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by: Alejandro Rankin Girado

I consider that overpopulation is indeed a global crisis. Due to the

world gets more populated, the food supply must increase to
support the newborns. I think that once the world has reached its
limits, the fittest will survive and the developing countries will fail
to support their people with food, causing mass starvation all
around. If there is overpopulation, there is hunger.
• Promote family planning: Simply educating men and women
about contraception can have a big impact to avoid this crisis.

If you use a condom, you won`t have


• Government incentives: It`s necessary that governments to

promote “responsible parenthood” and say subsidies should be
limited to the first two children unless the family is living in
Unfortunately, this problem is around the world. It's a problem that
is coming out of our hands. If we don’t become aware, the
overpopulation will be our major global wide crisis.
I support abortion rights and family-planning programs.

If you are a parent, don’t pressure others to have a kid!

• Improve sex education: A lack of sex education has led to
overpopulation issues in many countries. Better education will
help people understand more about the potential consequences
of having sex.
If we don’t know about sex, instead of enjoy responsibly, we will
have headaches…

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