Choose The Adjective CAE & CPE

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Choose the adjective:

bated flat pet square

broad foregone practical tall
confirmed golden rough unwritten
dark hot sharp weak
fair naked sore wishful

1.She had a very.......tongue, and could be really sarcastic.

2.The result of the election was a/an......conclusion.
Everybody knew which party would win.
3.There is a/ in this club that you never borrow
money from a fellow-member.
4.She had a vivid imagination but her spelling was her.......
point when it came to writing essays.
5.You don’t need a telescope to see the planet Venus-you can
see it with the......eye.
bated flat pet square broad foregone practical
tall confirmed golden rough unwritten dark
hot sharp weak fair naked sore wishful

6.Watch out for Paul Blake in the competition; he’s a bit of

7.We decided to play a/an.......joke on our teacher by putting a
“For sale”sign on his car.
8.Don’t mention last year’s Christmas party to Harry;it’s a bit
of a/an........point with him.
9.The one thing about Pamela is that you can trust her; you
know she’ll give you a/
10.He’ll never get married; he’s a/an.......bachelor.
11.Don’t believe a word he says; it’s just another of
12.Do you know if there’s a/an.......line between 10 Downing
Street and the Kremlin?
13.I don’t really want to be 20 again;it was just.......thinking.
Checking: 2.foregone (predicted) 3.unwritten


5.naked 6.dark (secretive)

7.practical (tricky) 8.sore

9.fair 10.confirmed (inveterate)

11.tall (unbelievable) (line for
emergencies) 13.wishful

Bated breath (anxious)

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