Group 5

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Triyas Setiyabudi 1713022018

2. Hindun Eka Fenanda 1713022026
3. Kris Julis Iman Setia Warwu 1713022032
4. Deswita Elliya Sari 1713022048

Everyone has a basic understanding of the concept of

force from everyday experience. When you push your
empty dinner plate away, you exert a force on it. Similarly,
you exert a force on a ball when you throw or kick it. In
these examples, theword force is associated with muscular
activity and some change in the velocity of an object
But, Forces do not always cause motion, however. For
example, as you sit reading this book, the force of gravity acts
on your body and yet you remain stationary.
As a second example, you can push (in other words,exert a
force) on a large boulder and not be able to move it
The only known fundamental forces in nature
are all field forces:
(1)gravitational forces between objects,
(2) electromagnetic forces between electric
(3) strong nuclear forces between subatomic
particles, and
(4) weak nuclear forces that arise in certain
radioactive decay processes
Some examples of applied forces. In
each case a force is exerted on the

In his words, “Any velocity once imparted to a moving body

will be rigidly maintained
as long as the external causes of retardation are removed.”
This new approach to motion was later formalized by
Newton in a form that has come to be known as Newton’s
first law of motion.

In simpler terms, we can say that when no force acts on an

object, the acceleration
of the object is zero
a moving object can be observed from any number of
reference frames. Newton’s first law, sometimes called the
law of inertia, defines a special set of reference frames called
inertial frames

Figure Air hockey takes

of Newton’s first law to
make the game more exciting.
In his theory, newton said that, if there are
objects that are given a total force that is not
equal to zero, then objects that are initially
stationary will increase acceleration
2proportionally and in line with the force
produced, and inversely proportional to the
mass of the object.
Based on newton’s second law, you can
understand that an object will increase its
speed if it is given a total force whose
direction is the same as the direction of
motion of an object.
The example from newton second law when
we kick a ball (meaning we give a force to
the ball), then the ball will move with a
certain acceleration.
The acceleration of an object also depends on its mass, as
stated in the preceding section. We can understand this by
considering the following experiment.
This observation is summarized in newton's law: the
acceleration of an object is directly proportional to
the total force acting on it and inversely proportional
to its mass. Thus, we can relate mass and force
through the following mathematical statement of
newton’s second law
෍𝐹 = 𝑚 𝑎

σ 𝐹 = Total force (kg m/s2)

M = mass (kg)
A = acceleration (m/s2)
Note that this equation is a vector expression and hence
is equivalent to three component equations:
σ 𝐹 𝑥 = 𝑚 𝑎 𝑥, σ 𝐹 𝑦 = 𝑚 𝑎 𝑦,
σ𝐹 𝑧 = 𝑚 𝑎 𝑧
Other than that, newton's law generally states that there
is a relationship between mass, force, and motion where
we will be able to know the force given to objects after
we know the magnitude of acceleration.
. Based on the statement from newton's second law it can
be said that the greater the force applied to an object, the
greater the acceleration of motion experienced by gliders
or objects.
The force that causes a moving object to be called the
driving force is defined as a momentum per second
formulated by the following equation.
Because momentum is the multiplication of mass with
the velocity of the object (P = mv), the equation above
𝑑 (𝑚𝑣)

 The bus that runs on the highway will get an

acceleration that is proportional to the style and
inversely with the mass of the bus.
 In the elevator working system there is also a force, for
lifts that are stationary or moving at a fixed speed then
the normal force (N) will be equal to the earth's pull
(mg). But, for elevators that are moving, the
compressive force will be the same as the normal force
, and not the same as earth pull (mg).
 Marble Games. Small marbles when played will roll
faster, while larger marbles are relatively longer
(acceleration is inversely proportional to their mass).
 Small mass objects are given the same style as objects
whose mass large accelerates greater than objects with large
mass because acceleration is directly proportional to the
resultant force.
 Shift the item on the inclined plane.
 The force that is generated when we pull a cart full of rice,
to be moved home from the rice fields.
 Force also occurs in the water collection system from the
well, which uses a pulley, which is a pulley connected with
a rope and bucket to hold water, usually this system is used
in the countryside
 When wearing a belt so that when jerked forward, there is a
retaining force from the belt to slow down our movement
forward and our body held back.
• Newton's third law is for every action, there is an
equal and opposite reaction. Its means that in
every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting
on the two interacting objects.
• The size of the forces on the first object equals the
size of the force on the second object.
• The direction of the force on the first object is
opposite to the direction of the force on the
second object.
If two objects interact, the force 𝐹12 exerted by object 1 on
object 2 is equal in magnitude to and opposite in direction to
the force 𝐹21 exerted by object 2 on object 1:

𝑭𝟏𝟐 = −𝑭 𝟐𝟏
When a man jumps out of a boat to the bank of river,
the boat moves backwards because the man pushes
the boat with his foot in backward direction and
boat exerts equal force on man in forward direction
which enables him to move forward.
Gravity, also called gravitation, in mechanics, the universal
force of attraction acting between all matter. It is by far the
weakest known force in nature and thus plays no role in
determining the internal properties of everyday matter. On the
other hand, through its long reach and universal action, it
controls the trajectories of bodies in the solar system and
elsewhere in the universe and the structures and evolution of
stars, galaxies, and the whole cosmos. We are well aware that
all objects are attracted to the Earth. The attractive force exerted
by the Earth on an object is called the force of gravity Fg.
Newton's Law of Gravity says a lot about this force
in a very compact, elegant way. It says
that any piece of matter will feel it whether it is
charged or not (this sets it apart from electrical and
magnetic forces that affect only charged objects).
Gravity depends only the masses of the two
attracting objects and their distance from each other.
We knows that a freely falling object
experiences an accelaration g acting toward the
center of the Earth. Applying Newton’s second
law σ 𝐅 = 𝒎𝐠 to a freely falling object of mass
m, with a = g and σ 𝐅 = Fg,we obtain :

෍ 𝐅𝒈 = 𝒎𝐠
The force is directed toward the center of the Earth and this
magnitude is called the weight of the object. Weight is a
force which is measured in Newtons, it is the force of
gravity on an object.

Untuk mengubah massa menjadi berat, kami menggunakan

Hukum ke-2 Newton F = ma. Berat adalah gaya dan
gravitasi percepatan, dapat ditulis ulang sebagai: w = mg w
adalah berat, diukur dalam newton. m adalah massa, diukur
dalam kg dan g adalah akselerasi karena gravitasi, diukur
dalam m / s2 itu sama dengan 10 m / s2 di Bumi.
Friction is a force that opposes motion between any
surfaces that are touching. Friction can work for or
against us. For example, putting sand on an icy
sidewalk increases friction so you are less likely to
Friction occurs because no surface is perfectly
smooth. Even surfaces that look smooth to the
unaided eye make look rough or bumpy when
viewed under a microscope. Rougher surfaces have
more friction between them than smoother surfaces.
Example, That’s why we put sand on icy sidewalks
and roads.
When we give object a force magnitude F. As long
as the object is not moving, f = F. Because the
object is stationary, we call this frictional force the
force of static friction (fs).

When it is on the verge of moving, fs is a maximum

and the object accelerates. Once the oject is in
motion, the retarding frictional force become less
than fs max. When the oject is in motion, we call
retarding force the force of kinetic friction (fk).

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