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Heat smoke detectors – sprinkler systems Fire fighting pump and water
equipments, storage – wet risers, Dry rises Fire extinguishers & cabinets Fire
protection system – CO2 & Halon system Fire alarm system, snorkel ladder
Configuring, sizing and space requirements for fire fighting equipments
What is a fire alarm system?
A system or portion of a combination system that consists of components of circuits
arranged to monitor and annunciate the status of fire alarm or supervisory signal
initiating devices and to initiate appropriate response to those signals.

Why are fire detection and alarm system required ?

• Detect fire in the areas
• Notify building occupants to take evasive action to escape the dangers of a
hostile fire.
• Summon organised assistance to initiate or assist in fire control activities
• Initiate automatic fire control and suppression systems and to sound alarm.
• Supervise fire control and suppression systems to assure operational status is
• Initiate auxiliary functions involving environmental, utility and process controls.
Fire detection and alarm system may contain:

• System control unit

• Primary electric supply
• Secondary battery supply
• Alarm activation devices – manual or automatic
• Alarm indication devices – audible and visual
• Remote indication on a building monitoring system
• Control relay via a building management system to effect the extinguishers
and ventilation smoke actuators

System control unit – an alarm panel which monitors the state of all
parts(zones) of the installations. It identifies the point of origin of an alarm and
displays this on the panel and communicates this to remote control locations.

Zones :
• Max. 2000 m 2 floor area in one storey
• No detachment of compartment areas within one floor area zone.
• Max. 30 m search distance in a zone
• Single occupancy of a zone where several separate business functions
occurs in one building
Fire detection and alarm systems components
System components may operate
• Mechanically
• Hydraulically
• Pneumatically
• Electrically

Types of fire alarm systems

• Most basic type is designed to only be initiated manually- known a s a local
system or protected premises ( pull station asn bell)
• Typically, this system is expanded to include fire detection devices to sense the
presence of a fire and initiate a signal.

Detector categories :

Fire detection devices ( Input / Initiation devices)

- Devices which detect fire/smoke , etc., e.g. heat detectors, smoke detectors,
flame detectors, manual call points, etc.,
Fire alarm Devices ( Output / notification devices)
Devices which alert people of the fire condition. E.g. sounders, voice alarms,
stobes, etc.,
Fire Circuit devices (Line units)
Devices with electrical functions related directly to the detection/alarm circuit,
e.g. sort circuit isolators, input output line units.
A fire alarm system can have a variety of input
Basics - Fire Alarm System devices.
• The brains of the system Initiating Device: A system component that
Main Controller
• Provides power to the originates transmission of a change of state
system, monitors inputs condition, such as a smoke detector, manual
and controls outputs fire alarm box, supervisory switch, etc...
through various circuits
• Performs other Initiating Device Circuit (IDC): A circuit to
functions as required by which automatic or manual initiating devices
the appropriate code are connected where the signal received does
not identify the individual device operated


Smoke Detector Manual Pull Station

Primary (AC)
Strobes Horns
Notification Appliance: A fire alarm system
component such as a bell, horn, speaker, light,
Secondary (DC) or text display that provides audible, tactile, or
visible output, or any combination thereof.

Requires two Power Sources Notification Appliance Circuit: A circuit or path

directly connected to a notification appliance.
Basics - Fire Alarm System

1. Aspirating detectors
2. Spot type smoke detectors
3. Flame detectors
4. Heat detectors
• Signal Initiation/Initiating Devices
– Need to understand stages of fire and what technology works best for each


• Stage One
– Incipient: Products of Combustion particles are produced (<0.3 microns). No
visible smoke or detectable heat. May occur for milliseconds or days.
• Use ionization detectors
• Stage Two
– Smoldering: Visible smoke particles are produced (>0.3 microns). Little visible
flame or noticeable heat.
• Use Photoelectric Detectors
• Stage Three
– Flame: Rapid combustion produces radiant energy in the visible, and invisible (IR,
UV) spectrums. Heat begins to buildup at this stage
• Use Spark or Flame Detectors
• Stage Four
– High Heat: Uncontrolled combustion is caused by the heating of nearby
combustibles to their ignition point.
• Use Heat Detectors
– Note! Major disadvantages of using thermal energy for fire identification are
• Takes a while for a fire to be recognized
• The toxic gases that are produced before an alarm point is reached
Smoke and heat detectors must also be sited to avoid stratification: that is the detector
must not be blanketed by layers of hot air.

