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Material Request & Approval Form


Nomor/Number (Automaticaly)
Departemen / Department
Tempat-Tanggal / Place -Date
Deck/ Engine/Galley/Crane/Other: …
• To have a better communication between
Alasan Penggantiaan:
Jelaskan kenapa melakukan pembelian. Contoh: valve bocor, suhu melebihi standart,korosi akibat air laut,Pipa bocor dikarenakan seal tidak bagus, oli berubah warna karena tercampur air
Reason for Replacement:
user and the Manager related on behalf of
Explain why need to making Purchase. Example : Leaked Valve, Over Heat, Corrotion, The Valve is leaking because the seal is not good, the oil changes color because it is mixed with water
the material request prior the approval
No. Material No. Pabrik Keterangan Barang/Jasa

Contoh / Exam: Spesifikasi Detail, Serial Number, Model,

Satuan/ Jumlah
Measurement Permintaan/
Jumlah yang
di setujui/
Request Purpose


Estimasi lokasi
Additional Information
• To have the same standard of ordering the
material request across all the department
Material Number Manufacture Number Attachment/ Permintaan Ulang (Duplicate Request)/ IMPA dikirim / Status Status Delivery date /Expectation
Unit Req.Qty Aprv Qty. Paraf Paraf
Number, Dimensi (ukuran) dan Foto barang /Last Supply Last Delivery Next
Manager Manager
Request Location

Regular Budget
Emergency Not Budget

A practical tools to practice the user to be

Regular Budget

Emergency Not Budget

Regular Budget

more detail regarding the material request

Emergency Not Budget

Regular Budget
Emergency Not Budget

Regular Budget
Emergency Not Budget

• Tools to generate the significant review

Regular Budget
Emergency Not Budget

Regular Budget

based on the item category where the user

Emergency Not Budget

Regular Budget
Emergency Not Budget

Not Budget has been requested, and the action taken
for each remarks will be more informative
Regular Budget
Emergency Not Budget

and specific
Regular Budget
Emergency Not Budget

Regular Budget
Emergency Not Budget

Regular Budget
Emergency Not Budget

Not Budget
• Facilitates the accuracy and completeness
for better downstream processing and
Regular Budget
Emergency Not Budget

Regular Budget

Emergency Not Budget

Regular Budget
Emergency Not Budget

Diverifikasi oleh / Disetujui oleh / Approved by Site

Diminta oleh / Requested by
Verified Rep/ Manager/GM

Nama/ Name: Nama/ Name: Nama/ Name:

Jabatan/Position : Jabatan/Position : Jabatan/Position :

User Behaviour Model – Material Request
User: Port engineer/Port Captain: Manager/Site Manager/General
1. Must complete all the requirement in request 1. Review with user on the reason they need to 1. Review with Port engineer/Port Captain on
form purchase the material (e.g. reason of repair) the reason they need to purchase the
2. User need to fill up the white column 2. Review with user on the quantity of material material (e.g. reason of repair)
(manufacture number, material description, request 2. Review whether the material request is
unit of measure, quantity, request purpose, 3. Review with user on the quality of material within the budget or not
expectation delivery date, expectation (e.g. any equivalent material, specs, brand, 3. Review the quantity and quality of material
delivery next location) serial number) request
3. Provide justification on why they need to 4. To review the requested material whether 4. Review the criticality of request (regular or
purchase material (e.g. attach proof) the stock is under stock inventory or Vendor emergency)
4. Check one of the option of the request Held Stock or direct purchase 5. Review the request delivery date and location
purpose, regular: for the item/material that 5. Review with user on the material request 6. Review with Port engineer/Port Captain on
has been planned, and for the emergency: form completion (form must be completely last supply/historical data
for the material need urgently within 24 filled correctly) 7. Approval required after all the above has
hours, and has to be order immediately 6. Review with user on the request delivery been done, and the Manager need to be
because it will effect the operational date and location aware also involve to follow up on that
significantly 7. Review the criticality of request 8. Final check all the data and the signature
5. Discuss to get approval with Port 8. Review with user on last supply/historical required before send the form to the admin
Engineer/Port Captain and Manager before data MR for SAP data input.
submit the form to creator/planner 9. Review the inventory on-board
6. Plan ahead on request delivery date and 10. Fill up the yellow column and do final check SAP Administrator
delivery location (site and vessel) ~ To before send the form to the site manager
provide enough time for SCM to order and 1. Checking the complete approval signature
deliver part on time. and scan the material request along with the
7. All the signature required to completed purchase requisition and the attach proof
before submit the material request form to 2. Input the requisition into SAP system and
PIC. attach all the hard copy document

