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Jae K.

(Jim) Park, Professor

Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Secondary Clarifier
 To separate biomass from liquid and then return
biomass to the activated sludge process so that SRT
>> HRT
 To meet total suspended solids discharge limit
 To thicken sludge in the underflow (less volume to
pump for removal)
Tank shape
 Circular: small to medium/large size plants (up to
200 MGD)
 Rectangular: huge plants (> 200 MGD)
Selection of Tank Shape

Circular clarifier Rectangular clarifier

 High TSS stream due to  Lower TSS stream since
better sludge removal sludge has to be carried for a
capability long distance for removal
 Easy to collect sludge (less  Difficult to collect activated
distance to carry) sludge due to the density
 More space required close to water
 More complex piping for  Less space required (shared
inlet and outlet common walls)
 Straight-forward piping for
inlet and outlet
Circular Secondary Clarifier (2)

Effluent Collector Bridge

Influent Sludge
concentrator Collector

Design Considerations
Overflow rate or surface-settling rate
Detention period
Weir loading rate
Tank shape and dimensions
Solid-loading rate
Influent structure
Effluent structure
Sludge collection and removal

Typical Design Values
 Overflow rates
 Average flows: 500~1,100 gal/ft2·day (15~32 m3/m2·day)
 Peak design flows: 1,300~1,600 gal/ft2·day (40~48
 Solids loadings
 Average flows
 Peak design flows: 49~144 and 100~220 kg/m2·day
 Tank shape: circular, rectangular, or square
 Circular tank diameter: 30~200 ft (10~60 m) (< 5ⅹSWD)
 Depth: 13~20 ft (4~6 m) for circular and rectangular tanks
 Influent and effluent structures and sludge collection
equipment – Refer to ‘Primary Sedimentation Tank
Lecture Note’
SWD: Side water depth
Hindered or Zone Settling Behavior


Design Based on Single-Batch Test Data

Design Based on
Solids Flux
Gg = VgCi
Gu = VuCi
Gt = Gg + Gu
TSS Better settling
Gg = solids flux caused
by gravity, kg/m2·h;
Gu = solids flux caused
GL: Limiting solids concentration
by underflow, kg/m2·hr;
Gt = combined flux
caused by gravity and
underflow, kg/m2·hr;
Ci = concentration of
solids, mg/L;
Vg = hindered settling
velocity, m/hr; and
Vu = downward velocity
due to underflow, m/hr.
Secondary Clarifier Design Criteria (1)
1. Provide multiple (four in this example) circular clarifers,
each clarifier shall have independent operation with respect
to the aeration basin
2. Design the clarifiers for average design flow plus the
3. Design the influent and effluent structures, and check the
hydraulics at peak design flow.
4. Return sludge from each
clarifier shall have an
independent sludge withdrawal
arrangement with flow
measurement and control
5. The design of the clarifer shall be
based on the solids-settling rate
obtained from laboratory results.
Secondary Clarifier Design Criteria (2)
6. The surface area of the clarifier shall be large enough to
meet the clarification as well as the thickening requirements
for the effluent and the underflow, respectively.
7. The water depth of the clarifier shall be sufficient to provide
an adequate clearwater zone, thickening zone, and sludge
storage zone.
8. The overflow rates at average and peak flow conditions
shall not exceed 15 and 35 m3/m2·day, respectively.
9. The solids-loading rates at average and peak design flows
shall not exceed 50 and 150 kg/m2·day, respectively.
10. Scum baffles and scum collection system shall be provided.
11. The effluent weir shall be designed to prevent turbulence.
The weir loading shall not exceed 124 m3/m·day (10,000
gpd/ft) and 372 m3/m·day (30,000 gpd/ft) at average and
peak design flows, respectively.

Design Calculations (1)
Surface area of secondary clarifier
1. Establish design flow
Design flow to the secondary
clarifier = Average design flow
+ RAS - MLSS wasted
= 0.486 m3/sec + 0.292
m3/sec - 752 m3/day ×
day/86,400 sec = 0.769 m3/sec
Design flow to each secondary
clarifier = 0.769/4
= 0.192 m3/sec
2. Prepare flux curves

X, g/m3 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Vi, m/hr4.4 4.2 2.8 1.3 0.67 0.34 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.03
X·Vi, kg/m2·hr 4.4 6.3 5.6 3.9 2.7 1.7 1.2 0.7 0.4 0.3