Detector fail to operated by small fire due to stratification.

In this case, the increasing convection air currents have created a flow of combustion
products across the detectors.
Detectors operated by large fire.

As shown, detector heads must be positioned to allow easy passage of
combustion products in all fire scenarios.
Methods of overcoming effect of stratification.

FIRE BOX(Manual pull station)
• When shorted trips an alarm
• Installed in the normal exit path

Types of fire box:

• Single action
- Pull handle once
• Glass break
- Glass rod or plate is broken
• Double action
- lifting of a cover or opening a door
- Fixed temperature heat detectors
o Spot type
o In line type
o Bi-metallic type
- Rate of rise type heat detectors
- Photoelectric
o Light Scattering
o Light Obscuration
- Ionization
- Ultraviolet light (UV)
- Infrared (IR)
• Duct
• MULTI SENSOR FIRE DETECTORS (combination of optical, heat and CO sensors)
HEAT DETECTORS - Fixed temperature heat detectors
• Fixed temperature is one of the oldest method in use.
• It is relatively inexpensive
• Least prone to false alarms
• Used in high steam or dusty environments like garages, kitchens, etc.,
• Activation temperature slightly above highest ceiling temperature.

Detect heat by one or more of 3 primary principles of physics

• Expansion of heated material
• Melting of heated material
• Changes in resistance of heated material
• Alarm when the sensing element reaches a certain set point.
• Two common models have 135 and 200-degrees F range.
• Fixed element is generally a non-restorable type, and when activated, must be
• Most detectors are of spot type - Designed to detect heat only in a
relatively small area surrounding the spot they are located.
• Continuous line detection device – detect heat over a linear areas parallel
to the detector. (e.g.: conveyors, electric cable trays, etc.,)

Bimetallic detectors – uses 2

metals with different
thermal expansion
When heated, 1 metal
expands faster than the
other causing the strip to
bend or arch
Deflection of strip makes or
breaks alarm circuit,
initiating an alarm
Bimetallic detectors will
automatically when cooled
(but should be checked after
a fire for damage)
HEAT DETECTORS - Rate-of-rise Detectors:

• Operate on the principle that the temperature in a room will increase faster from fire
than from atmospheric temperature.
• Respond when the rate of temperature exceeds the allowable limit (12-15 degrees F
in 60 secs.)
• The Rate-of-Rise element is restorable when conditions return to normal.
• Rate Compensation will respond regardless of the rate of temperature rise.
• Reliable device, not subject to false activation.
• But, if not properly installed, they can be activated under non fire condition.
(e.g. detectors located too close to door way and subject to extreme
fluctuations in temperature)
• Several types or Rate-of-Rise detectors are
- Pneumatic Rate-of-Rise spot detector
- Pneumatic Rate-of-Rise line detector
- Rate compensated detector
- Thermoelectric detector

1. Electric connection
2. Fixed temperature
3. Gold plated contacts
4. Shielded bi-metallic
5. Unshielded bi-metallic
6. Aluminium cap
7. Plastic base mounting

• Can initiate an alarm much quicker than a heat detector because it responds to
smoke generated very early in a fire’s development (inception stage)
• 2 basic types
- Photoelectric
- Ionization
Uses a photo cell coupled with a specific light source. Basically smoke entering the smoke
detector chamber disrupts the light beam causing an alarm signal to be initiated. More
sensitive to smouldering fires.
Photoelectric Smoke Detectors: Light-Scattering Type
Uses a Light-Emitting Diode (LED) that sends a beam of light into a dark chamber- a photo
diode sits on the other side of a partition within the chamber. Smoke particles entering
the chamber deflect some of the light rays into the photo cell. The photo cell generates a
current when exposed to light, and if the current reaches a certain level, the detector

