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Class 1G
Member of group :
1. Luthfi Miftahul (10)
2. Luthfi Rofif (11)
3. Milenia Sari (12)
4. Muhammad Fadhillah (13)
Fluida Dinamis

• Dynamic Fluid is one of kind

Fluid that can move (Can be
• The density of a material is defined as the mass of a sample of the
material divided by the volume of the same sample.
• P= m/v
• note:
ρ = Density(kg m-3
• m = Mass of material (kg
• V =Volume of Material (m3) M
Specific Gravity ( Berat Jenis )

• The term "specific gravity" is closely related to the idea of density. It’s mean, the Density
of the Substance divided by The Density of Water
• Viskositas, Merupakan nilai ketahanan cairan
(fluida) terhadap perubahan bentuk yang terjadi
karena tegangan geser.
• Koefisien Viskositas
• Dipengaruhi dengan sifat tegangan dan sifat zat
• Viskositas dinamik menentukan dinamika
viskositas fluida mampat
• Viskositas kinematic adalah viskositas
dinamik dabagi massa jenis (density)
• Viskositas volume menentukan dinamika
cairan kompresibel
• Viskositas bulk sama dengan volume
Drag (sometimes called resistance) is the force
that resists the movement of a solid object
Drag through a fluid (a liquid or gas).
Drag stokes’s
The equation for viscous resistance or linear drag is
appropriate for small objects or particles moving through a fluid at
relatively slow speeds where there is no turbulence

Viscous resistance = -bv

• b is a constant that depends on the properties of the fluid and the dimensions of
the object, and
• v is the velocity of the object
George Gabriel Stokes (Drag konstan)
For the special case of small spherical objects moving slowly through a
viscous fluid, George Gabriel Stokes derived an expression for the drag

B = 6 πη r

• r is the Stokes radius of the particle, and,

• η is the fluid viscosity
Koefisien drag
The drag coefficient (Cd) is a dimensionless quantity that describes a characteristic
amount of aerodynamic drag caused by fluid flow, used in the drag equation

Aerodynamic drag = Cd ½ ρ V A

Cd = drag coefficient
ρ = fluid density
V = Velocity of object
A = projected frontal area

• Streamlining is the shaping

of an object, such as an
aircraft body or wing, to
reduce the amount of drag
or resistance to motion
through a stream of air
• Bernouli Principle is Connection between
Pressure, Velocity, and Height on Dynamics Fluid
(Liqiud or Gas)
Bernouli law
Hukum bernouli pada pitot
• Pitot Tube is used for measure the speed of Gas(Fluid) flow in the Pipe using
Bernouli Princple
• This device can be used to measure the flow venturimeter tanpa manometer
rate of a fluid,for example is to calculate the
flow rate of water or flowing oil through a pipe
• Venturimeter is divided into 2 types, there are
venturimeter without manometer and
ventrurimeter with manometer

venturimeter dengan manometer

Venturimeter without manometer
Detect language

Section of Venturimeter

1. Convergent section
this section serves to increase the speed of fluid flow and reduce the
statistical pressure
a. Inlet section
straight shaped parts of the same diameter as pipe diameter. the
initial pressure hole is placed in this section
b. Inlet cone
cone-shaped parts that function to increase fluid pressure
the pressure difference taking section is round flat
3.Divergent section
a. Outlet cone
small part where it is located on threat and this outlet cone the pressure normal.
b. Section Outlet
Section which straight in diameter like diameter pipe.
Application of Bernoulli's Principle to Aerofoil
• The relative wind direction is the
direction of the airflow with
respect to the wing and is
opposite to the path of flight

• The chord line of a wing is a

straight line connecting the
leading edge of a wing to its
trailing edge
• Angle of Attack is the angle
between the chord line of a wing
and the relative wind direction
Hukum Bernouli: P + ½ V21= P2 + ½ ρ V22
P1 + ½ ρ V12 = P2 + ½ ρ V22
½ ρ V12 - ½ ρ V22 = P2 - P1
½ ρ (V12 - V22)= P2 - P1
P = ½ ρ (V12 - V22)
Lift (or Force) = P x Area

