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Creating the great business leaders

An Overview Of
Data Management
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University
How Does Data Compare to Information and




2 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University

What is data?
• Data are raw facts or observations that are considered to have little
or no value until they have been processed and transformed into

• Data items refers to an elementary description of things, events,

activities, and transactions that are recorded, classified, and stored
but are not organized to convey any specific meaning.

• Data items can be numbers, letters, figures, sounds, or images

3 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University

What is information?

• Information: Data that have been processed so that

they have meaning and value to the recipient

• The recipient interprets the meaning and draws

conclusions and implications from the information.

4 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University

Cycle of the information?

5 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University

What is information?

• Information:
– involves transforming data using a defined process;
– involves placing data in some form of meaningful context;
– is produced in response to an information need and therefore
serves a specific purpose;
– helps reduce uncertainty, thereby improving decision behavior.

6 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University

What is knowlegde?

• Knowledge consists of data and/or

information that have been organized and
processed to convey understanding,
experience, accumulated learning, and
expertise as they apply to a current problem.

7 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University

Transformation data ?

8 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University

Types of Information Processing?

• Classification: This involves placing data into categories, for example,
categorising an expense as either a fixed or a variable cost.
• Rearranging/sorting: This involves organising data so that items are
grouped together or placed into a particular order. Employee data, for
example, might be sorted according to last name or payroll number.
• Aggregating: This involves summarising data, for example, by calculating
averages, totals or subtotals.
• Performing calculations: An example might be calculating an employee’s
gross pay by multiplying the number of hours worked by the hourly rate of
• Selection: This involves choosing or discarding items of data on the basis
of a set of selection criteria. A sales organisation, for example, might
create a list of potential customers by selecting those with incomes above
a certain level.

9 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University

What is Information System?

• Information System (IS) is a system purposed to

get the right information to the right people at
the right time in the right amount and in the
right format.

• IS collects, processes, stores, analyzes, and

disseminates information for a specific purpose.

10 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University

What is Information Technology?

• Information Technology is technolgy that relates to

any computer-based tool that people use to work
with information and support the information and
information processing needs of an organization

• Although IS and IT has distinct terms, in practice they

are typically used interchangeably.

11 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University

What is IT Infrastructure?

• Olderly, IT Infrastructure is the physical hardware

used to interconnect computers and users.

• Nowdays, IT infrastructure consists of physical

facilities, IT components, IT services, and IT
personnel that support the entire organization.

12 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University

What is IT Architecture?

• IT Architecture is a high-level map or plan of the information assets in an


13 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University
What is IT Infrastructure?

Information System

System Development
Managing Security and Risk
Data management
System Development
IT Services Managing Security and Risk
Data Management
System Development
Wireless Communications
Managing Security and Risk and networks
IT Components Data management
14 Creating the great business leaders
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University

Why is it important ?
Data management plays significant role in organization ability to generate
revenue, control cost and mitigate risk

15 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University
How Does Data Management Compare to
Information Management ?
Data are just facts. In IT Process, data generally represented as content in a
field. Data for example can be the amount of money for a check, a bank
balance or an amount for an income statement or balance sheet account.
Data become information when they are structured to provide context and
meaning. For example Information for a payment is the combination of the
data for the amount paid, date transaction, bank account charge and the
Management Data generally focus on defining of the element and how its
structured, store and moved. Management information is more concerned
with the security, accuracy, completeness and timeless multiple pieces of
16 Creating the great business leaders
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Introduction to Database System
Telkom University

• Database systems are Databases are widely used :

designed to manage large • Banking
bodies of information. • Airlines
• Universities
• A major purpose of database • Credit Card Transaction
system is to provide users • Telecommunication
with abstract view of data • Finance
• Sales
• Manufacturing
• Human Resources

17 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Introduction to Database System
Telkom University
Database system vs File System

18 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Introduction to Database System
Telkom University

19 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Introduction to Database System
Telkom University
Database System vs File System

20 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University
Database Management System (DBMS)

A database-management system (DBMS) is a collection of interrelated

data and a set of programs to access those data.
• The collection of data, usually referred to as the database, contains
information relevant to an enterprise.
• The primary goal of a DBMS is to provide a way to store and retrieve
database information that is both convenient and efficient.
Management of data involves both defining structures for storage of
information and providing mechanisms for the manipulation of