Photoelectric Smoke Detectors: Light Obscuration Type

In a projected Beam Detector, alarms are generated by diffusing the projected light beam
by a specified percentage of obscuration. Total beam blockage generally results in a
trouble signal.
Photoelectric smoke detectors


1. Optical Chamber
2. Cover
3. Case moulding
4. Photo diode ( detector)
5. Infra red LED
Photoelectric Smoke Detectors: Light Obscuration Type
A beam of light is projected across the protected area close to the ceiling. The light falls
onto a photo electric cell which produces a small electrical current for amplification and
application to an alarm circuit. Smoke rising from a fire passes through the light beam to
obscure and interrupt the amount of light falling on the photo electric cell. The flow of
electric current from the cell reduces sufficiently to activate an alarm relay.
A light beam projects onto a light
trap into which it is absorbed.
When smoke enters the detector,
some of the light beam is
deflected upwards onto a photo
electric cell. This light energises
the cell to produce an electric
current which activates the alarm
– clean air condition - Smoke condition

Ionization Smoke Detectors
• Contain a small amount of radioactive
material encapsulated in a metal
chamber. Ionizing radiation develops a
low, but steady electrical current. Smoke
particles entering the chamber disrupt the
current and trigger the detector's alarm.
• Ion detectors react more quickly to fast
flaming fires that give off little smoke.
• Invisible products of combustion enter
the chamber decreasing the current
between the +ve and the –ve plates,
thereby initiating an alarm signal
• Generally responds faster to flaming fires
versus smoldering fires
• Automatically, resets when the
atmosphere clears

In normal conditions, In fire conditions, smoke

the Ions “flow” easily particles slow down the
across the air gap and flow of ions and the
thus maintain an circuit is broken.
electric circuit.
On Each Level
of House
Outside Sleeping

Dining Kitchen BR BR
Bedroom Bedroom
No. 1 No. 2

Dining Living

Living Room Entry Master Bedroom

In general, fire detectors are normally placed on the ceiling or within 12" of ceiling. Where
possible the detectors should be located throughout entire building . Spacing of detectors
will vary based on several factors. Connection to Remote Locations. Testing & maintenance
of fire detectors
No Closer Horizontal
Best in than Distance
Center of 4 inches from Peak
Ceiling (102 mm)
Side Wall
Dead Air
Space Mount on Wall
at least
4 inches
(102 mm)
from ceiling
No more than 3 Feet
12 inches (1m)
(305 mm)
from ceiling

Best Location
Acceptable Location

The initial quantity estimation of smoke detectors

• 35 to 40 Sq.M per detector for general application.

• 20 to 25 Sq.M per detector for main control room, electronic cubicle room,
computer room, etc., in view of high value concentration.
There are 3 basic types
• Ultra violet (UV)
• Infra red(IR)
• Can detect both types of light
• Most sensitive to detect fires but also easily activated by non fire conditions. (e.g.
Welding, sun light, etc.,)
• Must be positioned with an unobstructed view of the protected area
• Will not activate if line of site is blocked
• IR detectors are designed to require the flickering motion of aflame
• UV detectors insensitive to sunlight so they can be used in areas not suitable for IR
Detectors have a selective filter and lens to allow only infra-red radiation to fall on a
photo electric cell. Flames have a distinctive flicker, normally in the range of 4 to 15 Hz.
The filter is used to exclude signals outside of this range. The amplifier is used to
increase the current from the photo electric cell. To reduce false alarms, a timing device
operates the alarm a few seconds after the outbreak of fire.

