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How Can Nature Be

Incorporated Into The

Caitlin Podratz
Table of Contents
Discoveries from Nature Education with Young Children
Observations through time in the classroom
Interview with Dan Stluka
Reflection on the research
Discoveries from Nature Education with Young Children
Words and silence are both important
Engage as many senses as possible
Hands on learning leads to better understanding
Watch what the child is focusing on- they will focus their gaze longer at things
they find interesting
Nature can be found almost anywhere
Let children have a say
Discoveries from Nature Education with Young Children
Drawing, painting, creating, writing, photographs
Photos provide reference for things that can’t be brought into the classroom
Collect artifacts
Keep projects age appropriate
Younger children=more localized project
Discoveries from Nature Education with Young Children


Gain new perspectives on things they have encountered

Familiarize children with different scientific processes

Observation, making predictions, drawing conclusions

Deeper connection with community

Discoveries from Nature Education with Young Children


Taking children off school grounds

Funding is not always available

Urban areas provide different types of nature experiences

Observations through time in the classroom
Sensory bins
Can hold a variety of materials
Water, corn, feathers, rocks

Different sounds from nature

Tracks on the ceiling
Observations through time in the classroom
Play and toys
Camping theme with firewood
North American animals
Planting seeds

Group activities
Worm lesson- digging for worms
Daily weather chart
Bringing in animals
Interview with Dan Stluka
Extremely open ended

Plants, animals, guest speakers

Nature can fit into all content areas

Easy to infuse into all types of lessons

Interview with Dan Stluka
Some things to consider


 Potential allergens

 Let families know what you are doing

Is it respectful of cultures and nature

Interview with Dan Stluka

Owl pellets and nature walks


Grew butterflies and on release one fell to the ground- the children rushed to it and ended up killing it

Make sure you tell children what is going on them and give them instructions before hand
Nature can be incorporated in a variety of ways

Easily incorporated into all content areas

Tactile experiences are more likely to be remembered

The more senses that can be engaged the better

Keep experiences age appropriate

Make sure families are okay with what is being done in the classroom
Reflection on the research
Helped me find different ways to bring nature into the classroom

Reminded me to let the children have a say

Be open to new experiences

Get help from others when necessary

Stluka, D. (2019, April 17). Incorporating Nature in the Classroom [Personal interview].

Meier, D. R., & Sisk-Hilton, S. (Eds.). (2013). Nature Education with Young Children- Integrating Inquiry

and Practice. New York: Routledge.

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