Unit2 Final

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Tokyo Cairo

New York London

Unit 2
When and Where
1.1. Vocabulary and listening
• What is megacity?
Megacity is a city with more than ten million people
• Exercise 1 (page 18)
Complete the graph with the countries in the box

Egypt India Iran Japan Mexico Turkey

• Answer
Tokyo, Japan Mexico city, Mexico
Delhi, India Cairo, Egypt
Istanbul, Turkey Tehran, Iran
1.1. Vocabulary and listening
• Exercise 3: Complete the table with nationalities in
exercise 2. (page 18)
Suffix Nationality word
-an American Mexican
German ________
-ese Japanese _________
-ish Turkish _________
- other French Czech
Thai _________
1.3. Listening
• Exercise 1: Match the cities to the countries (page 19)
1. Paris a. Germany
2. Moscow b. UK
3. Oxford c. Spain
4. Berlin d. France
5. Madrid e. Russia
1.3. Listening
• Exercise 2: Match the conversation to a place below
(page 19)
__________ 2 __________
Conversation __________ 1
Conversation 3 Conversation
a. At a hotel b. at an airport c. at a party
• Exercise 3: Listen again and circle the correct option
1. He’s Scottish
He’s from Moscow near Glasgow
2. They are from Paris
They are not French
3. He’s from Madrid
He’s Mexican
1.4. Grammar
• E.g.
We are from Paris, Texas in the US. It’s a small place
50 km from Glasgow. It’s near Dallas.
from: to say your country or hometown or to say
the distance from another place
in: for countries or regions
near: to say if it is close to another place
1.4. Grammar
Exercise 1: Complete the dialogue with from, near or in
A: Where are you from?
B: I’m_____
from Brazil
A: Where in Brazil?
B: Petrópolis. It’s about 60 kilometres _______
Rio de Janeiro. And you?
from Bursa.
A: I’m _____
B: Where is that?
A: It’s ____
in Turkey. It’s near Istanbul.
2.1. Vocabulary
• Exercise 1: Match the sentences to the picture
below. (page 20)
It’s big. It’s busy
It’s small. It’s quiet.
It’s noisy. It’s old.
It’s modern.
Picture a: It’s big. It’s noisy. It’s busy. It’s modern.
Picture b: It’s small. It’s quiet. It’s old.
2.1. Vocabulary
• Language note
What is it like?
→ To ask for a description of a place.
What is it like?
It’s a big city. It’s very modern.
2.1. Vocabulary
• Exercise 2: Think of two places in your country.
Write sentences to describe them. (page 20)
Ha Noi is the capital of Vietnam. It’s very modern.
It’s very noisy and crowded.
Nha Trang is a city in the South of Vietnam. It’s very
clean. It’s very modern.
2.2. Reading
• Exercise 3: Read the text again. Are these
statements true (T) or false (T)? (page 20)
1. Astana is an old city. F
2. Astana means capital city. T
3. Astana is a megacity. F
4. Washington DC is a created capital. T
2.3. Grammar
• E.g.
What is your name?
Where is the shopping centre?
How old are you?
What: ask about things
Where: ask about places
How old: ask about age
Why: ask about reason
When: to ask about time
• The order: Question word + be + Subject
2.3. Grammar
• Exercise 1: Circle the correct option. (page 21)
1. What/ Where is the name of the city?
2. How/ What country is it in?
3. What/ Where is the capital?
In the centre of the country.
4. Why/ What is the population?
About 600, 000
5. How/ What is it like?
It’s modern, with lots of new buildings.
3.1. Listening
Exercise 2: Listen to three conversations and tick
the times you hear.

√ √ √
√ √
3.1. Listening
• Exercise 3: Match the conversations 1-3 to the
subjects a-d. There is one subject you do not
need. (page 22)
a. The time a train goes. Conversation 2
b. The time a party starts.
c. The time of a business meeting. Conversation 1
d. The time a film is on. Conversation 3
3.2. Vocabulary
• Exercise 1: Complete the table with the words in
the box. (page 22)

a coffee dinner home to the gym

Go: to the gym
Have: a coffee, dinner
Get: home
3.3. Reading and listening
• Exercise 1: Read the cross-border commuter. Then listen
and complete the table for Laura’s Spanish day (page 22)

Laura’s get up 7.00 am

British day have lunch 12.30pm
have dinner 6.30 pm
go to bed 11.00 pm
Laura’s get up _______
8.00 am
Spanish day have lunch 2.00 pm
have dinner _______
9.00 pm
go to bed _______
3.4. Grammar
• E.g.
I normally have lunch at about 12.30.
Laura gets up at 8.00 for work.
She finishes work at 7.30.
• Use present tense to talk about routines
• He/she/it + V(e/es)
• I/you/we/they + V
3.5. Pronunciation
• Exercise 1: Listen and repeat the sounds and words
(page 23)

/s/ /z/ /iz/

gets has finishes
books pens buses
3.5. Pronunciation
• Exercise 2: Listen and write the word in the
correct column. (page 23)
airports clocks exercises keys
phones starts watches
/s/ /z/ /iz/
airports keys exercises
clocks phones watches
4.1. Vocabulary and listening
• Exercise 1: Read the text about time. Then complete the
chart with the words from the text in bold. (page 24)
60 seconds minute
= 1_______
60 minutes hour
= 1_______
24 _______
hours = 1_______
7 ________
days = 1_______
4 ________
weeks = 1 _______
12 _______
months = 1 _______
10 _______
years = 1 _______
4.1. Vocabulary and listening
• Exercise 2: Put the words in the box into two groups. Then
put them in order in the table (page 24)
Months Days
January July Monday
February August Tuesday
March September Wednesday
April October Thursday
May November Friday
June December Saturday
4.2. Reading and Listening
• Exercise 1: Quickly read When is New Year’s
Day? On page 25. Tick (√) the parts of the world
the text mentions. (page 24)
√ Western countries
Latin American countries
√ South Asia
√ Islamic countries
4.2. Reading and Listening
• Exercise 2: Read and listen to the text again.
Which calendar…. (page 24)
1. has twelve months? Gregorian calendar
2. follows the sun and moon? Indian calendar
3. follows the moon? Islamic calendar
4. follows the sun? Gregorian calendar
5. begins in October or November? Indian calendar
6. begins in January? Gregorian calendar
4.3. Grammar
• Exercise 1: Circle the correct option in each sentence
(page 25)
1. The Gregorian calendar don’t use/ doesn’t use the
moon to measure time.
2. The Islamic calendar don’t use/ doesn’t use the sun to
measure time.
3. The Islamic and Indian calendars don’t start/ doesn’t
start on 1 January.
4.3. Grammar
• Exercise 2 (page 25)
The Chinese calendar uses
____ (use) the sun and the
doesn’t count
moon. It is different because it ______________
(not count) years infinitely. On a Chinese calendar
the years _____(have)
have names: the Year of the Rat,
Year of the Pig, etc and the cycle ______
every 12 years. The Chinese New Year __________
doesn’t start
(not start) on 1 January, it ______(start) between
January and February.
4.4. Writing
• Exercise 1: Read the text about favourite days
below (page 26)
My favourite day is Thursday because I don’t work
and I have lunch with my friends.

My least favourite day is Monday because I start

work very early.
4.4. Writing
• Because:
 Used to explain reason
 Followed by a clause
• E.g.
My favourite job is teaching because I love working
with children.
4.4. Writing
• Exercise: Write about your favourite and least
favourite days. Use because to explain your

My favourite day is…..because………

My least favourite day is……because……

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