Detectors have a gas filled bulb which reacts with UV radiation. When the bulb receives
radiant energy, the gas is ionised to produce an electric current. When this current exceeds
the set point of the amplifier the alarm circuit closes to operate the alarm system.


A band of light which can be visible or IR projected onto a photo electric cell. It does not fan
out or diffuse as it travels through an uninterrupted atmosphere. The beam can operate
effectively at distance up to 100m. As the cell is de-energised, this effects an alarm relay.
This multi wavelength This detector senses the
Detects radiation in a
flame detector is ultra violet spectrum of
particular narrow band –
monitoring the flame a flame and is less
”flame flicker”
generated when a sensitive to false
Can be confused by flickering hydrocarbon mixture alarms.
lights, hence built in time burns.
• Monitors levels of carbon di oxide and carbon monoxide
• More discriminating than other detectors – can be designed to be sensitive only to
gases produced by specific types of hostile fires and ignore gases produced by friendly
• Not many in use – very specialised applications
• Single device can be designed to have more than a function e.g. Heat / smoke,
smoke/carbon monoxide detectors
• Different combination make the detectors more versatile and more responsive to fire


• Photoelectric detector mounted in housing outside

the ductwork that has probes that extend into the
duct to sample the air inside the duct.
• Primarily used as a smoke control device to control
the flow of air in ductwork.
1 Main control room, computer Combination of Ionisation smoke detector,
room, electronic cubicle room and Optical type smoke detector
control rooms in outlying areas.
2 Switch gear rooms in main plant Ionisation type smoke detector
and outlying areas, battery charger
room, record and shift -in -charge
engineer rm.
3 Office rooms, storage rooms Ionisation type smoke detector
4 Battery rooms and chemically Corrosion resistant, rate of rise of
corrosive areas. temperature heat detector with fixed
temperature setting.
5 Cable gallery Combination of optical type smoke detector
and linear heat sensor running above all HV
and LV power cable trays. Unless the vertical
distance between cable tray is less than 500
mm. the optical smoke detectors along with
necessary number of interface units in the
cable gallery will be cross zoned to actuate the
water spray system.


6 Station building / plant area Infra red flame detectors (where oil tanks are
located), spray tanks rate of rise of temperature
detector with fixed element.
7 Coal conveyors Analogue linear heat sensor cable, infra red spark/
ember detectors and manual call points. If water
spray system is provided the will be cross zoned to
actuate the same. LHS cable and IR detector
8 Dusty areas in coal handling Flame proof manual call points
plants like crusher house
9 Junction towers Flame proof heat detectors, Flame proof manual
call points
10 Conveyor tunnels Flame proof infra red detectors, Flame proof
MCP’s LHS cables
11 Hazardous plant areas such as Flame proof rate of rise of temperature detector
fuel oil/ lube oil, DG houses, with fixed element and flame proof MCP
H2 generating plants and
hydrogen storage areas.
Criteria to determine the layout of fire detectors
• The design, construction and operational features of all types of detectors shall be in
accordance with relevant standards.
• The number of fire detectors to be installed is governed by
- Total area to be protected
- Type of building construction
- Air movement and air velocity
- Ceiling obstructions
- Concentration of equipment in the area covered
- Sensitivity required
• Area is divided into zones to be protected
• The zones of individual detectors should overlap and no blind zone should be left
• Area above false ceiling and below false flooring shall be considered as separate zones.
• Under ideal conditions of smooth ceiling and average room size, one detector is
recommended to protect the area.
• Ionisation type detectors should be located where the largest combustible gas
concentration can be expected.
• In the air conditioned areas both ionisation and optical type smoke detectors are used.
• Detectors must always installed at the highest point of the ceiling and minimum
coverage indicated by manufacture shall be considered.
• The number of detectors and their location should be so selected that complete
coverage is obtained.
• Remote system
• Proprietary system
• Central station system
Remote system
• This transmits the signals from protected property to a remote location where action
is taken
• Owner pays the monthly fee to a monitoring company – off site monitoring – most
popular method
Proprietary system
• Used in large commercial and industrial buildings.
• Each building has its own system that is wired into a common receiving point
somewhere on the site.
• Receiving point must be in a seperate building or area remote from anu hazardous
• Constantly staffed with special training to handle all type of calls

