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Leadership Meeting - GP

Prateik Joseph
Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Jan-16
(20th Jan)
Shifts 1,975 1,958 2020 2263 2245 2109 1350
Transaction 8,810 7,164 6,971 8,046 7,849 7,494 5,537

Sales 430.0 410.8 409.0 481.7 492.3 493.2 385.9

mill mill mill mill mill mill mill

ABV 48,817 57,351 58,680 59,868 62,718 65,812 69,701

• Number of shifts and transactions - dipped since October
• Sales - continued to increase since October - January’s projection
indicates expected sales better than dec 15.

• ABV has been increasing at a healthy rate

 Since November - discontinued many morning shifts - stopped underperforming
doctors. Therefore - number of shifts have dropped, but sales and ABV continue
to increase.
 Attributed to keeping better docs and improved quality: Patients are spending
more per visit and likely spending more for routine checkups
 Loyal customers spending more

• Additionally, removing morning shifts and underperforming doctors will

result in lowered operational and fixed costs. As sales are still increasing -
indicates increased profitability.
• Patient per shift -increasing steadily since November. Biggest
increase - week 1 and week 2 of January Evening 5
patients/shift. Morning shift - increasing too -still very low.
These factors can be explained:
• Removing underperforming evening shifts and morning shifts:
 Removing as and eliminating as many morning shifts as possible –noticed even for
good docs who see 6 patients per shift in the evening, morning shifts still struggle -
availability of BPJS in the morning or people waiting till after work
 March 2016 - majority of morning shifts will be stopped
 No new doctors contracts for morning shift.
 Existing doctors may be considered to extend their morning shift if greater than 4
patients per shift. Decision - case to case basis. E.g. Dr. Denta’s morning shift was
recently extended in November.
November15 December15 January16 (week 1
and 2)

Morning Evening Morning Evening Morning Evening

2.3 4.0 2.5 4.1 2.7 5.0
• Attendance rates Increased -
increased active shifts- patients
returning to consistent docs –
Unfortunately some regions still
show problems with punctuality
• Since heart to heart - docs claim to
be happier - maintenance issues, IT
issues, and stock issues - processed
and fixed at a much faster rate.
Additionally - feel they are being
looked after now due to improved
• Surveying – Our existing patients
choose us for better docs,
convenience, location, low wait

Dr. Amalia Dr. Denta

 Incredible bedside manner  Extremely hard working – covers two

 Warm Nurturing personality 4 hour shifts for us, does home visits
 Connects with each individual for us in between shifts
patient  Understands formula of how to make
 Very good Attendance money!
 Prompt  Sometimes does free home visits and
 Follows up on patients encourages patients to come to Viva
 Very strong with EMR for follow up – Understands how to
 Understands Patients spending build loyalty
pattern  Starts and ends well before/after his
 Provides free materials for her shift to accommodate his patients
patients which she made/printed
herself – disease
• Pros/Cons

• Both docs cover morning and evening shifts

• Denta has a business hat on, knows how to time himself accordingly to
maximize patient count

• Denta much more formal and demanding of pharmacists – can cause


• Amalia great with trial runs for EMR etc. She has strong opinions and
had very detailed evaluation process

• Can do a little better with keeping her station/White coat clean

Can this be replicated?

• Absolutely!
• Need to formulate community health training module –
there is no formal community health certification here
in Indonesia, will need to make and in-house training
module – Have Dr. Amalia talk/present

• Need to have Denta speak (H2H venue) – share his

formula. Spell out #patients = this much potential
$$$$. Following this, restructure pay scale – those not
hitting target – feel the heat – to many docs only
interested in SIP pay and Sitting Fee.
Issue Tree– How do we generate more patients for GP
Improve Quality
of interactions
with doctor

Repeat patients Improve follow-

up discipline

breadth of

How do we get
more patients Change
into existing GP incentives
outlets Sticks
GP generates
more new
patients Share best
practices in
New patients patient

Viva generates
new patients

CRD Events
• Sisca – Forming a realistic corporate package so we have a uniform idea before we speak to potential clients
• Susan – Restructure pay - sitting fee and SIP fee. Doctors who see above 6 patients/shift rewarded to excel,
those seeing low numbers - consequence – Carrot/Stick – Unfortunately still have docs only interested in
monthly salary

• Pak Harry and Abhay – Safety issue with medical waste disposal – Bali medical waste disposed of by our
pharmacists – need immediate action

• Pak Harry and Pak Djunadi – 80% of surveys say patients want to see pharmacist first before Docs – improve
referral system and awareness campaign

• Team – site selection – expanding to locations with less competition and reasonable density
• Ibu Canny – Help with organizing BPJS expert to talk with us. Need to understand their model better to
identify 2 things – the type of services they provide and if it makes sense to join them for SOME locations

• Kevin – continue to help me stitch my business hat!

• Pak Djunadi – help with getting patients though the door
 Health promotion (advertising)
 Health awareness (community program)
 Help with marketing strategies for Indonesian market – How to engage our target population – what marketing tools work for
them and what doesn’t – Will assist me in identifying tactics to modify health behavior

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