RNAIPL Presentation

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Renault Nissan Automotive India

Private limited
SH 57, Oragadam Industrial Corridor, Vaipoor, Tamil Nadu

“Training Need Analysis for Technicians”

Presented by
Objective of the Report:

To study the Technician’s awareness, perception’s and need of

training for technicians at RNAIPL

Report background:
• RNAIPL HR(T&D) team has assigned this project

• They will conduct this survey yearly once (April or May)

• Have done this project within the timeframe of 2 weeks

• Found this task will be challenging then decided to take it up

• To observe people from various background

• To understand the training need of Technicians

• Company itself has given a set of questionnaire
• Care was taken in structuring the questionnaire to make the questions
short, crisp and clear.
• Type of questions was used in the questionnaire-Multiple Choices

Design for this technical study report:

 Exploratory study
 Surveys methods used to collect the primary data
 Non-Probability sampling (Convenience sampling)
 Sample size – 380 ( Decided by T&D team)
(PWT 1 & 2, Body shop, Trim & Chassis, VQA, SCM, Stamping, Paint shop,
Plastic shop)
1. Awareness about the training 2.Medium to reach information
Option % Count Option % Count
Very much aware 13% 45 Through notice board 32% 126

Aware 25% 88 Through supervisor/ team leader 47% 189

Neutral 28% 102 Through Canteen T.V 11% 42

Not aware 34% 123 Others 11% 43

40% 50% 47%

28% 40%
30% 32%
25% 30%
20% 20%
15% 13% 11% 11%
10% 10%
5% 0%
0% Through Through Through Others
Not aware Neutral Aware Very much supervisor/ notice board Canteen T.V
aware team leader
3.Areas wanted to be trained
Option % Count
25% 21%
Communication Skills 11% 102
15% 13% 12%
Work life balance & Stress management 21% 196 12% 11%
10% 7% 7% 6%
Basic English 12% 116

Word/ Excel/ PowerPoint 12% 110 0%

Basic English

Time Management
Communication Skills
Motivation & Self

Financial Planning

Team management
Word/ Excel/
Work life balance &

Stress management

Time Management 7% 68

Motivation & Self confidence 13% 124

Personality Development 6% 58

Team management 7% 67

Financial Planning 10% 89

4.Prefarable Duration
Option % Count 70%
2 hrs. 6% 20
4 hrs. 11% 41
30% 24%
20% 11%
8 hrs. 24% 85 6%
16 hrs. 59% 212
16 hrs. 8 hrs. 4 hrs. 2 hrs.
5. Preferred method of training
70% 62%
Option % Count 60%
Presentation 10% 37
Activity based 13% 47 19%
20% 13% 10%
Videos 19% 68 0%
All the above Videos Activity Presentation
All the above 62% 222 based

6. Effectiveness about the previous year training

Option % Count
50% 45%
Poor 12% 42
Average 28% 100 40%
Good 13% 45 30% 28%

Very Good 3% 11
Not attended 45% 160 13% 12%
Not Average Good Poor Very Good

• Created awareness among few technicians about the training program but
still 34% were not aware about the program

• Found that most of the corporate industries have their own training
institute and they have their own training and development centre as well

• Management attitude is very positive for training support and budget

• The overall opinion about the training conducted by the training and
development team among the employees is very good and effective but still
12% has said the effectiveness was poor and 28% has said the training was
average for last year

• Response from the technicians was not positive

• T&D team was too small

• More training opportunities need to be provided for technicians so that they
can improve their knowledge and skills.

• T&D team has a responsibility to create the awareness for the happenings of
the training.

• Training duration can be reduced and the days can be extended for the

• Training and development team and management should make sure that the
acquired knowledge and skills is communicated to more number of people.

• Training and development team was too small for this big organization so
they need to focus on increasing the skilled trainers.

• Training and development need to upgrade their questionnaire to know

about better training need analysis.

• As per the company requirement the assigned project work has been
completed with the given time

• A survey on TNA has been conducted with the total involvement of the
technicians without any much interference of their immediate supervisors
or managers.

• An effective training program is a must to be followed as well as timely

and effective training programs and sessions were must for both old and
new technicians.

• The trained employees also shared their experience with their fellow
colleagues and helped them enhancing their knowledge and skills.
Thank You.

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