1-Generating Ideas

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Ice Breaking:

Confucius Teachings teach us……

 “language is significant to human beings. It must be clear!
 “If the language is not clear, what is said is not what is meant.”
 “If what is said is not what is meant, what should be done will remain undone.”
 “If what should be done remains undone, moral and arts will deteriorate.”
 “If moral and arts deteriorate, justice will go astray.”
 “If justice goes astray, people will stand out in a helpless confusion.”
The process of writing
1. Prewriting (selecting a topic and generating ideas)
2. Drafting
3. Revising
 Getting frustrated
 Having no ideas to write/having nothing to say about
the topic
Generating ideas: . Brainstorming
“It is a way to associate ideas and stimulate thinkig
Done by:
1. Start with a word/phrase
2. Let your thoughts go in whatever direction they will
3. Put down whatever comes to our mind
4. Do not think logically, but write ideas as quickly as
5. Examine the listed words/ideas (if the ideas are
related and can be grouped
Small energetic
Wrinkled skinny short
Spots on hands slippers drives old car
Strange fruit twinkle in eye apple trees
Homemade bread
Clean clothes
-------- ----------- -------------
Generating ideas: Freewriting
“Writing without stopping; it means writing whatever
comes to our mind without paying attention to the
ideas or the grammar”
Generating ideas: . WH-Question
(Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How)
 Write out as many WH-questions as you can for
Generating ideas: Clustering
“It is making a visual map of ideas.”
 It helps to make associations
 It is done by:
1. Introducing a topic
2. Writing ideas that are associated with the topic
3. Drawing a line to show the association
 It is the actual writing of the paragraph or essay.
 It is done soon after material or ideas have been
 In this stage, no need to be overly concerned with the
grammatical correctness
 Revising; changing the content and organization of
the paragraph or essay. It is an activity to rethink or see
the writing; it is evaluating or making judgment of the
 (Add, Cut, Replace, or Move material around)
 Editing, making the sentences or words correct

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