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Navsheen Mirakhur
Semester 3rd
 In the mathematical subfield of numerical analysis , a B-
spline, or basis spline, is a spline function that has
minimal support with respect to a given degree
and smoothness. Cardinal B-splines have knots that are
What is B equidistant from each other. B-splines can be used
for curve-fitting.
Spline Curve?
 In the computer-aided design and computer graphics,
spline functions are constructed as linear combinations
of B-splines with a set of control points.
 B-Spline Curves are more complex as compared to Bezier
curves. Also, the Degree of B-spline can be independent of the
number of Control Points(with certain limitations).
 B Spline can be defined by the following formula
B-Spline P(u)= ∑Pi Bi,d(u)
Curves: i=0
where umin<= u <=umax and 2<= d <=n+1
 Where Pi are the set of n+1 control Points and Bi,d(u) is B-spline
blending function.
 Degree of B-spline is d-1 and n+1 are the control points.
 Bid (u)= {(u-ui )/(ui+d 1-ui )}Bi d-1(u) + {(ui+d-
Where Bi,1(u)=1 if ui <= u<ui+1
else Bi,1(u)=0
Properties of B-Spline curves:
1. The polynomial curve has degree d-1 and cd-2 continuity.
2. For n+1 control points, the curve has n+1 blending functions.
3. Each blending function Bi,d is defined over d subintervals total
Properties: range of u.
4. The range of parameter u is divided into n+d subintervals by
n+d+1 values specified in knot vector.
5. Each section of spline curve is influenced by d control points.
B-Splines are commonly described according to the
selected knot-vector class:
B spline: Open Uniform
Uniform , Periodic B-spline
Example {0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0}
Uniform B Uniform B splines have periodic blending function.
Spline: That is, for given values of n and d, all blending functions
have the same shape.
Bi,d(u) = Bi+1,d(u+∆u) = Bi+2,d(u+2∆u)
Where ∆ is the interval between adjacent knot values.
Open, Uniform B-splines
Example {0,0,1,2,3,3} d=2,n=3
{0,0,0,0,1,2,2,2,2} d=4,n=4
Open Uniform We can generate open, uniform knot vector by using
B Spline: following calculations:
0, for 0 ≤ j < d
Uj = j-d+1, for d ≤ j ≤ n
n-d+2, for j > n
Non-Uniform B-Spline
Example {0,1,2,3,3,4}
Non-uniform B-splines provide increased flexibility in
Non-Uniform controlling the curve shape.
B Spline Multiple knot values reduce the continuity by 1 for each
repeat of a particular value.
We can obtain blending functions using methods similar
to those discussed for uniform and open uniform B-
 Degree of polynomial does not depend on degree of
control points which means, degree is independent of
number of control points.
Advantages  More local control over the curve as compared to Bezier
 The curve can be used to define both, open and close
Disadvantages  More calculations.
 Lecture notes
References:  Computer Graphics Textbook-Hearn and Baker.
Any Queries???
Thank You 

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