21 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University
Database Management System (DBMS)

• Collection program that manages database

structure and control access data
• Make possible to share data among multiple
application or users
• Makes data management more efficient and
• End user have better access to more and better
managed data

22 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University
Database Management System (DBMS)

23 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University
Relational Databased Management System (RDBMS)

All modern database management system like SQL, MS SQL Server, IBM
DB2, ORACLE, My-SQL and Microsoft Access are based on RDBMS

How it Works ?
• Data is represented in term of tuples (rows)
• Relational Database Is most commonly used databased. It contains
number of tables and each tables has its own primary key.
• Due to collection of organized set of tables, data can be accessed easily

24 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University

25 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Data Management
Telkom University

26 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business RDBMS
Telkom University

27 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business RDBMS
Telkom University

Example of Data Student Table

ID Name Major GPA

100001 Aya Economic 3,7
100002 Nana IT 3,5
100003 Ali Economic 2,9
100004 Budi Mathematic 3,9
100005 Indah Science 2,2

28 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business RDBMS
Telkom University

• Every table is broken up into smaller entities called field. Field of

student tables consist of ID, Name, Major and GPA

• A field is column of a table that design to maintain specific information

about every record in table

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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business RDBMS
Telkom University

• A row of a table is also called record

• It contain the specific information of each individual entry
in a table. It is horizontal entity in table

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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business RDBMS
Telkom University

• A Null value in a table is value in a field that appears to be

blank, which means a field with a NULL value is a field
with no value
• It is very important to understand that NULL value is
different than a zero value or field that contains spaces
• NULL value is one that has been left blank during record

31 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business RDBMS
Telkom University
This is one This is one
record or one Column
ID Name Major GPA
100001 Aya Economic 3,7
100002 Nana IT 3,5
100003 Ali Economic 2,9
100004 Budi null 3,9
100005 Indah Science 2,2

This one field This Null


32 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business RDBMS
Telkom University

What is Databased KEY ?

• Key are very important part of relational databased.

• They used to establish and identity relation between
• They also ensure that each record within table can be
uniquely identified by combination of one or more fields
within table
• A key is the relational means of specifying uniqueness
• Example in student database ID Student could used as a

33 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business RDBMS
Type of KEYS?
Telkom University

• Super Key is a set of one or more than one key that can be
used to identity a record uniquely in a table.
• Candidate Key are defined as the set of fields from which
primary key can be selected.
• Primary Key is a candidate key that is most appropriate to
become main key of the table.
• Alternate Key is a key that can be work as primary key
• Composite or compound Key is a key that consist of two
or more attributes that uniquely identified
• Foreign Key is a field in a database that is primary key on
another table.
• Secondary or Alternative Key
34 Creating the great business leaders
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business RDBMS
Telkom University

Foreign KEYS? Composite or compound KEYS?

35 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Management Business Process
Telkom University
IT Support for Business
• Business environment is the combination of
social, legal, economis, physical, and political
factors that affect business activities.

• Organizations typically respond to these

pressures with activites supported by IT

36 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Management Business Process
Telkom University
Managers & Decision Making
• Management is a process by which organizational goals
are achieved through the use of resources (people,
money, energy, material, space and time)

• Classic definition of management (by Henri Fayol): ‘To

manage is to forecast and plan, to organise, to command,
to coordinate and to control’

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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Management Business Process
Telkom University

Management Level

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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Management Business Process
Telkom University
How does information support managers?
• Managers basic roles (Mintzberg, 1973):
– Interpersonal roles: figurehead, leader, liason
– Informational roles: monitor, disseminator, spokeperson,
– Decisional roles: entrepreneur, disturbance handler,
resource allocator, negotiator

• Early IS primarily supported the informational roles. But now IS

have been developed that support all three roles

39 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Decision Support Framework
Telkom University

Problem Structure

 Structured decisions refer to routine and repetitive problems for which

standard solution exist, such as inventory control
 Unstructured decisions refer to complex problems in which human
intuition often plays an important role in making the decision.
 Semistructred decision require a combination of standard solution
procedure and individual judgement

40 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Decision Support Framework
Telkom University

Nature of Decision
 Operational control – executing specific tasks efficiently
and effectively
 Management control – acquiring and using resources
efficiently in accomplishing organizational goals
 Strategic planning – setting the long-range goals and
policies for growth and resource allocation

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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Management Business Process
Telkom University
Information characteristics by management level

42 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Management Information System
Telkom University

43 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Management Information System
Telkom University

What is a management information system (MIS) ?

