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disusun oleh sutoyo okt. 2005

Kingdom of Fungi
– Fungi adalah salah satu kingdom
menurut skema lima kingdom organisme
hidup (Whittaker)
– Perkembangan ultrastuktur, biokimia dan
terutama biologi molekuler: fungi tidak
dapat dipertahankan sbg satu dr lima
kingdom organisme hidup
– berdasarkan polyphyletic (phylogenik
yang berbeda) sebenarnya fungi
merupakan organisme yang termasuk
dalam tiga kingdom berbeda : (1)
Chromista, (2) Fungi, (3) Protozoa.
– Fungi: organisme eukariotik,
heterotrofik, percabangan filamen
berkembang (jarang yg berupa sel
tunggal) dan reproduksi dg spora
Klasifikasi Cendawan

• Penggunaan nama ilmiah fungi

penempatan kategori dan
tingkat hubungan kategori
diatur oleh International
Code of Botanical Nomenclature

• Kategori taksonomi cendawan

– Spesies (diketik miring/italic)
– Genus (diketik tegak/roman)
– Famili (…aceae/…myceteae)
– Ordo (…ales/…mycetales)
– Kelas (…mycetes)
– Filum (…..mycota)
• Klasifikasi Fungi (Dictionary, 1995)

» Protozoa
• Acrasiomycota
• Dictyostellomycota
• Myxomycota
– Myxomycetes
– Protosteliomycetes
• Plasmodiophoromycota

» Chromista
• Hyphochytriomycota
• Labyrinthulomycota
• Oomycota

» Fungi
• Ascomycota
• Basidiomycota
– Basidiomycetes
– Teliomycetes
– Ustomycetes
• Chytridiomycota
• Zyomycota
– Trichomycetes
– Zygomycetes
• Acrasiomycota
– Protozoa: the acrasid cellular slime
moulds; acrasids.
– 1 ord., 3 fam., 4 gen. (+3 syn.), 12 spp.
– Trophic phase amoeboid, pseudopodia
lobose; aggregating without streaming;
nuclei with a compact centrally placed
nucleous; sporocarp sessile,
independent and dividing when vegetative,
some with simple supportive stalks;
multispored, in chains or deliminted sori;
flagellate cells usually absent; sexual
reproduction unknown.
– On dung and isolated from a wide range
of decaying plant materials and
macromycetes, and also soil.
– Ordo: Acrasiales
• Dictyostellomycota
– Protozoa: cellular slime moulds; dictyostelids.
– 1 ord., 2 fam., 4 gen. (+1 syn.), 46 spp.
– Life-cyled with amoeboid bactivorous,
multicellular sporocarp, spore producing, and
aggregation phases; tropic phase amoeboid,
pseudopodia mainly filose (sometimes also
lobose), the pseudoplasmodium (slug) formed
by aggregating streaming myxamoebas;
nuclei with 2 or more peripheral nucleoli;
sporocarps stalked, stalks (sorophores)
branched or not, usually of vacuolate cells
compacted in cellulosic tube; spore dark and
thick-walled; flagellate cells absent; some spp
with sexual reproduction.
– Primairily soil organisms, also isolated from a
wide variety of habitats, esp. Ones with
decaying plant and fungal materials;
assosiated with bacteria on which they feed
and on which they are cultured in the
– Order: Dictyosteliales
• Myxomycota
– Protozoa;plasmodial slime moulds;
acellular slimemoulds.
– 2 classes, 7 ord., 15 fam, 74 gen.(+94
syn.), 719 spp.
– Free living, unicellular or plasmodial, non-
flagellate in single- or multi-celled
phagotrophic stages; mitochondrial cristae
tubular; with uni- or multicellular
sporocarps with single to many spores;
spore walls cellulosic or chitinous; spores
germinating to produce 1- or 2-flagellate
– Classes: (1) Myxomycetes, (2) Protostelio-

• Plasmodiophoromycota
– Protozoa; plasmodiophorids, 1 ord., 2
fam., 16 gen. (+10 syn.), 46 spp.
– Trophic phase intrasellular in algal,
fungal or plant host cell; plasmodia
multinucleate, unwalled, cell division
mitotic and cruciform (division producing a
cross-like structure at metaphase),
developing into either sporangia (forms
zoospores or cytosori; resting structures);
zoospores with two anteriorly directed
whiplash flagella; flagellae smooth,
lacking mastigonemes, equal in length.
– Obligate symbionts in soil or freshwater
habitats; require co-culturing with their
hostsneeded for laboratory studies.
– Single order: Plasmodiphorales.
• Hyphochytriomycota
– Chromista: the hyphochytrids.
– 1 ord., 2 fam., 7 gen. (+ 3 syn.) 24
– The whole (holocarpic) or part
(eucarpic) of the thallus converting
into a reproductive structure;
holocarpic spp. Often with branched
rhizoids:zoospores with one anterior
flagellum with mastigonemes; lacing
protoplasmic and nucleus-associated
microtubules. On algae and fungi in
freshwater and soil as parasites or
saprobes, also saprobic on plant and
insect debris.
– Order: Hyphochytriales
• Labyrinthulomycota
– Chromista; labyrinthids and
– 2 ord., 2 fam., 13 gen.(+5 syn.), 42
– Tropic stage with an ectoplasmic
network, and spindle-shaped or
sphaerical cells that move by gliding
within the network; uniquely contain
bothrosomes; zoospores when present
with two flagellae, one with
mastigonemes; sexual reproduction
known in some spp.
– The spp. Occur in salt and freshwater,
often associated with plants and algal
chromits, some as pathogens;
– Ords: (1) Labyrinthulales
(Labyrinthulidae), (2)
• Oomycota
– Chromista.
– 9 ord., 25 fam., 95 gen. (+25 syn.), 694
– Aquatic or terrestrial, freshwater or
marine, saprobic or parasitic (some
economically important on higher
plants); thallus unicellular to mycelial
(hyphae coenocytic), mainly aseptate;
assimilative phase diploid (as in
plants); zoospores with unequal
(anisokont, heterokont) flagella, a
tinsel one diverted with 2 rows of
mastigonemes formed, and a whiplash
one smooth or with fine flexous hairs
backwards; with protoplasmic and
nucleus-associated microtubules; the
cell walls are a glucan-cellulose, rarely
with minor amounts of chitin.
– Cosmop. And widespr.
– Ords.: (1) Leptomitales, (2) Myzocytio-
psidales, (3) Olpidiopsidales, (4)
Peronosporales, (5) Pythiales, (6)
Rhipidiales, (7) Salilagenidales, (8)
Saprolegniales, (9) Sclerosporales

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