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Ancient Egypt

Periods of Egyptian history

Predynastic Period (c. 5500 BC - 3200 BC)
Early Dynastic Period (c. 3200 to 3100 BC)
Archaic Period (c. 3100 to 2700 BC)
Old Kingdom (c. 2700 to 2250 BC)
First Intermediate Period (c. 2250 to 2050 BC)
Middle Kingdom (c. from 2050 to 1800 BC)
Second Intermediate Period (c. 1800 to 1550 BC)
New Kingdom (c. 1550 to 1070 BC)
Third Intermediate Period (c. 1070 to 656 BC)
Late Period (c. 656 to 332 BC)
Hellenistic Period (332 to 30 BC)
Roman Period (30 BC - 640 AD)

The egyptian's economy was based on

agriculture. Egyptian's life depended on
the cultivation of land flooded by the Nile
Administration and Finance

Egypt was divided into several sepats administrative


The country was divided into 42 nomes: 20 of Lower

Egypt, Upper Egypt while covering 22 nomos

Each nome was governed by a governor


Archaic Egyptian (before 3000 BC)

Old Egyptian (3000-2000 BC)
Classic Egyptian (2000-1300 BC)
Late Egyptian (1300-700 BC)
Egyptian Demotic (seventh century - the fourth century
 According to investigators, the Egyptian writing appeared about 3000 BC
C. with the unification of the Kingdom of Upper and Lower Egypt and the
establishment of the state

 Egyptologists defined as the Egyptian hieroglyphic system, and is

considered the world's oldest writing. The name comes from the Greek
"irons" (sacred) and "glypho" (sculpt, record)

 Around 2700 BC C., began to use pictograms to represent consonant

sounds. About 2000 BCE C., were used 26 to represent the 24 main
consonant sounds. The oldest known alphabet (c. 1800 BC) is a derivative
of these signs abyad unilíteros, like other Egyptian hieroglyphics.

 The hieroglyphic script finally fell into disuse as writing of the courtiers
around the fourth century BC C under the Ptolemies, replaced by Greek,
but remained in the temples of Upper Egypt, guarded by the Egyptian
c. 1800 BC C.: Story of Sinuhe and
papyrus Ipuwer.
C. 1600 BC C.: Papyrus Westcar.
C. 1300 BC C.: Papyrus Ebers and
Pentaur Poem.
C. 1180 a. C.: Papyrus Harris
c. 1000 BC C.: History of Wenamun and
Papyrus of Ani.
The Egyptian religion, embodied in mythology, is a set of
beliefs that permeated the entire Egyptian life, from the
predynastic period until the arrival of Christianity and
Islam in the early stages of Greco-Roman and Arabic.
They were led by priests, and the use of magic and
spells are dubious.
The temple was a sacred place where only admitted to
the priests and priestesses, but important celebrations in
the town was incorporated in the yard.
The religious nature of Egyptian civilization influenced its
contribution to the arts. Many of the great works of
ancient Egypt depict gods, goddesses and pharaohs
considered divine. The art is characterized by the idea of
order and symmetry.
Life after death

They believed in an afterlife, and prepared for it, both

by following certain rules (Book of the Dead) and
preparing the grave.
Formerly only the pharaohs were eligible to participate
in the afterlife, but on reaching the new Empire all
Egyptians hoped to live in the afterlife, and prepared,
according to their economic potential, his tomb and his
body to the bodies are I extracted the bodies, which
were deposited in canopic jars, then covered the body
with resins to preserve it, wrapping it with linen. In the
burial chamber were deposited food and belongings of
the deceased, for use in the afterlife.
Major Egyptian deities:
 Amun: -"The hidden", symbol of creative power
and "Father of all the winds“
 Ra: -Symbol of the sun, giver of life and
responsible for the cycle of death and resurrection
 Isis: -"Great magician", "Great Mother Goddess,"
"Queen of the Gods," "fertilization Force of
Nature", "Goddess of motherhood and birth.“
 Osiris:- Resurrection, a symbol of fertility and
regeneration of the Nile

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