rooting, diseases.
• Water up to 4 inches deep.
• Dawn and Dusk is best for watering.
Pest Control
• Pest may be (weeds, insects, disease, and animals).
 Weeds: Can be through manure.
• Herbicide (pre-emergence OR post-emergence)
• (Broad leaves or narrow leaves)
• Always read the label.
 Insects: (White grubs, billbugs)
• Birds feeding the lawn
• Heat and drought injury is mistaken by insect damage.
• Apply insecticide before egg hatching (June – July).
• Heavy infestation from August to November.
 Diseases: (Mostly fungi)
• Infrequent irrigation and light fertilization decrease damage.
• Summer patch ( heavy fertilization)
Shady Lawns
• Once a lawn used to have a good grass under a tree but it has damaged.

• What are the reasons???

 Intense shade due to tree growth.

 Rescuing the thin turf rescuing.

 Increase in competition (Nutrients, sunlight)

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