Is a computerized databased of financial information

organized and programmed in such a way that it produces
regular report on operations for every level management in a

MIS plays the role of information generation, communication

problems and helps in the process of decision making, MIS
plays a vital role in the management, administration and
operation in organization.

44 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Management Information System
Telkom University

• Provide management
with information
• Regular, Routine
• Control, Organize & Plan

45 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Management Information System
Telkom University

46 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Introduction to Data and Information Resource Management
Telkom University

47 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Introduction to Data and Information Resource Management
Telkom University

• Information Resources Management (IRM) is the foundation

for managing data, information, knowledge to maximize the
quality, usability, and value of their information resources.
• The management (planning, organization, operations and
control ) of the resources (human and phisycal) concern with
the system support (development, enhancement and
maintenance) and the servicing (Processing, transformation,
distribution, storage and retrieval) of information for an

48 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Information System and Content Management
Telkom University

49 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Information System and Content Management
Telkom University

50 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Introduction to Information Technology
Telkom University

IT Components ?
• Hardware
• Software
• Networks and telecommunication

51 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Introduction to Information Technology
Telkom University

IT Components ?
• Hardware
• Software
• Networks and telecommunication

52 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Introduction to Information Technology
Telkom University
• Computer system: Interrelated components including
hardware and software that work together with the aim
of converting data into information.

• Hardware: The physical components of a computer

system: input devices, memory, central processing unit,
output devices and storage devices.

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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Introduction to Information Technology
Telkom University

54 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Introduction to Information Technology
Telkom University
• Input device: Hardware used to enter data, information or instructions into a
computer-based information system.
• Central processing unit (CPU): The processor found in a computer system
that controls all of the computer’s main functions and enables users to
execute programs or process data.
• Memory (Primary Storage): A temporary means of storing data awaiting
processing, instructions used to process data or control the computer system,
and data or information that has been processed.
• Secondary Storage : A permanent means of storing data and programs until
they are required.
• Output devices: Translate the results of processing – output – into a human
readable form.

55 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Input Device
Telkom University

 Human Data Entry devices

 Require a certain amount of human effort to input

 Source-Data Automation Input Devices

 Input data with minimal human intervention

56 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Human Data Entry devices
Telkom University

 Keyboard: Keys are arranged so that users can locate

them more quickly and easily in a way that makes
prolonged use more comfortable.
 Mouse & optical mouse: handheld device used to point
cursor on screen such as an icon, to instruct computer
to take some action
 Trackball: A trackball is a pointing device that is
controlled by rotating a small ball with the fingertips or
palm of the hand
 Pointing Stick: small button-like device, cursor moves
in the direction of the pressure you place on the stick

57 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Human Data Entry devices
Telkom University

 Joystick: moves cursor to desired place on screen;

commonly used in workstations that display dynamic
 Touch screen: users instruct computer to take same
action by touching a particular part of the screen;
commonly used in information kiosk such as ATM
 Stylus: pen-style device that allows user either to touch
or to handwrite into the computer; works with touch-
sensitive screens
 Web camera: a real time video camera whose images can
be accessed via the Web or instant messaging

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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business
Human Data Entry devices
Telkom University

 Touchpad: user moves cursor by sliding finger accross

a sensitized pad and the can tap pad when cursor is in
desired position to instruct computer to take action
 Graphics tablet: has a flat surface for drawing and a
pen or stylus that is programmed to work with the
 Voice recognition: converts voice wave sounds into
digital input for computer

59 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Source-Data Automation Input Devices
Telkom University

 Magnetic stripe reader: a device that reads

data from a magnetic stripe
 Point-of-sale (POS) terminals: computerized
cash registers that also may –incorporate
touchscreen and barcode scanners to input
 Barcode scanner: devices scan black and
white barcode lines printed on merchandise

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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business

Telkom University
Source-Data Automation Input Devices
 Optical mark reader: scanner for detecting presence
of dark marks on predetermined grid, such as
multiple-choice test answer sheets
 Magnetic ink characteristics readers: read magnetic
ink printed on checks
 Retina scanning displays: project an image directly
onto a viewer’s retina
 Radio frequency identification (RFID): uses active or
passive transmitters to wirelessly transmit product
information to electronic readers