Design Calculations (2)
3. Determine limiting solids-loading rate
Sludge flux (SF) = 2 kg/m2·hr
= 48 kg/m2·day
= 9.81 lb/ft2·day
4. Calculate area and diameter
of the secondary clarifier
Q = 0.192 m3/sec × 3600
sec/hr = 691 m3/hr
A = 691 m3/hr × 3.75 kg/m3
 2 kg/m2·day
= 1,296 m2
1,296 m 2  4
Diameter   40.7 m (134 ft)
Actual area = /4 × 40.72 = 1,301 m2

Design Calculations (3)
5. Check the overflow rate at average design flow
Overflow rate = Q/A = 0.193 m3/sec × 86,400 sec/day1,301 m2
= 12.8 m3/m2·day (= 314 gal/ft2·day)
< 15 m3/m2·day OK
6. Check the clarifier area for clarification requirement
Calculated overflow rate = 12.8 m3/m2·day = 0.533 m/hr
MLSS conc. at 0.533 m/hr settling rate = 4,400 mg/L > 3,750
mg/L; thus, the area for clarification will be sufficient.
7. Check the overflow rate at peak design flow
At peak design flow plus recirculation, the flow to each clarifier
= (1.321 + 0.292) m3/sec  4 = 0.403 m3/sec
Overflow rate = 0.403 m3/sec × 86,400 sec/day 1,301 m2
= 26.8 m3/m2·day < 35 m3/m2·day OK

Design Calculations (4)

Design Calculations (5)
8. Calculate the solids loadings
The limiting solids loading at average design flow = 0.192 m3/sec ×
3,750 g/m3 × kg/1,000 g × 86,400 sec/day  1,301 m2
= 47.8 kg/m2·day < 48 kg/m2·day OK
Solids loading at peak design flow = 0.403 m3/sec ×
3,750 g/m3 × kg/1,000 g × 86,400 sec/day  1,301 m2
= 100.4 kg/ m2·day < 150 kg/m2·day OK
Solids loading at peak design flow when three clarifiers are in
operation = 0.538 m3/sec × 3,750 g/m3 × kg/1,000 g × 86,400 sec/day 
1,301 m2 = 134 kg/m2·day < 150 kg/m2·day OK
Depth of secondary clarifier
Liquid depth of the secondary clarifier = depth of clear water zone +
depth of thickening zone + depth of sludge storage zone
1. Determine clearwater and settling zones
The clearwater and settling zones are generally 1~1.5 m and 1.5~2 m,
respectively. Provide 3 m clearwater and settling zones.

Design Calculations (6)
2. Compute the depth of thickening zone
Assume that under normal conditions, the mass of sludge retained in the
clarifier is 30% of the mass of solids in the aeration basin, and the
average concentration of sludge in the clarifier is 7,000 mg/L.
Total mass of solids in BNR reactor = 3,750 g/m3 × kg/1,000 g ×
(2,631 m3 + 2,631 m3 + 11,560 m3) = 63,083 kg
Total mass of solids in each clarifier = 0.3 × 63,083 kg/4 = 4,731 kg
Depth of thickening zone = Total solids in the clarifer 
(Concentration × Area) = 4,731 kg × 1,000 g/kg 
(7,000 g/m3 × 1,301 m2) = 0.52 m  0.5 m
3. Compute the depth of sludge storage zone
The sludge storage zone is provided to store the sludge in the clarifier.
Provide the sludge storage capacity for one day under sustained peak
flow rate and BOD5 loadings. Assume that the sustained flow rate and
sustained BOD5 factors are 2.5 and 1.5, respectively.

Design Calculations (7)
Total volatile solids produced under sustained loadings
= 1.5 × 2.5 × 2,820 kg/day (#35 in AS Design slides) = 10,575 kg/day
Provide one-day storage for solids
Total solids stored per clarifier = 20,575 kg/d/4 = 2,644 kg
Total solids stored in each clarifer = 2,644 kg (storage zone) + 4,731 kg
(thickening zone) = 7,375 kg
Clarifier depth for solids storage = 7,375 kg × 1,000 g/kg (7,000 g/m3 ×
1,301 m2) = 0.8 m
4. Compute total depth of clarifier
Total depth of clarifier = 3.0 m + 0.5 m + 0.8 m = 4.3 m
Provide average side water depth in the clarifier = 4.5 m (14.8 ft)
For additional safety provide a free board of 0.5 m
Total depth of clarifier = 5 m
Detention time
1. Calculate the volume of the clarifier
Average vol. of the clarifier = /4 × 40.72 m2 × 4.5 m = 5,855 m3

