Meaning and Definition of The Term Yoga

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Meaning and definition of the

term Yoga and Its

comprehensive nature & scope

Dayanidy G
PhD Research Scholar
What is Yoga?
• The term yoga has derived from the Sanskrit root “YUJ” which
stands for :
a. Yoge or samyoge = to unite.
b. Samadhau = put together or to integrate.
c. Samyamane = to restrain.
• “Samyoga yoga ityukto jivatmana parmatmanoh”
i.e. unification of individual self with the Higher Self is Yoga.
(Commonly available in Hatha Yoga, Yoga Vasistha, Astanga
Yoga of Charandas etc.)

• “Samatvam yoga ucyate” (Gita II.48)

i.e. Integration or balance is yoga which stands for - Total
integration of human potential.

• “Yoga is integration and harmony between thoughts, words and
deeds or integration between head, heart and hands”
- Swami Satyananda (Yoga & Kriyas page 101)

• “tam yogamiti manyate sthiramindriyadharanam” ( Katha.Upa 2.6. 11).

i.e. Stability of senses is considered to be Yoga.

• By controlling the senses concentrating the mind is Yoga

( Sveta. Upa. 2.8)
• “Yogascittavrtti Nirodhah” (PYS I.2)
Cessation of all mental modifications is Yoga.

• “Manah prasamanopayah yoga ityabhidhiyate” (Yoga Vasistha).

Yoga is a mean for quietening the mind.

• “tam vidyadduhkhasamyoga viyoga yoga samjnitam” (Gita 6.23).

Yoga is that which disassociate from pain or suffering.
• “yogah yuktih” (Gita 10.7).
Yoga is a Method

• “Yogah karmasu kausalam” (Gita 2.50)

Perfection in action is Yoga.

• “Yogah bhavati duhkhaha” (Gita 6.17)

Yoga is a method through which one overcomes all suffering.
• Means to develop balance in body, mind and senses. (Caraka)

• Yoga is that method through which mind gets stabilized.


• Yoga is nothing but a process of purification of body and soul.

( Radhakrishnan)

• “Yoga has complete message for humanity it has a message for the
human body. It has a message for the human mind. And it has also
a message for the human spirit.... ”
(Swami Kuvalayanandaji)

• “Yoga is the cessation of modifications of the Mind ( Citta) which

is the outcome of the movement of Prana into Susumna preceded
by the purification of the Nadis”.
(Swami Digambarji)
• Science of right – useness Four (Five) fold awareness.
(righteousness) Awareness of body.
• Conscious evolution Awareness of emotions.
• A technology for spiritual development Awareness of mind.
Awareness of awareness itself.
• Mother of all science
Awareness of how unaware we are!
• The path of moderation
• The true art of living
• A way of life.
• Science and art of mastering the mind. (Swami Gitananda Giri)
Yoga is
• Scientific-spiritual discipline
• Most precious gem of our cultural heritage
• Practical philosophy
• Science of man and his potential
• Holistic / holy science
• Ancient marvel & India’s gift to the whole world

A way of life based on a view of life

Components of Yoga in Traditional Yogic Texts.

Group of Texts Component Ref.

Patanjala Yoga Sutra 8 PYS II.29
Trishikhbrahmanopanishad 8 TSB p.128
Darshnopanishad 8 DU p.153,
Yogataitariopanishad 8 YTU p.368,
Varahopanishad 8 VU p.503
i. Yama ii. Niyama iii. Asana iv. Pranayama v. Pratyahara vi. Dharana vii. Dhyana viii. Samadhi

Hathapradipika of Svartmarama 4 HP I.56

i. Asana ii. Kumbhaka iii. Mudra iv. Nadanusandhana

Gheranda Samhita 7 GS I.9-11

i. Kriya, ii. Asana, iii. Mudra, iv. Pratyahara, v. Pranayama, vi. Dhyana, vii. Samadhi
Group of Texts Component Ref.

Amrta Nadopanisad 6 ANU p.14

i. Pratyahara, ii. Dhyana, iii. Pranayama, iv. Dharana, v. Tarka,vi. Samadhi

Kshurikopanisad 6 KU p.37-40
i..Asana, ii. Pranayama iii. Pratyahara iv. Dharana, v. Dhyana, vi Samadhi

Dhyanabindupanishad 6 DBU p.196

Mandalabrahmanopanishad 6 MBU p.275
Yogachudamanyupanishad 6 YCU p.337
i. Asana, ii. Pranayama, iii. Pratyahara, iv. Dharana, v. Dhyana, vi. Samadhi

Tejobindupanisad 15 TBU p.51

i. Yama ii. Niyama iii. Tyaga iv. Mauna v. Desa vi. Kala vii. Asana viii. Mulabandha ix.
Dehasamyam x. Drksthiti xi. Pranasamyamana xii. Pratyahara xiii. Dharana xiv. Atmadhyana xv.
Major streams of Yoga

• Karma Yoga – Path of self sacrifice

• Bhakti Yoga – Path of self surrender
• Jnana Yoga – Path of self analysis
• Raja Yoga – Path of self control
Ashtanga (8 – limbed) yoga
Bahiranga (outer) discipline: Antaranga (inner) discipline:

1. Yama: 5 moral-ethical codes 5. Pratyahara: control of senses

2. Niyama: 5 personal disciplines 6. Dharana: concentration

3. Asana: steady postures 7. Dhyana: meditation

4. Pranayama: Yogic breathing 8. Samadhi: super conscious state

Moral lifestyle

Conscience is clear

No wastage of mental & physical energy

Energy channelised for higher pursuits

Material & spiritual progress

Real anand
• Dr. B. R. Sharma. Introduction to the traditional understanding of yoga (PPT), Kaivalyadhama,
• Bhavanani AB. A primer of Yoga Theory, Dhivayanada creations, Pondicherry.
• Dr Madanmohan. What is Yoga?(PPT), Pondicherry.
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