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Presented by : Batshala Upredhi

Binup Adhikari
Bilaspa Bashyal
 To discuss intercellular communications.
 intercellular communication refers to transfer of
information from one cell to another.
The intercellular communications can be classified as:

1) Paracrine communication

2) Endocrine communication

3) Neurocrine communication

4) Autocrine communication
• Cells secrete one or more chemical messengers and
these act on the neighboring cells (local chemical

• Example: Enterochromaffin-like cells, located within

the gastric glands of the stomach,
release histamine that stimulates nearby parietal
cells to produce HCl.
• Hormones are secreted into blood by endocrine
glands in response to appropriate signal.

• Exert effect on target cells some distance away

from release site

• Example: TSH is secreted by pituitary gland travels

through blood to stimulate the thyroid gland.
• Short-range chemical messengers where
communication occurs by the production of

• Neurotransmitters are released in synapse or a

neuromuscular junction to act locally on adjoining
target cell. (another neuron, a muscle, or a gland)

• Example: Acetyl choline

 Chemical substances that are secreted by one cell acts
on the same cell.

 Example: T lymphocytes after stimulated by

macrophages produces IL-2 that acts in the same T
 Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology

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