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Modifying the Natural World:

Human Responsibilities
Toward Animals
Bioethics Unit Module 6
Issues Explored In This Unit

Should there be limits on the extent to which

humans modify the natural world?

Is the natural world important only because it is

useful to human beings?
Issues Explored In This Unit

Should there be limits on the extent to which

humans modify the natural world?

Is the natural world important only because it is

useful to human beings?
Exploring Modifications of the Natural
Exploring Modifications of the Natural World
Exploring Modifications of the Natural World
Exploring Modifications of the Natural World
Exploring Modifications of the Natural World

In what ways have humans modified the

natural world?
● How have people modified plants? How?
● Have people modified animals? How?
● Have people modified the environment?
Exploring Modifications of
the Natural World
Alba’s Case: Preliminary Impressions

● Who believes that making Alba was

ethically acceptable? Why?
● Who believes that it was ethically wrong
to make Alba? Why?
● Who is not sure about what they think?
Contrasting Cases of Animal Modification
Contrasting Cases of Animal Modification

Master 6.3: For each case, place a “X” in the

-“Yes” means the modification should proceed,
-“No” means you do not think the modification
should proceed, and
-“Maybe” means you are not sure or want to be
cautious in your decision

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