61 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Output Devices
Telkom University

 Monitors
 Cathode ray tubes (CRT)
 Liquid crystal display (LCD)
 Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs)
 Printer
 Laser
 Inkjet
 Plotters
 Voice output (speaker/headset)
 Video projector

62 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Storage devices
Telkom University

 Primary storage: stores small amounts of

data and information that will be used
immediately by the CPU

 Secondary storage: stores much larger

amounts of data and information (an entire
software program) for extended periods of

63 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Primary Storage
Telkom University

 3 types of information stored:

 Data to be processed by the CPU
 Instructions for the CPU as to how to process data
 Operating system programs that manage various
aspects of the computer’s operation.

64 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Primary Storage
Telkom University

 Registers
 Part of CPU
 High-speed storage areas that store very small
amounts of data and instructions for short
periods of time after and before processing

 Cache memory
 A type of high-speed memory that enables the
computer to temporarily store blocks of data that
are used more often and that a processor can
access more rapidly than RAM

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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Primary Storage
Telkom University

 Random Access memory (RAM)

 Holds a software program and small amounts of
data for processing.
 Like register & cache, it is volatile, that lose their
contents if the current is lost or turned off.
 Types of RAM:
 Dynamic RAM (DRAM) – relatively slow, but cheap
 Static RAM (SRAM) – faster, but costly
 Magnetic RAM (MRAM) – use magentism rather than
electricty, to store data. It is nonvolatile.

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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Primary Storage
Telkom University

 Read-only Memory
 Is the place where certain critical instructions are
 Is nonvolatile, so it retains these instructions when
the power to the computer is turned off.
 Read-only means that these instructions can only be
read by the computer and cannot be changed by the

67 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Secondary Storage
Telkom University

 Designed to store very large amounts of data

for extended periods of time.
 Characteristics:
 It is nonvolatile
 It takes more time to retrieve data from secondary
storage than it does from RAM
 It is cheaper than primary storage
 It can take place on a variety media

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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Secondary Storage
Telkom University

 Magnetic Storage
 Magnetic tape: kept on a large open reel or in a smaller
cartridge or cassette
 Magnetic disks/hard drive: divided into tracks and
sectors that provide addresses for various pieces of data
 Floppy disk: Consists of a plastic disk, coated with a
magnetic covering and enclosed within a rigid plastic

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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Secondary Storage
Telkom University

 Optical Storage
 Compact Disk, Read-only memory (CD-ROM): storage
devices feature high capacity, low cost, and high
 CD-RW (rewritable): adds rewritability to the
recordable compact disk market
 Digital Video Disk (DVD): providing storage capabilities
of 17 gigabytes with access speed faster than CD-ROM

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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Secondary Storage
Telkom University

 Flash Memory
 Nonvolatile computer memory that can be
electrically erased and reprogrammed.
 One populer flash memory device is thumb drive
(memory stick, jump drive, or flash drive) that fit
into Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports on PC and
other devices.

71 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Telkom University

 CPU performs the actual computation inside

any computer.
 CPU sequantially accesses program
instructions, decodes them, and controls the
flow of data to and from the ALU, the
registers, the caches, primary storage,
secondary storage, and various output
 Algorithmic-logic unit (ALU) performs the
mathematic calculations and makes logical
 CPU can process only binary data

72 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Innovations in hardware utilization
Telkom University

 Server farms: massive data centers which contain

hundreds of thousands of networked computer
 Server virtualization : uses software-based
partitions to create multiple virtual servers (called
virtual machines) on a single physical server
 Grid computing: applies the unused processing
resources of many geographically dispersed
computers in a network to form a virtual
 Utility computing: a service provider makes
computing resources and infrastructure
management available to a customer as needed
73 Creating the great business leaders
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Innovations in hardware utilization
Telkom University

 Edge computing: is the process in which parts of

web site content and processing are located close to
the user to decrease response time and lower
processing costs
 Autonomic computing: system configures itself
optimally to meet the requirements, finds and
repairs hardware and software problems, and
protects itself against attacks and failures
 Nanotechnology: creation of materials, devices, and
systems at a scale of 1 to 100 nanometers (billionth
of a meter), require very little power but have huge
storage capacities

74 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business SOFTWARE
Telkom University

 Software: A series of detailed instructions that

control the operation of a computer system.

