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Los verbos reflexivos

Los pronombres reflexivos

P. personal P. reflexivo
yo me
tú te
él-ella/usted se
nosotros-as nos
vosotros-as os
ellos-as/ustedes se
non-reflexive verbs
reflexive verbs
llamar = to call

-Iván calls his father on the phone

Iván llama a su padre por teléfono

llamarse = to be called/ to “call oneself”

-¿What’s your name?

¿Cómo te llamas?

-My cousin’s name is Diego

Mi primo se llama Diego
peinar = to comb somebody’s hair

-Silvia combs her daughter’s hair

Silvia peina a su hija

-The girl combs her doll’s hair

La niña peina a su muñeca
peinarse = to comb one’s hair

-I comb my hair
Yo me peino

-You comb your hair

Tú te peinas
mirar = to look

-I look at the people through the window

Yo miro a la gente por la ventana

-The students look at the blackboard

Los estudiantes miran la pizarra
mirarse = to look at oneself

-I look at myself in the mirror

Yo me miro en el espejo

-She looks at herself in the mirror

Ella se mira en el espejo
bañar = to bathe

-The mother bathes her baby

La madre baña a su bebé

-The boys bathe their dog

Los niños bañan a su perro
bañarse = to bathe/ have a bath

-You have a bath in the bathtub

Tú te bañas en la bañera

-Fran bathes in the sea

Fran se baña en el mar
lavar = to wash

-Pedro washes his clothes in the washing-machine

Pedro lava su ropa en la lavadora

-Ana washes the dishes in the dish-washer

Ana lava los platos en el lavaplatos

lavarse las manos= to wash one’s hands
lavarse los dientes= to brush one’s teeth

-He washes his hands

Él se lava las manos

-You brush your teeth

Tú te lavas los dientes
1. My finance teacher’s name is Rafael García
2. Olivia always takes a bath around 8 in the evening
3. Do you have a shower before having breakfast?
4. On weekends I go to bed quite late
5. At what time does Luis get up on Sundays?
6. Do you brush your teeth after having dinner?
7. I never have a shower with cold water
8. ¿Do you bathe on the beach in summer?
9. When I have class in the morning I get up around 6.30
10. Marta goes to bed very early every day
1. My finance teacher’s name is Rafael García
Mi profesor de finanzas se llama Rafael García
2. Olivia always takes a bath around 8 in the evening
Olivia siempre se baña sobre las ocho de la noche
3. Do you have a shower before having breakfast?
¿Tú te duchas antes de desayunar?
4. On weekends I go to bed quite late
Los fines de semana me acuesto bastante tarde
5. At what time does Luis get up on Sundays?
¿A qué hora se levanta Luis los domingos?
6. Do you brush your teeth after having dinner?
¿Tú te lavas los dientes después de cenar?
7. I never have a shower with cold water
Yo nunca me ducho con agua fría
8. ¿Do you bathe on the beach in summer?
¿Tú te bañas en la playa en verano?
9. When I have class in the morning I get up around 6.30
Cuando tengo clase por la mañana me levanto sobre las seis y media
10. Marta goes to bed very early every day
Marta se acuesta muy temprano todos los días

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