Central station system

• Similar to Proprietary system only primary difference is that the receiving location for
calls is off site, at a central station and is monitored by non staff
• Audible and visible alarms
• Audible : Horns, Bells, Sounders, Sirens, Chimes, Speakers
• Visible : Strobes
Visual Signaling Appliances
A visual signal lets users know the status of the alarm system if activated.
Visual signaling appliances are used in high-noise environments, in areas occupied by
hearing-impaired individuals, or in areas where audible devices may not be desired.

Strobe Chime/Strobe

Horn/Strobe Speaker/Strobe
Audible Devices
An audible alarm signal lets people know the alarm Bell
system has been activated. Device may be mounted inside
or outside based on the level of protection required.
• Bells: Used if they are only for fire, or have a
distinctive sound from other bell signaling devices.
Often used as an external gong to indicate the flow of
water in the sprinkler system.
• Horns: Loud and distinctive output. Often used in
high-noise environments, such as manufacturing Horn
• Sounders: Electronic or mechanical audible devices,
which are capable of producing a variety of tones.
Often, the tone is selectable during installation of the
• Chimes: Soft-toned appliances used where loud noises
could be disruptive to other operations. Generally
used where qualified personnel are continuously in Speakers Sounders
• Sirens: Extremely loud devices generally limited in use
to outdoor or heavy industrial areas.
• Speakers: Audible devices used in conjunction with
voice evacuation messages.

Water Based Powder Based Gas Based

System System System

Hydrant Sprinkler Spray Foam

A fire hydrant is an active fire protection measure, and a source of
water provided in areas with municipal water service to
enable firefighters to assist in extinguishing a fire.


• Fire Suppression
• Line Flushing
• Testing system

• Wet Barrel Hydrants
• Dry Barrel Hydrants
The wet barrel hydrant is connected to the
distribution system main through a Tee
placed in the line. The line leading from the
main to the hydrant is called the lateral line
and is normally 6” larger. A valve is
commonly located in the lateral between
the hydrant and the main. The valve allows
the operator to shut off the water during
repair of the hydrant.
Advantages of Wet barrel hydrants
The wet barrel hydrant is at the ease which a fire hose can connect in the second line
even when the hydrant is in use. Since each outlet is independently valved.

Disadvantages of Wet barrel hydrants

The major disadvantage is freezing problem, and the fact that these hydrants are
knocked over by a vehicle, they leak water.


The dry barrel hydrant is connected to the distribution system main through a Tee
placed in the main line. The line leading from the main to the hydrant is called the
lateral line and is normally 6” larger. A valve is commonly located in the lateral between
the hydrant and the main. The valve allows the operator to shut off the water during
repair of the hydrant. This valve is placed as close as possible to main line.

Advantages of Dry barrel hydrants

There is reduction in the potential for freezing during cold weather. This can be
manufactured, so when hit by a vehicle, they break at a designed point. Typically, there
is no loss of water from the lines.

Disadvantages of Dry barrel hydrants

The major disadvantage is connecting the second fire hose to the hydrant once it has
been open. It should be either shut off or manually installed valve must be placed on the
Common types of Dry barrel hydrants

