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Micaela Eisman

Shaun Raj
 Introduction
 Definitions
 Professional Applications
 General Professional & Ethical Standards
 Whistle-blowing
 Case Study
 Summary
 “The rules of conduct recognized in respect
to a particular class of human actions or a
particular group, culture, etc.” [1]
 Respecting others’ intellectual property by
giving due credit.
 Avoiding conflicts of interest.
 Rejecting bribery.
 Honesty and realism in stating claims and
 Etc.
 Seek, accept, and offer honest criticism.
 Improve the understanding of technology.
 Avoid injuring others, their property, reputation,
or employment by false or malicious actions.
 Ability to apply knowledge of math, science, and
 Design and conduct experiments as well as
analyze and interpret data.
 Effective communication.
 Enhancement of human welfare with application
of skills.
 Undertake professional responsibilities only in
areas of competence.
 Treat all people fairly, regardless of ethnicity,
gender, age, religion, profession, etc.
 “One who reveals
wrongdoing within an
organization to the
public or to those in
positions of authority.”
 2006: Thomas Drake
 Executive at NSA, worried about post 9-11 surveillance.
Reported to the newspaper – indicted for obstruction of
justice and espionage.
 1996: Jeffrey Wigand
 VP for R&D at Brown and Williamson Tobacco, admitted
the company doctored nicotine content to make their
product more addictive.
 1972: W. Mark Felt
 Gave information to bring down Nixon during Watergate.
 Should he have blown the whistle?
 Should he have placed the welfare of others
over his career?
 Did the Energy Department manage the
concern properly?
 Should the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety
Board have gotten involved?
 (1980) SSA requested new computers for
field offices – gave contract to Paradyne for
$115 million for 1800 computers
 Provide access to central database for processing
claims and issuing new SSN’s
 Computers failed initial testing, so the SSA
relaxed specifications
 After delivery, many malfunctioned
 Paradyne proposed selling P8400 computer
with P105 OS, which was not built yet
 RFP prohibited prototypes
 Parts were not tested before integration
 Bid was written as though the OS was already in
 Paradyne demoed a different computer
system, not the one they intended to sell to
the SSA
 Results:
 Put secure information at risk
 Took 2 years to resolve, wasting government
resources and time:
▪ Justice Department
▪ Health and Human Services
 Ethical Issues:
 Company lied about the state of the product
 Adequate testing was not performed
 Should the SSA have relaxed requirements after
initial testing?
 Should the SSA reopen bids after requirements
were relaxed?
 Introduction
 Definitions
 Professional Applications
 General Professional & Ethical Standards
 Whistle-blowing
 Case Study
 Summary
ℎ2 𝜔2
=− 𝛾 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 0 𝑡𝑜 𝑡
2𝜋 𝜀0 𝜇0
ℎ2 𝜔2
=− 𝑡
2𝜋 𝜀0 𝜇0
ℎ𝜔 1
Recall: 𝐸 = 2𝜋 and 𝑐 = 𝜀 𝜇 and 𝑖 𝑖 = −1
0 0
= 𝑖 𝑖 𝐸𝑐ℎ𝜔𝑡
Recall 𝑠 = 𝑖𝜔
= 𝑬𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒔
 [1]
 [2]

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