Seismic Wave Propagation: by Santosh Kumar

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Seismic Wave Propagation

Santosh Kumar


What are Seismic Waves ?

 Seismic waves are the vibrations from earthquakes that travel

through the Earth

 They are the waves of energy suddenly created by the breaking up

of rock within the earth or an explosion .They are the energy that
travels through the earth and is recorded on seismographs
Categorization of Seismic Waves

Seismic Waves

Body Waves Surface Waves

P-Waves S-Waves Love Rayleigh

Waves Waves

SV-Wave SH-Wave
 Body waves: Traveling through the interior of the earth, body
waves arrive before the surface waves emitted by an
earthquake. These waves are of a higher frequency than
surface waves.

 Surface waves: Travelling only through the crust, surface

waves are of a lower frequency than body waves, and are
easily distinguished on a seismogram as a result. Though they
arrive after body waves, it is surface waves that are almost
entirely responsible for the damage and destruction associated
with earthquakes. This damage and the strength of the surface
waves are reduced in deeper earthquakes.
 Typesof body waves
 Primary or compressional (P) waves
a) The first kind of body wave is the P wave or primary wave. This is
the fastest kind of seismic wave.
b) The P wave can move through solid rock and fluids, like water or the
liquid layers of the earth.
c) It pushes and pulls the rock it moves through just like sound waves
push and pull the air.
d) Highest velocity (6 km/sec in the crust)
 Secondary or shear (S) waves
a) The second type of body wave is the S wave or secondary wave, which
is the second wave you feel in an earthquake.
b) An S wave is slower than a P wave and can only move through solid
rock. (3.6 km/sec in the crust)
c) This wave moves rock up and down, or side-to-side.
 Types of surface waves
 Love Waves
a) The first kind of surface wave is called a Love wave, named after
A.E.H. Love, a British mathematician who worked out the mathematical
model for this kind of wave in 1911.
b) It's the fastest surface wave and moves the ground from side-to-side.
 Rayleigh Waves
a) The other kind of surface wave is the Rayleigh wave, named for John
William Strutt, Lord Rayleigh, who mathematically predicted the existence
of this kind of wave in 1885.
b) A Rayleigh wave rolls along the ground just like a wave rolls across a
lake or an ocean. Because it rolls, it moves the ground up and down, and
side-to-side in the same direction that the wave is moving.
c) Most of the shaking felt from an earthquake is due to the Rayleigh wave,
which can be much larger than the other waves.
One of My Thesis Problem

Propagation of Rayleigh Waves in Anisotropic Layer

Overlying a Semi-infinite Sandy Medium

Published in Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Elsevier

Formulation of the problem

Fig. 1 Geometry of the problem

For the propagation of Rayleigh waves in xz -plane, we have

u  u  x, z , t  , w  w  x , z , t  , v  0 and  0.

Basic equation and Solution

Solution in the layer

The dynamical equation of motion for propagation of Rayleigh waves are given by

 xx  xz  2u1
  1 2 , (1)
x z t
 xz  zz  2 w1
  1 2 , (2)
x z t
where 1 is the density of the material of the layer, u1 and w1 are the
displacement component in the layer along x and z direction respectively.

The stress-strain relations for anisotropic layer are taken as

 xx  C11exx  C12eyy  C13ezz  C14eyz  C15exz  C16exy , (3a)

 zz  C13exx  C23eyy  C33ezz  C34eyz  C35exz  C36exy (3b)
and  xz  C15exx  C25eyy  C35ezz  C45eyz  C55exz  C56exy .
Now, the equation of motion for propagation of Rayleigh waves in anisotropic
medium by using (1), (2) and (3), we have
 2u1  2 w1  2u1  2 w1  2u1  2 w1  2u1
C11 2  C15  C55 2  C35  2C15  (C13  C55 )  1 2
x x 2 z z 2 xz xz t
 w1
 u1
 w1
 u1
 w1
 w1
C15 21  C55  C  C  (C  C )  2C   .
x x z z xz xz t
2 35 2 33 2 13 55 35 1 2

Assuming the solution of above equations as u1 ( x, z , t )  U1 ( z )eik ( x ct ) and

w1 ( x, z , t )  W1 ( z )eik ( x ct ) and substituting in (4) and (5), we have

C55 D 2  2ikC15 D  ( 1k 2c 2  c11k 2 )  U1  C35 D 2  ik (C13  C55 ) D  c15k 2 )  W1  0,

C35 D 2  ik (C13  C55 ) D  c15 k 2 )  U1  C33 D 2  2ikC35 D  ( 1k 2c 2  c55k 2 )  W1  0,
where k is wave number and c is phase velocity.