• Compression hydrants
• Toggle hydrants
• Slide gate hydrants

Special types of Dry barrel hydrants

• Flash hydrants
• High Pressure hydrants
• Frost Jocket hydrants
• Traffic model hydrants
A sprinkler system provides automatic spray dedicated to the area of fire outbreak. It
consists of a water supply (or supplies) and one or more sprinkler installations, each
installation consist of a set of installation control valves and a pipe array fitted with
sprinkler heads. The sprinkler heads are fitted at specified locations at the roof or ceiling,
and where ever necessary.
A sprinkler must first sense
the heat, and must then
provide an adequate
distribution of water to
control or extinguish the
fire. Each function is
performed separately and
one is independent of the
other except in so far as
early detection makes
extinction easier.
The classic use of the
sprinkler is in the hot gas
layer which forms beneath
the ceiling of an enclosure
in which a fire is
Effectiveness of Sprinkler Systems
Pipe sizes – 2.5 cm minimum supply pipe – incoming service to supply at least 60 l / min .
Sprinkler head spacing – area covered by one head 12 m2 maximum.
Maximum distance between heads –4m
Maximum distance from wall to ceiling mounted head -2m
Maximum distance between heads in the same room -2m
operating pressure - 0.5 bar minimum

Types of sprinkler systems - There are four major classifications of sprinkler systems
• Wet-pipe Systems pressurised by
• Dry Pipe System Fresh water
• Pre-action Systems
• Deluge sprinkler system
BULB keeps
valve closed

Heat causes alcohol inside bulb to

expand, shatter bulb and water
Sprinkler Heads - Operating Principle Type based on position
Frame Arms
Lever Mechanism
Arms (Fusible
Cap Pendant Sidewall Upright

Type based on activation

a. Solder-link
b. Frangible bulb
c. Fusible pellet

RELEASING MECHANISMS Fusible Link Frangible Chemical Fusible Link

(Standard) Bulb Pellet (Quick Response)
Sprinkler Heads
Temperature rating of sprinkler heads
Non-Colored  Ordinary  135-1700F
White  Intermediate  175-2250F
Blue  High  250-3000F
Red  Extra High  325-3750F
Green  Very High  400-4750F
Orange  Ultra High  500-6500F
Location and spacing of sprinklers
• Spacing depends on the class of hazard of occupancy and the type of ceiling
construction Extra High
Light hazard - 15' maximum between sprinklers Hazard
Ordinary hazard - 12-15' ft. depending on use of area 90 ft2
Extra hazard - 12' maximum
• Sprinklers must also be spaced so that each sprinkler does not protect more than a
specified area:
Light hazard occupancy—floor area/sprinkler maximum of 130-200 square feet,
depending on type of ceiling
Ordinary hazard occupancy--max. area per sprinkler 100-130 square feet,
depending on use of space
Extra hazard occupancy--90 square feet sprinkler maximum
A Wet-pipe Systems is used in heated buildings where there is no risk of the water in the pipe
work freezing. All pipe work is permanently pressure charged with water and the sprinkler
heads usually attach to the underside of the range pipes. Where water is mains supplied. It
should be fed from both ends. If the main is under repair on one side, the stop valve and
branch pipe can be closed and the sprinkler system supplied from the other branch pipe.
When the sprinkler head is fractured water
is immediately dispersed. Water will also
flow through an annular groove in the alarm
valve seating to a pipe connected to an
alarm gong and turbine. A jet of water
propels the turbine blades causing the alarm
gong to operate.
Wet-pipe Systems- Operation of system
A Wet riser is essential in buildings where the
floor levels are higher than that served by a
dry riser. i.e. greater than 60 m above fire
service vehicle access level.

The pressure level in wet riser should be 400

kPa to 500 kPa. And the flow rate of 25 L/S. To
maintain the pressure, a pumping equipment
is installed.

A pressure relief valve in incorporated in the

outlet of the landing valve. One 65mm landing
valve should be provided for every 900m2
floor area.
A dry riser is in effect an empty vertical pipe which
becomes a fire fighter’s hose extension to supply
hydrants at each floor level.

Riser should be disposed so that no part of the floor

is more than 60m from a landing valve. This distance
is measured along the route suitable for a fire
fighting hose line, to include any dimension up or
down a stairway.

The riser must be electrically bonded to earth.

Buildings with floors up to 45m above

fire service vehicle access level
require one 65 mm landing valve on
each floor from a 100mm inner dia

Buildings between 45m and 60m with

one or two landing valves per floor
require a 150mmm inner dia.