P1=pressure on the upper surface of the

As air streams past the wing of a plane, the speed of the air wing
past the upper surface of the wing is greater than the speed of P2= pressure on the lower surface of the
the air past the lower surface of the wing. These exact speeds wing
are determined by the shape of the wing and the angle of A=relative wind velocity
attack. v1= Wind velocity over upper surface
vA=relative wind velocity
v2= Wind velocity over upper surface
ρ = density of the air

• 1. An aeroplane having wing area 500 ft2 is moving at 300 ft/sec. The speed of
the air moving past the top surface of the wing is 400 ft/sec. and the speed of
the air past the bottom surface of the wing is 200 ft/sec. The density of the air is
0.0025 slug/ft3. What is the lift?
• A=500 ft2
• V1=400 ft/sec
• V2=200 ft/sec
• p=0.0025 slug/ft3
½ ρ (V12 - V22)= P2 - P1
½ . 0,0025 . 500 (4002-2002)
0,625 . (160000-40000)
0,625 . 120000
=75000 lbs
• 2. An aeroplane having wing area 400 ft2 is cruising at 230 ft/sec. The speed of the
air moving past the top surface of the wing is 240 ft/sec and the speed of the air
past the bottom surface of the wing is 230 ft/sec. The density of the air is 0.0025
slug/ft3. What is the weight of the aeroplane?
• A=400 ft2
• V1=240 ft/sec
• V2=230 ft/sec
• p=0.0025 slug/ft3
Lift=½ ρ (V12 - V22)= P2 - P1
½ . 0,0025 . 500 (4002-2002)
0,5 . (57600-52900)
0,625 . 4700
Lift=2350 lbs
• 3. An aeroplane is cruising at 310 ft/sec. The speed of the air moving past the top
surface of the wing is 340 ft/sec and the speed of the air past the bottom surface of
the wing is 300 ftlsec. The density of the air is 0.001 slug/ft3 The weight of the
aeroplane is 12,800 Ibs. What is the wing area?
• A=? ft2
• V1=340 ft/sec
• V2=300 ft/sec
• p=0.001 slug/ft3
• Lift=12800 lbs
Lift=½ ρ (V12 - V22)= P2 - P1
12800=½ . 0,001 . A (3402-3002)
A=12800 / 0,5 . 0,001 . (115600-90000)
A=12800 / 12,8
A=1000 ft2
• 4. An airplane, fly straight with Constant Velocity.If there is different pressure
500 pascal between Below Surface and Top Surface of the wing.And the Area of
each wing is 100m2.So the weight of the aircraft is.. Kilo newton
• 5.From the picture behind,
Water flow in
Venturimeter.On Area 1
Velocity of Water is 3m/s. If
g=10 m/s2, SO Velocity of
water in Area 2 is..(Pair=1000
• 6. Water flow in Venturimeter.Area 1 is 100 cm2.If 3cm is the different height of
Mecury in Manometer, SO the velocity of water that flow in area 1 is..
(pRaksa=13600/kg/m3,pAir=1000 kg/m3, dan g=9.8m/s2)
• 7. A pitot pipe is used to measure the speed of air flow through a tunnel. The
pitot pipe is equipped with a manometer alcohol with a density of 800 kg / m3. If
the height of the manometer is 18 cm and the density of air is 1.2 kg / m3, the air
flow rate is ...... m /
• 8. Pitot pipes equipped with mercury manometers with 13.6 gram / cm3 mercury
density. The pitot pipe is used to measure the speed of gas flow with a gas
density of 0.004 gram / cm3. If the difference in foot height of the manometer is
2.5 cm and the gravitational acceleration of the earth is 10 m / s2, the gas flow
rate is equal to ........ m /
• 9. What is the specific gravity of kerosene ?

Specific Gravity = density of the subtance

Density of water

Specific Gravity of kerosen = 800 / 1000 kg/m^3

= 0,8 kg
What is the specific gravity of alumunium

Specific gravity of aluminium = 2700/1000 kg/m^3

= 2.7
What is the specific gravity of ice ?

• Specific gravity of Ice = 922/1000 kg/m^3

• = 0.992

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