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Scotland’s Coastal and Marine Policy: from

voluntary partnerships through devolution to a

Marine Act.

Dr Tim Stojanovic
University of St.Andrews
School of Geography and Geoscience
Scottish Oceans Institute/Sustainability Institute
Nature of the Resource
Human Activities
-1950s Shipping, Shipbuilding, Fishing

1960/70s- Oil and Minerals

1980/90s- Aquaculture

Current phase: Tourism and Recreation

Current phase: Offshore Renewables:
1. Wind
• Moray, Firth and Tay, Solway, West Coast
• UK 25GW= 10 000 sq km arrays
2. Wave and Tidal
• Pentland Firth
Policy Development
Voluntary approach 1992-
• UK House of Commons Select Committee on
Environment: Coastal Zone 1992
• Focus on the Firths (SNH) 1992
• Scotland’s Coast- A Discussion Paper 1996
• Scottish Coastal Forum 1996
• NPPG13 Coastal Planning 1997
Voluntary approach 1992-1998:
Local/Regional Initiatives
Founding Active
Initiative Founding programme Year 2010?
Orkney Marine and Coastal Forum Orkney Council 1992 No
Cromarty Firth Liaison Group Local Council 1992 No
Forth Estuary Forum Focus on Firths 1993 Yes
Firth of Clyde Forum Focus on Firths 1993 Yes
Solway Firth Partnership Focus on Firths 1994 Yes
Fair Isle Marine Environment &Tourism Ini. Local Initiative 1995 Yes
SNH/Western Isles
The Minch Project Forum Council 1996 No
Moray Firth Partnership Focus on Firths 1996 Yes
Tay Estuary Forum Focus on Firths 1997 Yes
Loch Ryan Advisory Management Forum Local Initiative 1997 No
SNH/Western Isles
The Minch Project-Loch Torridon Council 1999 No
Western Isles CZM Forum Western Isles Council 2002 No
East Grampian Coastal Partnership Local Council 2004 Yes
Atlantic Coast (Wester Ross) Project Local Council/Interreg 2004 Yes
Shetland SSMEI SSMEI 2006 Yes
Berwickshire SSMEI SSMEI 2006 Yes
Clyde SSMEI SSMEI 2006 Yes
Sound of Mull SSMEI SSMEI 2007 Yes
Voluntary approach 1992-
Devolution 1999-2009:

• Sustainable Seas Marine Environmental Initiative (SSMEIm

• Phase 1 Assessment of marine management
• Phase 2 & 3 MSP Pilots 2006-2010

• A Strategy for Scotland’s Coasts (2004) SCF

• Seas the Opportunity (2005) Strategy

• Advisory Group on Marine and Coastal Strategy (AGMACS)

• (1) Science, Research and Performance Indicators
• (2) Conflict Resolution and ICZM
• (3) Marine Spatial Planning
• (4) Marine Nature Conservation.
Devolution 1999-2010: Scottish
Policy Development
Integrated Planning and
Regulation, 2010-
Marine (Scotland) Act 2010

1. National Marine Planning System*

2. Reformed/streamlined Licensing System
3. New Marine Protected Areas for biodiversity and
4. Improved protection for seals

*including National Plan and regional Marine Planning Partnerships

Drivers for Integration

• Integrated Policymaking
• The Marine Acts
• Development
• EU Legislation
• Marine Strategy Framework Directive (EC 2008/56/EC)
Challenges and
Research Questions
Spatial and Scalar organisation
of systems of governance.
• Integration of planning
• Integration of objectives
within ecosystem approach
• Developing competencies
• National agenda for
economic growth
• Local priorities and trade-

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