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 Recent times have seen an increase in the competition

among the media companies for their survival in the

industry. Be it print, broadcast or social media, the
competition is equally intense every where. Media firms
compete for two things – consumers and advertisers.
The competition has increased to a level where they are
now interested in the competition rather than doing
what they are best at. They have set up some extremely
shoddy business models in order to keep up with the
fierce competition.
 Example – Fake news websites which increases the
Media Cycle of Retention, Distribution and Promotion
 Due to increase in the competition among the companies, the
essence of true journalism has been destroyed. Now, these
firms are only interested in giving news which are more
celebrity based because according to a readership survey that is
what the readers want to know. This has led to a drastic rise in
the existence of Fake News
 Due to the lack of hardcore news, readers have to settle for
tabloids which leads to the decrease in the interest of the
readers to take a stance on anything that they feel strongly
 The increasing competition also manipulates consumers
through rigorous advertising so that they can continue earning
 It also leads to business stealing and a lot of important public
affairs do not get covered .
 Factors which led to a rise in the competition among the
Media Companies
 The pattern of consumption changing due to increasing
 How the agenda of the media companies has shifted
from producing hardcore news to fluff which people
want to read?
 How has this been affecting print, broadcast and social
media individually?
 The impact on the media in general and an indirect
impact on the society.
- Surveys to find out the impact on the consumers and the society due to the increasing
competition between media companies
- Surveys to find out what the people want to read and how it is a response of the increasing

- A study of the factors that lead to the change in the pace of competition between the
- A study of the media companies which have changed their business model to adapt to the

- Literature Review of Existing Case Studies on Media Companies and their competition

- Data from various Readership Surveys and other Indexs
 Content vs. Advertising: The Impact of Competition on
Media Firm Strategy by David Godes, Elie Ofek, and
Miklos Sarvary.
 Lessons from new evidence on the consequences of
increased media competition by Julia Cagé
 News that Sells: Media Competition and News Content
by James T. Hamilton
 The Impact of Market Competition on Journalistic
Performance by Eva-Maria Jacobsson, Lee B. Becker and
Tudor Vlad.

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