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Ecotourism in Himachal



Tourism – An Introduction
 Tourism revolves around novelty-seeking, and modern
technology has made it talismanic for the tourist to seek
out white virginity of the polar regions, to fly into space,
and to discover the exoticism of the ‘other’.
 Tourism results in expansion of the mind and adventure of
the soul; it promotes peace and amity in this strife torn
world; it is an exercise in deontology to conserve the
resources; an environmental pilgrimage; and can also
work for the benefit of the poor and the destitute.
 Tourism today offers a strange world of experiences that
needs to be studied thoroughly.

“… Tourism is a basic and most desirable human activity deserving the

praise and encouragement of all people and all Government.”
Contribution of Tourism to World
 Tourism's contribution to the world economy is
second only to that of oil and is set to better it in
another few years.
 It is therefore a small wonder that many countries
in the world are concentrating on the tourism
sector to boost up their economies.
 It was after the second world war that tourism
emerged as an industry pushed along by rapid
advancements made in the field of
communications and transport. This makes
tourism the fastest growing industry worldwide.
 This "smoke-less" industry acts as a catalyst for
socio-economic development and also encourages
mutual understanding by bringing into its fold a
large variety of activities and individuals which
include trades, businesses, shopping, lodging,
catering, transport arts and crafts, religion etc.
 The tremendous positive impact created by this
widely accepted and flourishing industry has
stimulated various nations to channelize their
efforts in developing their tourism industry and
gear up to meet the ever escalating demand.
What is Ecotourism?
 Ecotourism is a form of tourism involving
visiting fragile, pristine, and relatively
undisturbed natural areas, intended as a
low-impact and often small scale
alternative to standard commercial mass
Characteristics of Ecotourism
Some of the key features of ecotourism include;
 Minimizes impact- Ecotourism is centred on low
impact behaviour towards both the environment
and the culture of the local community. The
ecotourism activities should have minimal to no
degradation on the part of the environment or the
culture of the locals.

