7A - Music Mag Preparation

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For the production task: the music magazine
NME - House Style
Is it effective? How does it ‘hold together’? What conventions are most dominant? Look for
the use of colours, fonts, graphic features, stylistics, the size of different elements, grouping of
elements together etc.
NME magazine is very effective, the colour scheme of red white and black create a edgy appeal, while the blocks framing the
information help catch the readers eye for points of interest. The fonts are blocked to make them stand out against the photography
and pull together with the colour scheme. The pictures are incorporated in different sizes, but usually dominate the front, contents,
and double page spread as the unique selling points.
The convention which dominates the magazine is the red white black colour scheme which is consistent throughout the magazine.
PME- House Style
Is it effective? How does it ‘hold together’? What conventions are most dominant? Look for the use of colours, fonts, graphic
features, stylistics, the size of different elements, grouping of elements together etc.
The photography is either centred or at the top of the page so the eyes fixate on them first.
PME magazine has a style of turquoise red , white and black, however the photography shows a girl with pink hair which dominate the front,
contents and double page spread, making it add to the colour scheme. The bubble gum colour scheme creates a fun girly outlook of a pop
The fancy font on the masthead of PME creates a carnival theme relating to a fun quirky pop genre. The artist Pink seems to inspire the editor
of the magazine with the pink hair and carnival styled font and colour scheme, relates to P!nk’s touring style of a Summer Carnival.
Kerrang - House Style
Is it effective? How does it ‘hold together’? What conventions are most dominant? Look for the use of colours, fonts,
graphic features, stylistics, the size of different elements, grouping of elements together etc.
Kerrang follows the conventional colours scheme of red white black and yellow to create a edgy outlook on the magazine.
Red could symbolise danger and rebellion while yellow could suggest wealth and could remind the reader of lighting on a
concert stage.
The main photographs used present the artists as superior with high angle shots, while showing the group photographs with
Real R n’ B - House Style
Is it effective? How does it ‘hold together’? What conventions are most dominant? Look for the use of colours, fonts,
graphic features, stylistics, the size of different elements, grouping of elements together etc.
Real R N B has a colour scheme of black white and gold creating a expensive flashy style which relates to the flashy lifestyle of
R N B artists, The graphic features of stars and banners with a bold block formatting with fancy styling on headlines and
mast head create a flashy appeal. The photography of the girl looking fierce and dominating the page relates to the flashy
glamorous lifestyle created from the RNB house style
Rolling Stone - House Style
Is it effective? How does it ‘hold together’? What conventions are most dominant? Look for the use of colours, fonts,
graphic features, stylistics, the size of different elements, grouping of elements together etc.
The Rolling Stones is a classic style of a poster, with the photography of Lil Wayne dominating the front cover, while the old
fashioned gold font for the masthead creates a vintage outlook showing that the magazine has been running for many years.
The masthead is half covered by a black and white block graphic feature with text if ‘Bush Crimes’ creates a point of interest
and dominates over the masthead to creates the magazine some bankability since it is a well known magazine and people will
recognise it with a glance. The colour scheme of white black and red for the contents and double page spread with red edging
underlining and splitting up points of interest makes the magazine follow the traditional conventions of a music magazine.
The front page is simplistic and the unique selling point is the photograph of Lil Wayne making him seem bankable, while the
yellow and white font which is blocked with black edging help stand out.
The contents page is busy with texts and smaller photographs of Shakira and Lady Ga Ga making them seem bankable also.
Siren - House Style
Is it effective? How does it ‘hold together’? What conventions are most dominant? Look for the use of colours, fonts,
graphic features, stylistics, the size of different elements, grouping of elements together etc.
Siren magazine goes against the conventional colour scheme with the use of bright girly colours such as pink yellow and blue
to create a bright poppy image to the magazine. The use of monochrome and colour images dominating each page makes the
artist shown seem bankable and the unique selling point, while the different colours and fronts used for the masthead and
plugs frame the image. The swirly spiral graphic feature is consistent throughout the magazine to make it a iconic feature so
the magazine is recognisable.
Issuu –
on the
Consider also the house style of online magazines: Is it effective? How does it ‘hold together’? What conventions are most
dominant? Look for the use of colours, fonts, graphic features, stylistics, the size of different elements, grouping of elements
together etc.
The blue and white colour scheme differs from other magazine publications, showing a great contrast between online and tabloid magazines.
The blue row panel show points of interest and the panel of pictures along the bottom show points of interest. The masthead issuu is placed at the top
corner of the screen so the reader’s eye is enticed. The use of panels to split up information and a variety of links to information making it effective and
easy to use while creating a simplistic approach to a online magazine making it differ from a front cover of kerrang and NME.
The size of photographs and fonts are all similar to reinforce the simplistic approach making it easy ion the eye while the pictures stand out and entice
enough against the white background.
The simplistic house style seems to create a professional outlook on a online magazine.

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