Hose reel should be located in places

like staircase landing. The hose most
distant from the source of water should
discharge 0.4 L/S at a 6m distance from
the nozzle. The pressure of 200 kPa is
required at the highest reel.

If the water main cannot provide this,

break / suction tank and booster pumps
should be installed. The capacity of the
tank must be 1.6m3 . The reinforced
non-kink rubber hose of length 45m
covers 800m2 floor area per installation.

A deluge system is used specifically for high fire hazard such as plastic foam
manufacture, fire works factories, etc., where there is a risk of intensive fire with a very
fast rate of propagation.

The pipe work is in two parts,

compressed air with quartzoid bulb
attached and a dry pipe with open
ended spray projectors.

When a fire occurs, the quartzoid

bulb shatters and the compressed air
in the pipe line is released allowing a
diaphragm inside the deluge control
valve to open and discharge water
through the open pipe to the
Water supply for sprinkler systems
There are various sources of water supply that may be used for sprinkler applications.

Elevated private reservoir : minimum volume varies between 9m 3 and 875m3.

Suction tank : supplied with
a water main. Minimum tank
volume is between 2.5m3 to
585m3. a combination
suction tank and pressure
tank is effective. A pressure
tank must have a minimum
volume of 7m3 to 23m3. A
pressure switch or a flow
switch automatically
engages the pump when the
sprinkler opens.

Gravity tank : usually

located on a tower to
provide sufficient head or
water pressure above the
sprinkler installation.
Pipe work distribution for sprinkler systems
The arrangement of pipe work will depend upon the building shape and layout. The position
of the riser pipe and the number of sprinkler heads required. To provide a reasonably
balanced distribution, it is preferable to have a centre feed pipe. The maximum spacing of
sprinkler heads on range pipes depends on the fire hazard classification of the building.
Maximum floor area
Hazard Maximum spacing of
covered by one
Category sprinkler heads(m)
sprinkler head (m2)
Light 4.6 21
Ordinary 4.0 to 4.6 12
High 3.7 9
Sprinkler Valves
The purpose of a sprinkler valve is to retain & control flow of water & to isolate individual risers .
Control valve location
Every system will
Main have two valves: a
Control main water control
Valve valve and a sprinkler
The main control
valve should always
be in the OPEN

OS&Y (Outside
Screw and
Yoke) PIV (Post WPIV (Wall Post
Indicator Valve) Indicator Valve)
Spray System
A special fixed pipe system connected to a reliable source of fire protection water supply
and equipped with water spray nozzles for specific water discharge and distribution over
the surface or area to be protected. The piping system is connected to the water supply
through an automatically actuated Deluge Valve which initiates flow of water. Automatic
actuation is achieved by operation of automatic detecting equipment installed along with
water spray nozzles. There are two types of systems namely High Velocity Water Spray
System and Medium Velocity Water Spray System.
I) High Velocity Water Spray System
High Velocity Water spray systems are installed to extinguish fires involving liquids
with flash points of 65 deg. C (150 deg. F) or higher.
It was found however that water applied in the form of the finely broken needles to
create an emulsion possessed a high resistance to electric current. This equipment is
now more or less standard for live oil filled electrical gear and is quite commonly
installed for the protection of electrical equipment carrying voltage of 400 KV or more
II) Medium Velocity Water Spray System
Advance in technology have brought about much wider usage in industry of highly inflammable
liquids, gases and solids. The fire problems so produced have required new thinking and
development of new technologies. With fire risks involving the lighter oils, liquefied petroleum
gases and other flammable liquids with flash points below 65 deg. C it may not be possible or
even desirable to extinguish the fire completely.
Spray System
Under such circumstances the aim is to achieve controlled burning. Adequate control of such fires
and also protection of vessels and plant exposed to surrounding fire can be achieved by properly
designed medium velocity water spray system. Cooling smothering and dilution play apart in varying
degrees with such a system This type of system utilizes sprayers which produce a medium velocity
water discharged with directional properties operating at a minimum water pressure of approximate
1.5 bar sprayers can be arranged for individual automatic operation or for automatic and manual
operation in groups to command the plant or fire area concerned. Here again, the essence of the
design is proper discharged pattern, careful hydraulic calculation and balance of flow and pressure.
All systems are fitted with alarm equipment and monitoring devices as required.

