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Nadya Rizky Syah Putri

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Dutch Colonization

Removed by Japan

Started again after announcing

the Independence Day
Audiolingual Communicative Genre-Based
Approach Approach Approach
Curriculum Approach
Syllabus is the statement what is to be learnt
Hutchinson and Waters (1987, p. 80)
Syllabus can also be seen as a summary of the
content to which learner to be exposed
Yalden (1987, p. 87)
Syllabus is as being concerned essentially
with the grading of content while
methodology is concerned of learning tasks
and activities as the result of the teaching.
(Nunan, p.40)
Two Major
Types of

Product Process
oriented Oriented
• Focus on the end of
Product Product
• The result is the
Oriented material asked

• Focus on the learning

Process Experience
• Increasing the
Oriented communication skills
Analytic and Syntetic

Grammatical Syllabus

Critizing Grammatical
Functional Notional

Critizing Functional
Notional Syllabus

Analytic Syllabus
Procedural Syllabus

Task Based Syllabus

Content Syllabus
 Analytic Syllabus : The language is used for
the specific purposes. Its system uses the
communicative purposes

 Syntetic Syllabus : the language structures

were learned separately
 Language structures were learned step by
step until the whole structure has been built
up grammatical system.
 It is one in which the content of language
teaching is a collection of the forms and
structures usually grammatical, of the
language being taught.
 Its language theory is Behaviorism with
audiolingual method
The blue balloon drifted quietly over a boy

and his dog

Noun Phrase verb phrase prepositional Phrase

The blue balloon drifted quietly over a boy

adjective verb preposition
Determiner noun adverb determiner

and his dog

 This syllabus is the criticize the grammar
syllabus. It prefers to identify much more
likely to occur in classroom.
 Learning name of New entities is an
important part of the curriculum than the real
Form Function Gloss
Direction That’s the way to
the scientific
The cliffs are
over there Warning Be careful of the
cliff !

Suggestion How about the

walk along the
cliff top
If language is seen as a relationship between form
and function, notional/functionalism takes the
function side of the equation as primary and the
form side as secondary.
1. Function can be described as the communicative
purposes for which we use language
2. Notions are concept of meaning (object, entities,
logical relationship)
Identifying Cause Denying
Time Enquiring Ownership
Agreeing Greeting Duration
Direction Frequency Suggesting
Offering Advising Size
Equality Apologizing Warning
approving existence persuading
In this syllabus, the students must be learned
the sentence form first before more complex
learning about meaning.
the sentence form as the basic that must be
taught to students is

Subject + Verb + Object

 It is one in which the content of language
teaching is a collection of the notions that
language is used to express.
 Its material has specific purpose for
expressing something in certain language
 . The term "skill" in language teaching has
generally been used to designate one of the
four modes of language: speaking, listening,
reading, or writing (Chastain, 1976)
 Here, however, the term is used to designate
a specific way of defining the content of
language teaching.
 The skill based syllabus will use as its needs. If
the teacher want develop the students’
competence of reading the teacher is better
to prepare all needs for increasing reading
competence (examples : scanning, skimming
 Reading Skills

 Skimming
 Scanning
 Summarizing
 Extracting the relevant point
 Main idea and supporting details
 The syllabus around tasks rather than in
terms of grammar or vocabulary learners are
expected to carry out in the language.
 Example : using the telephone to obtain info.
 they should involve a process of informational
manipulation and development. They should
also involve informational content that the
language learners do not have at the beginning
of the task. Another characteristic of tasks is
that they require the student to apply cognitive
processes of evaluation, selection,
combination, modification, or
supplementation (so-called "higher-order
thinking skills")
 It is content of varieties of task it is focused
on the Target Language in real world rather
than drilling on the isolate grammatical
A. Language Data :
1. Authentic Data (ex. Spoken/written language)
2. Non-authentic Data : (dialogue and reading
B. Information :
Experimental information about the target
culture, linguistic, target language system,
C. Practice
to communicate the data (ex. FGD,
Presentation, Seminar)
 In concept, content -based teaching is simple:
It is the teaching of content or information in
the language being learned with little direct
or explicit effort to teach the language itself
separately from the content being taught.
 For example it can be applied in the bilingual

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