 Software exists as programs that are

developed by computer programmers.

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School of Economic and Business SOFTWARE
Telkom University


System Application
Software Software

System System
Control Support Proprietary Off-the-Shelf
Programs Programs

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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business SOFTWARE
Telkom University

 Systems software:a set of instruction that serves

primarily as an intermediary between computer
hardware and application programs.

 Application Software: a set of computer instructions

that provide more specific functionality – information
processing activities - to a user.

77 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business System Software
Telkom University
 System Control Programs
 Control use of the hardware, software, and data resources
of a computer system.
 The main system control programs is the operating system
(OS) which provides an interface between user and
 OS key functions is to monitor the computer’s status and
scheduling operations.

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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business System Software
Telkom University

 System Support Programs

 Supports the operations, management, and users of a
computer system by providing a variety of support services
 Examples:
 System utility programs: to accomplish common task such
as sorting records and creating directories.
 System performance monitor: to monitor the processing of
jobs on a computer system.
 System security monitor: to monitor the use of a computer
system to protect it and its resources

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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Application Software
Telkom University

 Proprietary application software

 Developed in-house by the organization’s IS personnel, or it
may be commissioned from a software vendor
 Off-the-shelf application software
 Can be purchased, leased, or rented from vendor that
develops programs and sells them to many organizations.
 Consists of:
 special-purpose application , may be standard or customizable for
specific business need
 general-purpose application, to help individual user, also called
personal application software

80 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Computer networks
Telkom University

A computer network can be defined as:

‘a communications system that links two or more
computers and peripheral devices and enables transfer of
data between the components’.

81 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Telecommunication System
Telkom University
 Telecommunications system: The method by which data
and information are transmitted between different

 Major components:
 Devices, as both transmitters and receivers
 Communication processors
 Communication channel & media

82 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Communiccation Processors
Telkom University
 Modems
 To convert digital signals to analog signals (a process called
modulation) and analog signals to digital signals (a process
called demodulation)
 3 types of modem: dial-up modems, DSL modems, and
cable modems
 Multiplexer
 An electronic device that allows a single communications
channel to carry data transmissions simultanously from
many sources, such as hub
 Front-end Processor
 Specialized computer manages all routing communications
with peripheral device

83 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Communication media & channel
Telkom University

 Cable
 Twisted-pair wire,
 Coaxial cable,
 Fiber-optic cable
 Broadcast/wireless
 Microwave
 Satellite,
 Radio
 infrared

84 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Types of Network
Telkom University

 Personal area networks (PANs)

 Short-range networks used for communication among
ddevice close to one person
 Local area networks (LANs)
 A computer network that spans a limited geographic
area, typically a single office or building.
 Metropolitan area networks (MANs)
 Relatively large computer networks that cover a
metropolitan area

85 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business Types of Network
Telkom University

 Wide area networks (WANs)

 Networks that cover large geographic areas and typically
connect multiple LANs.
 Generally provided by common carriers such as telephon
companies and the internatioanal networks of global
communication service provider
 Enterprise Networking
 Consists of multiple LANs (called embedded LANs) and
multiple WANs which are interconnected

86 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business

Telkom University
Table 5.1 A summary of the key advantages and disadvantages of network technology

Advantages Disadvantages

1 Lower transaction costs due to less 1 Overreliance on networks for

human input mission -critical applications

2 Improved sharing of information and 2 Cost of initial setup and administration

hardware resources 3 Disruption during initial setup and

3 Reduced costs through sharing hardware maintenance

and software 4 Reduced security due to more

4 Reduced time for communication compared externa l access points to the network

with traditional methods such as postal mail on wide -area networks and the Internet

5 Increased security of data which is backed

up on file servers. Increased security through

restricting access via user names and passw ords

87 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Internet concepts
School of Economic and Business

Telkom University

 Internet: A global network system made up of many

smaller systems.

 Intranet: a network designed to serve the internal

informational needs of a single organization

 Extranet: connects parts of the intranets of different

organization and allows secure communication
among business partners over the Internet using
virtual private networks.

88 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business

Telkom University

Figure 5.12 The relationship between intranets, extranets and the Internet

89 Creating the great business leaders

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
School of Economic and Business

Telkom University

90 Creating the great business leaders

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