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Employee stress

 Survey in which employee, those who find their job

are demanding increasing amount of time and
energy. A National sample of U.S. employees.

 Feel overworked :54%

 Are overwhelmed by workload :55%
 Lack time for reflection :59%
 Don’t have time to complete task :56%
 Must multitask to much :45%
Introduction of Stress

 Stress has been define as a physical mental or

emotional response to events which case
mental or bodily tension. In the modern life
stress is a part and parcel of our lives.
Types of stress

 Stress can manifest itself in a number of ways

depending upon the suddenness of an event
to be dealt and type of stressors to be handle
by and individual.
 Physical
 Emotional and
 Psychological
Potential Sources of Stress

 What cases Stress

 There are three category of potential stress
1. Environmental factor
2. Organizational factor
3. Personal factor
Environmental Factor:
 Environmental uncertainty influence level among
employees and an organization.
 Change in the business cycle, create economic
 Political uncertainty can be stress inducing.
 Technological uncertainty can case stress because
new innovations can make an employee’s skill and
experience obsolete in a very short period of time.
Organizational Factor:
 Pressure to avoid error or complete tasks in a limited time period, work
overload, a demanding and insensitive boss, and unpleasant workers are
a few example.
 Task demand or factor related to person’s and the physical work layout.
 Roll demand related to pressure that are a function of the roll and
individual play in an organization.

a) Roll conflict create that may be hard to reconcile or satisfied.

b) Roll overload is experience when the employee is expected to do more
than time permits.
c) Roll ambiguity is created when roll expectation are not clearly

 interpersonal demands are pressure created by other employees.

Personal or Individual Factor:
 These are factors in the employee’s personal life.
Primarily, these factor are family issues, personal
economy problems, and inherent personality
 broken families, wrecked marriages and other
families issues make create stress at workplace as
 Economic problem created by individuals over
standing their financials resources spending more
than earning stretches financial position, created
debt situation leading to stress among individuals.
 A significant individual factor influencing stress
is a person’s basic dispositional nature. over
suspicious anger and hostility increases a
person’s stress and risk for heart disease. These
individuals with high level of mistrust for others
case stress for themselves.
 Stressor are additive builds up.

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