Design Calculations (8)
2. Calculate detention time under different flow conditions
Detention time under average design flow plus recirculation
= 5,855 m3  (0.192 m3/sec × 3,600 sec/hr) = 8.5 hrs
Detention time under peak design flow plus recirculation
= 5,855 m3  (0.403 m3/sec × 3,600 sec/hr) = 4.0 hrs
Influent structure
Consists of a central feed well. An influent pipe is installed across the
clarifier that will discharge into the central feed well. The influent will
pass under the baffle and then distribute uniformly throughout the tank.
Effluent structure
Consists of effluent baffle, v-notches, effluent launder, effluent box, and
a pressure outlet pipe.
1. Select weir arrangement, and dimensions of effluent launder, effluent
box, and outlet sewer
Provide 90° standard V-notches on the weir plate that shall be installed
on one side of the effluent launder

316 SS 90° V-notchs
around the weir
plate @ 39.5 cm c/c
40.7 m diam.
Scum baffle

Outer sewer
Scum trough Effluent box
Scum line.
Rake arm
Effluent launder

Influent pipe
Sludge pipe Influent pipe

Scum trough
Scum line Drive

Skimmer assembly Water level

Scraper arm shaft Influent baffle

Sludge pipe
line Concrete tank
Center scraper
Design Calculations (9)
Provide width of launder = 0.5 m
Length of effluent weir plate =  (40.7 - 1) m = 124.7 m
Provide 8 cm deep 90 V-notches at 39.5 cm center-to-center
Total # of notches = 124.7 m  (39.5 cm/notch × m/100 cm) = 316
2. Compute head over V-notch at average design flow
Average design flow from the clarifier = Average design flow to
aeration basin - MLSS wasted
= 0.486 m3/sec - (75.2 m3/day × day/86,400 sec) = 0.477 m3/sec
Flow per clarifier = 0.477 m3/sec  4 = 0.12 m3/sec per basin
Flow per notch at average design flow = 0.12 m3/sec  316 notches
= 0.00038 m3/sec/notch
Head over V-notch
 
 
 0.00038 m 2 /sec 
H 

 d  
 8/15  C 2g  tan θ 
2 

 
 8/15  0.584 2  9.8 m/sec 2  tan 90

 0.037 m  3.7 cm  4 cm
Weir head at peak
design flow when one
clarifier is out of service
39.5 cm
Weir head at average 23.5 cm Weir notches and
design flow effluent launder
6 cm
4 cm 88 cm Effluent box
84 cm 80 cm 0.31 m 0.84 m 0.88 m
0.61 m
Invert of the launder 0.3 m
Detail of the 90° V-notchs and effluent launder 2m
Section AA showing V-notches, effluent launder
on both sides, and effluent box

Water surface at Average side

water depth 4.5 m Invert of effluent box 3.36 m
average design flow 4.52 m Invert of effluent launder 3.66 m
Effluent box Influent well
Top of weir 4.54 m
0.84 m 3.97 m
0.61 m Outlet
0.3 m
0.5 m 0.00 pipe
Section BB showing outlet pipe, effluent box, Hydraulic profile secondary clarifier at peak
effluent launder and water depth at average design flow design flow when one clarifier is out of service

Design Calculations (10)
3. Compute head over V-notch at peak design flow when one unit is out of
Flow per notch at peak design flow when one unit is out of service
= 1.321 m3/sec  (3 clarifiers × 316 notch) = 0.00139 m3/sec
 
 
 0.00139 m 2 /sec 
H 

 d  
 8/15  C 2g  tan θ

 
 8/15  0.584 2  9.8 m/sec 2  tan 90
 2

 0.063 m

4. Compute actual weir loading

Weir loading at average design flow = 0.12 m3/sec × 86,400 sec/day
 124.7 m = 83.1 m3/m·day < design loading of 124 m3/m·day
Weir loading at peak design flow = 1.321 m3/sec × 86,400 sec/day
 (4 × 124.7 m) = 229 m3/m·day < design loading of 372 m3/m·day
5. Compute the depth of the effluent launder
Width of effluent launder = 0.5 m
Provide effluent box 2 m × 2 m

Design Calculations (11)
Provide 0.8-m-diameter outlet pressure pipe. The pipe is an inverted
siphon connected to a common junction box. The water surface
elevation in the junction box is kept such that the depth of flow in the
effluent box at peak design flow is maintained at 0.61 m. Provide invert
of the effluent launder 0.3 m above the invert of the effluent box.
y2 = Depth of water in the effluent box - invert height of effluent
launder above the invert = 0.61 m - 0.3 m = 0.31 m
b = 0.5 m; N = 1
Half of the flow divides on each side
of the launder; therefore, flow on each
side of the launder = 1.321 m3/sec 
(2 × 4 clarifiers in operation)
= 0.17 m3/sec

