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Neoclassical Period

By : Alain Rave Herrera

What is Neoclassical period?
Neos (Greek for “new”)

Classicus (Latin for “first class”)

Ismos (Greek for “doctrine” or “ideology”)

• Neoclassical art style was widely adopted and popularized by French artists,
since France was the center of culture and art in Europe at that time.
• Neoclassicism is a revival of the many styles and spirit of classic antiquity
inspired directly from the classical period, which coincided and reflected the
developments in philosophy and other areas of the Age of Enlightenment,
and was initially a reaction against the excesses of the
preceding Rococo style.
Rococo Neoclasssical
• Rococo architecture emphasizes • Neoclassical architecture is based
grace, ornamentation and on the principles of simplicity and
asymmetry symmetry
• Neoclassical works (paintings and sculptures) were serious, unemotional, and
sternly heroic.
• Neoclassical sculpture dealt with the same subjects, and was more restrained
than the more theatrical Baroque sculpture, less whimsical than the indulgent
• Neoclassical architecture was more ordered and less grandiose than Baroque,
although the dividing line between the two can sometimes be blurred.
Jacques-Louis David

Oath of the Horatii

Anton Raphael Mengs

Judgement of Paris
Angelica Kauffman

Venus Induces Helen to Fall in Love with Paris

• As a sign that flamboyance had given way to solemnity, clarity and order, the
serpentine and curvilinear motifs of the Rococo style were replaced by the
Neoclassical symmetrical and rectilinear ones.
Henry Fuseli, The artist moved to despair at
the grandeur of antique fragments
Antonio Canova's Psyche Revived by Love's

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