 Local participation in decision making- The local

communities are consulted and involved in
decisions regarding any projects and development
 Environmental awareness- Ecotourism has an
educational concept in which both the visitor
and the local community is enlightened on
positive environmental activities so as to instil
the preferred environmental friendly values in
participants. This also enhances the general
environmental awareness of the participants.
 Provides direct finance for conservation
efforts- Ecotourism is a source of funding for
activities geared towards conservation of the
natural ecology.
Contributions of Eco-tourism
 Economic development
 Infrastructure development ƒ
 Employment generation ƒ
 Community development ƒ
 Restoration of culture ƒ
 Environmental preservation ƒ
 Promotion of harmony and understanding
Ecotourism in Himachal Pradesh
 Himachal Pradesh is a land which is bestowed with natural
grandeur at its best - picturesque locations, snow capped
mountains, lush green valleys, a cool climate and hospitable
people. It is indeed the very lap of nature.
 It is therefore a fact that Himachal Pradesh has immense eco-
tourism potential; a potential that it must leverage and sustain.
 Eco-tourism has its benefits which Himachal Pradesh must cash
on without getting affected by its shortcomings.
 To leverage on this eco-tourism potential, it is necessary for
Himachal not only to sell itself but also analyse the needs, the
perceptions, the preferences, the satisfaction of the customers
that it can provide.
SWOT Analysis of Eco-tourism in
Himachal Pradesh
 SWOT analysis is a strategic planning technique
used to help a person or organization identify
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
related to business competition or project
 Past studies on the eco-tourism industry in India
have focused mainly on how to sell the tourism
product. But it is more important to view it from
the tourist’s point of view.
 This study will help to understand their
perceptions and needs and thus aims to-
1) Exploit the full potential of ecotourism in Himachal.
2) Improve the image of “Himachal”.
3) Increase tourist arrivals.
4) Combat the competition by newly developing eco-
tourist destinations.
5) Attract tourists best suited for Himachal conditions.
Strengths of Himachal Ecotourism
 One of the rare places in the world offering five
distinct seasons, thus having potential to attract
tourist inflow round the year.
 Political and Social stability.
 Recognized as a peaceful and hospitable State.
 Salubrious climate.
 Pollution free environment.
 Offers a rare conglomerate of eco-tourism,
pilgrimage, adventure, culture, heritage, leisure,
wilderness etc.
 Fairly good infrastructure.
 High literacy.
 Rich history and heritage that has something to
offer to all. Its Buddhist monasteries, which are
of thousand years of old, ancient temples,
churches and cemeteries.
 Special package of incentives for setting up of
tourism units
 Strong political will to promote tourism
Weaknesses of Himachal Ecotourism
 Inadequacy of transport facilities
 Funds constraining the development of regions.
 Inadequacy of information channels.
 Overcrowding of popular tourist centres.
 Some places are inaccessible, especially in winter.
 Inadequacy of marketing.
 Lack of adequate infrastructural support.
 Very little budget.
 Problem of conversion of forest land.
 Problem of land acquisition.
 Strong potential for activity based ecotourism
such as white water rafting, Para-gliding,
trekking, mountaineering, water sports, mountain
biking, Car Rallies etc.
 A strong base for ecotourism to attract persons
from all walks of society and religious beliefs
 To develop an ideal destination for nature lovers
by promoting eco-tourism
 Create synergy between eco-tourism and
sustainable tourism.
 Development of wetlands of the State to attract
nature lovers especially bird watchers.
 Ecotourism can be used to promote the State as an open
university and learning centre in mythology, anthropology
and ornithology etc.
 Position eco-tourism destinations as ideal for the film
 Himachal has something to offer to persons of all ages,
groups, beliefs and interests. There is unlimited scope for
development of varied eco-tourist packages.
 Himachal can become one of the leading eco-tourism
destinations in the world.
 Promote wilderness tourism for lovers and seekers of
nature, peace and quiet by encouraging a responsible way
of travel
 Create new eco-tourism destinations in yet unexplored
but beautiful areas. This would also ease the burden on
established tourist destinations.
 Tremendous strain leading to collapse, at times,
of civic amenities at leading tourist destinations
during the season.
 Haphazard growth & construction threatening the
environment, especially at the upcoming eco-
tourist destinations.
 An alarming growth of concrete structures
creating a disharmony with the local environment
and detrimental to eco-tourism growth.
 Unscrupulous commercialization of eco-tourism
could erode the social and cultural values of the
 Aggressive competition amongst the leading eco-
tourists States and a strong promotion of eco-
tourism by other States
 Lack of coordinated strategy by the different
Government Departments w.r.t ecotourism.
 A large increase in volume and limited increase in
value in audience for eco-tourism.
 Poor garbage/ waste disposal posing threat to the
environment at potential ecotourism destinations.
What can be done to promote eco-
 Himachal must be able to provide hotels to cater to
all segments of the society.
 It must market its camping facilities more and ensure
that they are safe to use.
 Packaged eco-tours also have to be marketed.
 It must open avenues for business opportunities,
could be eco-tourism related itself, and cash on its
vast environmental backdrop.
 Railways must be given a boost so that long distance
travel becomes easy.
 Low cost airlines and helicopter services also can be
used to reach the inaccessible regions depending on
the climatic conditions.
 Newer sources of communication like the internet
must be used effectively to influence and
advertise ecotourists.
 Family entertainment facilities must be
developed at ecotourism destinations. Schools can
also be targeted for such eco-excursions.
 Create new planned eco-tourist destinations spots
from the unexplored regions, which must be
opened up at least in the peak months.
 Entertainment facilities must be provided in order
to ensure a longer stay by the tourists. They must
have a unique thing to take back with them.
 Basic infrastructural facilities have to be
developed further. Roads need to be improved.
Parking space must be provided in upcoming
ecotourist destinations.
 Basic necessities must be provided. Water
availability has to be catered to.
 A diverse range of culinary must be provided to
cater to the wants of tourists from various places
across India and the globe.
 Information must be available to tourists at all
ecotourism places
 Exploitation of tourists by locals must be
minimized at ecotourism destinations.
 Local culture and handicrafts must be promoted.
 Private participation in developing tourism must
be given a boost.
 Orchards and forests may be promoted as
ecotourist picnic spots.
 Himachal emporiums across India must be able to
act as agents for promoting Himachal ecotourism.
 Celebrity endorsements could help to market
ecotourism in Himachal Pradesh.
 More advertising in media, magazines, etc are
 Cleanliness and environmental sustainability must
be taken care of.
 Keeping all the stakeholders in mind, a
sustainable strategy is needed.
 Akhtar, Javaid; "Tourism Management in India", Ashish Publishing House, New
Delhi, 1990. Bennett, Peter D.; "Marketing", McGraw Hill Book Co., New York,
1988. Bhatia, A. K.;
 "Tourism Development - Principles and Practices", Sterling Publishers Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi, 1983. Burkart, A. J. and S. Medlik;
 "Marketing Management", 11th ed., Prientice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2004. Kotler, Philip, Donald Haider and Irving Rein;
 Advertising: Theory and Practice", Prientice Hall. New Jersey, 1986, Shankar
Ravi (ed.);
 "Services Marketing- The Indian Experience", Manas Publications. Delhi, 1993.,
Shimp, A. Terence and M Delozier;
 "Fundamentals of Marketing", 10th ed., McGraw Hill Book Co., Singapore,
 Himachal Tourism 2005 Policy
 Marion Wheeler; ‘Tourism Marketing Ethics: An Introduction’
 N.K.Piplani; ‘Strategies for Marketing Rural Tourism in India’
 Priscilla Bloomquist, John Sem; ‘Rural Economic Development Through
Tourism’; 1994
 Reema Sisodia; ‘Himachal Pradesh Announces New Tourism Policy’
 Dr. Rakesh Kapoor; ‘Measures To Promote Tourism In Himachal’
 Economic Times, New Delhi, 22.2.2005: ‘Tourists have to pay cess to
visit HP’s hot spots!’
Thank you.

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