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Commercialization of

Culture: The Batek

Tattoos of Kalinga
By Danielle Cabahug

• Magellan reached the Philippines in 1521

• Batek, to the Kalinga tribe of Northern Luzon is traditional tattooing, and is an
integral part of their culture
• It served several societal functions, having a tight connection to indigenous rituals.
• Since 2009 and at its height in 2013, the batek faces its revival.
• 92 year old Whang Ud is touted “The Last Mambabatok” and is sensationalized as such.
• Tourists get traditional tattoos as souvenirs.
• They stay, insensitive to cultural customs.

“If the indigenous Filipino tradition is being commodified, then a counterculture of responsible and
sustainable tourism must be propagated to preserve this piece of heritage.”
• The batek to this day is part of identity formation, social or otherwise.
• Batek is as integral as the body.
• Batek is a living tradition rather than a dying art

Rite of Passage Rite of Separation Rite of Incorporation

• Whang Ud is sensationalized as “the last Kalinga tattoo artist of the Philippines”
• “Cool culture” draws foreigners, tattoo enthusiasts and the like to Buscalan
• Batek has been commoditized and given cash value, their community’s culture
• Villagers’ dispositions have changed.

Why a counterculture of sustainable tourism?

• Tourism is only as good as its product.

• Local tourism as it stands is turning development into regression.
• A boom in cash flow is not enough
• Goal is not to abolish the revival of traditional tattooing, but to
establish a counterculture that expunges or sets straight the prestige
propagated by media.


If its such a sacred part of culture, why are outsiders

allowed to get it?
Why a counterculture, and not just
sustainable tourism?
What’s wrong with trying to “save” the
“dying art”?
• As sacred practice and tribal art, its revival and must be carefully safeguarded to
continue it as living tradition.
• Movement from mass tourism > sustainable tourism
• The mediation by way of the counterculture addresses this.

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