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a deliberately planned, organization-
wide effort to increase an organization's
effectiveness and/or efficiency.
What is OD ?

• OD is a systemic learning and development

strategy intended to change the basics of
beliefs, attitudes and relevance of values,
and structure of the current organization to
better absorb disruptive technologies,
shrinking or exploding market opportunities
and ensuing challenges and chaos.
What is NOT OD ?

• It is worth understanding what OD is not. It is not training,

personal development, team development, HRD (human
resource development), L&D (learning and development) or
a part of HR although it is often mistakenly understood as
some or all of these. OD interventions are about change so
involve people - but OD also develops processes, systems
and structures. The primary purpose of OD is to develop the
organization, not to train or develop the staff.
Objective of OD

• To increase the level of inter-personal trust among employees.

• To increase employees' level of satisfaction and commitment.
• To confront problems instead of neglecting them.
• To effectively manage conflict.
• To increase cooperation among the employees.
• To increase the organization's problem solving.
• To put in place processes that will help improve the ongoing
operation of the organization on a continuous basis.
Objective of OD Outcome
• Making individuals in the organization aware of the vision of the
organization. Organizational development helps in making employees align
with the vision of the organization.
• Encouraging employees to solve problems instead of avoiding them.
• Strengthening inter-personnel trust, cooperation, and communication for
the successful achievement of organizational goals.
• Encouraging every individual to participate in the process of planning, thus
making them feel responsible for the implementation of the plan.
• Creating a work atmosphere in which employees are encouraged to work
and participate enthusiastically.
• Replacing formal lines of authority with personal knowledge and skill.
• Creating an environment of trust so that employees willingly accept change.
Need of Organizational Development

• Organizational development is a dynamic uses the behavioral

science knowledge to cope up with the change. Every organization wants to
compete and to survive in the long run so organizational development plays a vital
role to fulfill the need of survival of organization.

• 1. Training for change - change is compulsory in the organization to survive in the

long run so organizational development creates an easy environment in the
organization to bring changes that it supports training.
• 2. Responsive organizational culture - organizational development helps in
making the organizational culture more works in the all the direction
of organization.

• OD is a top management supported, long range effort to

improve an organisation’s problem-solving & renewal
• Growth & Relevance:
• 3 major trends are shaping their relevance of OD in this
drastically changing environment:
• Globalization
• Information Technology
• Managerial Innovation
The Importance of Organizational
• Organizational development is the use of
organizational resources to improve efficiency and
expand productivity.
• It can be used to solve problems within the
organization or as a way to analyze a process and find
a more efficient way of doing it.
• Implementing organizational development requires an
investment of time and money. But when you
understand its importance, you can justify the costs.
The Importance of Organizational
• Organizational development is the use of
organizational resources to improve efficiency and
expand productivity.
• It can be used to solve problems within the
organization or as a way to analyze a process and find
a more efficient way of doing it.
• Implementing organizational development requires an
investment of time and money. But when you
understand its importance, you can justify the costs.
The OD Practitioner

• The role of the OD practitioner is varied and dynamic.

Descriptions include; helper, advisor, sounding board,
navigator, coach, facilitator, designer, developer,
leader, consultant, expert, partner, problem solver,
diagnostician, process specialist and collaborator.
These roles can be practiced as an employee within
the organisation or as an external consultant
The OD Practitioner

• OD practitioners are by their very practice

humanistic and that makes their practice
relational based, and puts the OD practitioner at
the centre of change and development efforts;
using ‘self’ as an instrument to drive change and
help the organisation develop through each of
the phases of the OD cycle; Diagnostic,
Intervention and Evaluation
The OD Practitioner Role:

• The OD practitioner is responsible for bringing

their whole self to the task in hand, and build
their reputation as a trusted advisor with their
Key Competencies & professional ethics of
an OD Practitioner
• Theoretical and Technical expertise which can be applied
• Influencing Skills
• Spot and energise engagement in others
• Innovative, Creative and Critical thinking
• Ability to tackle difficulties and problems with positivity
• Self-Confident
• Credible communicators
• Interpersonal and Facilitation skills, with an ability to ‘stand back’
• Emotionally Tuned in
• Ethical, value driven and acts with integrity
OD Process:

• The OD Process is based on the action research model

which begins with an identified problem or need for
change. The process proceeds through assessment,
planning of an intervention, implementing the
intervention, gathering data to evaluate the
intervention, and determining if satisfactory progress
has been made or if there is need for further
OD Process:
OD Process:

• The organizational Diagnostic phase is often integrated within an

overall OD process, commonly called 'a consulting process'. An
example of such a process is:
• Entry --> Diagnosis --> Action Planning --> Implementation -->
• The OD process begins when an organization recognizes that a
problem exists which impacts the mission or health of the
organization and change is desired. It can also begin when leadership
has a vision of a better way and wants to improve the organization.
An organization does not always have to be in trouble to implement
organization development activities.

• Diagnosis is a systematic approach to

understanding and describing the present state
of the organization. The purpose is to specify
the nature of the problem requiring solution to
identify the underlying the forces, and to
provide a basis for selective effective change
strategies techniques.
Document Open :
• The term “intervention” refers to a set of sequenced planned actions or
events intended to help an organization increase its effectiveness.
Interventions purposely disrupt the status quo; they are deliberate
attempts to change an organization or subunit toward a different and
more effective state. In OD, three major criteria define an effective

• the extent to which it fits the needs of the organization;
• the degree to which it is based on causal knowledge of intended
outcomes; and
• the extent to which it transfers change management competence to
organization members.
Organisational change programmes are
typically designed to:
• Change the way people behave at work in order to improve
• Implement a bold new strategy for turning the corporate vision into
• Rethink corporate structure and redesign jobs.
• Integrate merged or acquired companies.
• Re-engineer business processes.
• Implement new IT systems..
• Increase the speed at which new products are developed and
brought to market.
Types of OD Interventions:

• Broadly OD interventions can be classified into:

• Technology related interventions
• Human process interventions (Coaching ,Training
and Development, Process consultation, Team building)
Organisational Development Needs Analysis

• Organisational Development Needs Analysis is

driven by your requirement to meet the
organisation’s future needs in line with its
strategic goals and business plan. It allows you
to prioritise when you have multiple
competing needs, and to make decisions on
where to focus time, attention and finite
resources most effectively.
What is Organisational Development Needs
• Organisational Development Needs Analysis (or
ODNA) is a process for:
• Clarifying where you are now, and where you want
to be.
• Assessing the gap between them.
• Identifying the challenges or obstacles in your way.
• Developing a plan for bridging the gap.
What are the benefits of ODNA?

• All learning and development plans are aligned

with the organisation’s goals.
• You gain a greater understanding of the
organisational, department, team and
individual needs.
• It focuses on ‘right first time’ which achieves
efficiencies and avoids costly mistakes.

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