Spray Spray Deluge
line Spray line valve
Nozzle Spray Nozzle
Foam System
Foam for fire protection purposes is an aggregate of air-filled bubbles formed from
aqueous solutions and is lower density than the lightest flammable liquids. It is
principally used to form a coherent floating blanket on flammable and combustible
liquid lighter than water and prevents or extinguishes fire by excluding air and cooling
the fuel. It also prevents re-ignition by suppressing formation of flammable vapors. It
has the property of adhering to surfaces, providing a degree of exposure protection
from adjacent fires.
Foam may be used as a fire prevention, control or extinguishments agent for
flammable liquid tanks or processing areas. Foam solution for these hazards may be
supplied by fixed piped systems or portable foam generating systems. Foam may be
applied by foam discharge outlets, which allow it to fall gently on the surface of
burning fuel or it may be introduced by other means. Foam may also be applied to
these hazards by portable hose streams using foam nozzles, portable towers or large
capacity monitor nozzles.
Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishing Systems
Types of fixed systems
– Total flooding
• apply to an entire room or confined area
– Local application
• applying CO2 over the surface of the tank
local application

Acid Pickling Tank

Quantity and rate of application is determined by a qualified professional. Inspection

and maintenance must be completed at least once each year

Dry chemical fixed pipe fire suppression systems are self contained units, designed by
factory trained personnel, consisting of a pressure vessel constructed to ASME
standards, nitrogen cylinders , automatic detection devices and electric/pneumatic
manual actuation devices.
Carbon Dioxide as an extinguishing agent is swift
and thorough. Within seconds, it smothers a fire
and holds damage to a minimum. Stored under
pressure as a liquid, carbon dioxide quickly
expands to vapour and a state of fine particles of
dry ice, much like snow. This "snow" absorbs heat
rapidly changes to a vapour under normal
temperature conditions, and even faster in the
presence of fire. The carbon dioxide vapour
chokes of combustion, and the snow effect
reduces the ambient temperature to help prevent
Moreover, carbon dioxide is a three dimensional agent, enabling it to penetrate the entire
hazard area, including electrical cabinets. Low-pressure and high-pressure carbon dioxide
systems have equal extinguishing capabilities when each is designed to handle a specific
hazard. Carbon dioxide is normally harmless to equipment, materials and property. It leaves
no residue to be cleaned up, mopped up or scraped off. Production downtime is held to a
Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless, electrically non-conductive agent for the protection of
vital services. In many instances, water is not a suitable extinguishing medium, for example,
where electrical equipment is concerned or clean up time is vital, gaseous extinguishing agent
is the only option.
Principles of Explosion Prevention
a) Venting to relieve the pressure
b) Suppression to extinguish or retard the deflagration
c) Purging to eliminate the combustible mixture

Fundamentals of explosion venting

Location of hazardous operations
• Design of the vent
– Location of vent is important
– Size of vent
– Design variables for vents
• Design of vent closures
– The nearer a vent is located to the point of explosion the more effective it will be
– If diaphragms (of the same size and thickness) are made thicker then more pressure will
be required to rupture them Most effective vent for release of explosion pressure is an
unobstructed vent opening
– Several small vents may be as effective as one large opening as long as total area is the
– The nearer a vent is located to the point of explosion the more effective it will be
– If diaphragms (of the same size and thickness) are made thicker then more pressure will
be required to rupture them
• Maintenance of vents
• Explosion Suppression
• Elements in the system
Pressure Detector
Suppressant Material

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