2  (0.17) 2
y1  (0.31 m) 2

9.81 m/sec 2  (0.5 m) 2  0.31 m

 0.42 m
Design Calculations (12)
Provide 16% losses for friction, turbulence, and bends, and provide 31
cm additional depth to ensure free fall.
Total depth of the effluent launder = (0.42 m × 1.16) + 0.31 m = 0.8 m
The water surface elevation in the clarifier at average design flow is
kept (0.80 + 0.04) = 0.84 m above the invert of the effluent launder.
Sludge collection system and skimmer
Consists of a rotating rake structure with scraper blades that will scrape
the settled sludge from the tank bottom to a sludge pocket located near
the center of the basin. The fixed access bridge shall house the drive
machinery and shall be supported by a column at the center of the tank.
The skimmer shall remove the scum and deposit it into the scum trough.
Return sludge pumps
Four return sludge variable speed pumps each having a rated pumping
capacity of 0.486 m3/d 4×1.5 = 0.182 m3/sec (150% of design average
flow per basin); independent operation of one clarifier; an identical
pump (fifth pump) as a standby unit and cross-connected to serve all
four clarifiers; a magnetic flow meter; and a sonic sludge blanket meter

Common Operating Problems (1)
1. A slightly pungent odor in the anaerobic reactor is the characteristic
smell. A strong putrid, or hydrogen sulfide odor is an indication of an
excessive anaerobic zone, settling of solids, or trapped scum.
Increase the return sludge and the mixer speed.
2. The ORP (oxidation-reduction potential) in the anaerobic zone should
be well below -200 mV. Failure to reach low ORP is an indication of
insufficient anaerobic conditions. Reduce return sludge flow and
adjust mixer speed to reduce surface turbulence.
3. Poor P release in the anaerobic tank (< 20 mg P/L) may be caused by
(a) insufficient SCFAs (short chain fatty acids) in influent, (b) the
presence of an aerobic or anoxic condition, (c) insufficient HRT, and
(d) low BOD5) in the mixture of influent and return flow. Provide an
anaerobic fermentor, reduce return flow, and reduce mixer turbulence.
4. An NO3--N conc. > 0.1 mg N/L is an indication of insufficient
denitrification. Possible causes are high recycle ratio, insufficient
HRT, excessive turbulence, low pH, and insufficient biodegradable
organic carbon. Reduce the recycle ratio and adjust mixer speed to
minimize surface turbulence.
Common Operating Problems (2)
5. Sludge floating to the surface of the clarifiers (bulking of sludge) may
be due to growth of filamentous organisms. Often denitrification
occurring in the secondary clarifier may be the cause of nitrogen
bubbles attaching to sludge particles and sludge rising in clumps. The
problem may be overcome by increasing the sludge return rate and
DO in the aeration basin, and reducing the sludge age.
6. Turbid effluent (pin point floc in effluent) but good SVI may be due to
excessive turbulence in the aeration basin or over-oxidized sludge.
Reduce aeration or agitation, increase sludge wasting, or decrease
sludge age.
7. Sludge blanket uniformly overflowing the weir may be due to
excessively high solids loading, peak flows overloading the clarifiers,
unequal flow distribution on clarifiers, excessively high MLSS, and
inadequate return sludge.
8. Sludge blanket discharging over the weir in one portion of the clarifier
may be the result of unequal flow distribution. Level the effluent

Operation and Maintenance
1. Remove accumulations from the influent baffles, effluent weirs,
scum baffles, and scum box each day.
2. Observe sludge return from individual clarifier, and adjust the flow
rate as required from laboratory tests.
3. Determine sludge level and adjust waste sludge pump as necessary.
4. Observe operation of scum pump and provide hosing as necessary.
5. Clean daily all inside exposed vertical walls and channels by a
6. Inspect distribution box and clean weirs, gates, and walls as
necessary and remove all settled solids. Also check flow to all
7. Inspect effluent box, and clean weir and walls as necessary.
Measure the head over the weir daily.
8. Hose down and remove wastewater sludge and spills without delay.
9. Check electrical motors for overall operation, bearing temperature,
and overload detector twice each day.
10.Check oil level, grease reducer and rollers on skimmer each week.

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