User Behaviour Model – Set Email Expectation
Buyer Lead Buyer/Supervisor User:

1. Review the purchase request 1. Short interval control for PR-PO lead 1. Receive information from buyer
2. Develop the email to notify user and time for all buyers regarding the status of PR-PO
logistic that PR has been received and 2. Ensure all request has been informed 2. Must update buyer on any change of
will be processed include: PR-PO lead to all stakeholder delivery date and delivery location ~
time (5 working days), subject to part 3. Monitor all incoming PR has been due to buyer will only refer to PR
availability and delivery time from processed 3. If there is any delay occur, re-prioritize
vendor to MBSS as well as the logistic 4. Action plan required for the material the PR and inform buyer
delivery time to site/vessel which has been delay
3. Inform user and logistic if there is any
delay/pre-order occur, Buyer will Logistic:
initiatively contact user.
4. Follow-up vendor before estimated 1. Receive information from buyer
delivery time which agreed with regarding the status of PR-PO
vendor 2. Initiate to plan the logistic route and
5. For the emergency category buyer estimated price
need to follow up and take action 3. Develop schedule with user to check
within 24 hours once the material the incoming material based on
request received from the user estimated delivery date
6. For the emergency, buyer can bypass
the process, such as: bidding and
buyer can choose single vendor with
Purchasing General Manager approval

User Behaviour Model – Invoice Process
Buyer Finance Vendor:

1. Inform all vendors that there is a 1. Review all incoming invoices based 1. Vendor required to submit the
on front-page checklist complete invoice based on MBSS
updated general information via email 2. All incomplete invoice will be rejected requirement
along with the Purchase Order and vendor will have all the 2. Incomplete invoice can not be
accountability to ensure the proceed
2. Request vendor to confirm the updated completion of invoice. 3. The lead time of payment will started
term and condition via email back to 3. Incomplete invoice will be informed count once the MBSS received the
to respective vendor including which complete invoice from vendor other
us. requirement need to be completed wise the payment will be on hold
3. Inform all vendors all incomplete before MBSS can process the invoice
4. Vendor accountable to retrieve the
invoice will be rejected and vendor will rejected invoice
have all the accountability to ensure
the completion of invoice.
4. Inform all vendors that invoice will be
submitted directly to finance dept.
5. Inform all vendors that MBSS will
provide a list of requirement to
complete invoice pack

User Behaviour Model – Vendor Pre-Qualification
Vendor Pre-Qualification PR-PO Status Update in Share-drive Review Vendor Performance KPIs

Vendor Buyer Buyer

1. Update the status of PR-PO in share- 1. Review the purchase price variance
2. Review the OTIF based on the shipment
1. Fill out the Master vendor Form drive
2. Vendor need to support MBSS 2. Inform stakeholder the status of PR- 3. Record the OTIF of each shipment ~
Requirement PO status can be found in share-drive including delivery, quantity, quality
3. Vendor need to supply 3. Update any delay during process PR 4. Record vendor notification 24hours prior to
material/service based on Purchase to PO shipment
Order (PO) in MBSS 5. Justify improvement needed for each vendor
– action log
6. Review delivery accuracy, quality of good,
1. Update estimated delivery time competitive Price, availability of good, speed
Buyer based on the status of response, term of Payment, good
2. Update confirmed delivery time Cooperation dan agreement
1. Check all requirement vendor based on the status 7. Ensure to all the department get good quality
document material from vendor
8. Provide feedback to vendor prior to working
2. Provide scoring for vendor assessment Supervisor
3. Working with finance and technical for 1. Monitor all Incoming PR
justification vendor document 2. Make sure every PR has to be Manager
4. For the emergency buyer need to processed 1. Do adjustment to vendor qualification based
follow up within 24 hours 3. Update all information about PR to on Vendor Performance ~ performed vendor
PO will be upgraded and unperformed vendor
will be downgraded

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