Following the orthodox method of solving simultaneous linear equations with

constant coefficients, we write U1  z   Ae ksz W
, 1  z   Be ksz and using in (6) and
(7), we have
C55 s 2  2iC15 s   1c 2  C11  A  C35 s 2  i  C13  C55  s  C15  B  0 (8)
   
C35 s 2  i  C13  C55  s  C15  A  C33 s 2  2iC35 s   1c 2  C55  B  0. (9)
 
In order to obtain non trivial solution of (8) and (9), we have
a0 s 4  a1s 3  a2 s 2  a3 s  a4  0, (10)

where a0 , a1 , a2 , a3 and a4 have been defined in Appendix A.1.

Let s j  j  1,..., 4  be the roots of (10) and the ratio of the displacement

component U1 j ,W1 j from (8) corresponding to s  s j is

W1 j Bj  C55 s 2j  2iC15 s j   1c 2  C11  
   mj. (11)
U1 j AjC s  i  C13  C55  s j  C15 
35 j

Thus the solution of (4) and (5) can be written as

u1  A1e ks1z  A2e ks2 z  A3e ks3 z  A4e ks4 z e  ik  x ct 

w1  m1 A1e ks1z  m2 A2e ks2 z  m3 A3e ks3 z  m4 A4e ks4 z e  ik  x ct 
. (13)
Solution in half space
The dynamical equation of motion for propagation of Rayleigh waves are given by
 xx  xz  2 u2
  2 2 , (14)
x z t
 xz  zz  2 w2
  2 2 , (15)
x z t
where 2 is the density of the sandy medium, u2 and w2 are the displacement
component in the layer along x and z direction respectively.
For sandy medium, the stress displacements relations are
 u w 
 xx    2  22  2  2 2  ,
 x z 
 w2 u2 
 zz    2  22   2 (16)
 z x 
 u2 w2 
and  xz  2   .
 z  x 
where  ,  are Lame constants and η is sandiness parameter given by
2 2

 2 1   (Weiskopf [14]), where and E and  are the Young modulus
 2
2 2

and Poisson’s ratio respectively.

Putting (16) into (14) and (15), the two equations become
 2 u2  2 u2  2 w2  2 u2
  2  22  2  2 2    2  2   2 2 , (17)
x z xz t
 2 w2  2 w2  2 u2  2 w2
2 2    2  22  2    2  2   2 2 . (18)
x z xz t
For time harmonic wave propagating in positive x- direction, we have
u2  Ce kpz  Dekpz  e   ,
ik x ct

w2   Ee kpz  Fekpz  e   ,

ik x ct
where p is the parameter to be determined, c is the phase velocity and k is the
wave number.
Now putting (19) and (20) into (17) and (18), the following four equations are
  2 c 2    2  22    2 p 2  C  i  2  2  pE  0
  2 c 2    2  22    2 p 2  D  i  2  2  pF  0 (21)
  2 c 2  2    2  22  p 2  E  i  2   2  pC  0
  2 c 2  2    2  22  p 2  F  i  2   2  pD  0

Eliminating C , D, E and F from four equations in (21), we get a bi-quadratic

equation with reference to p, (a dimensionless parameter) as follows:
  2  2
 c2   22  c 2   2  22  c 2  c 2 
2 2
 2 p   1  2     2      2  2     p  2  2    2     0,
4 2 2
2    2   2   2  2   2  2   2 
 2  22  
where,  2 
and  22  2 .
2 2
Let  p1 ,  p2 are the roots of equation (22). Then from (19) and (20) the
displacements in the sandy layer are given by
u2  C1e kp1z  C2e kp2 z  D1ekp1z  D2ekp2 z  e   ,
ik x ct

w2  n1C1e kp1z  n2C2e kp2 z  n1D1ekp1z  n2 D2ekp2 z  e   ,

ik x ct

where E j  n j C j and Fj  n j D j , in which

c2  22 2
   2 p j
 22 2
nj   j  1, 2  . (25)
   2
i 1  22  p j
 2 
The approximate solution to equation (23) and (24) for half-space are given by

u2  C1e kp1z  C2e kp2 z  e  

ik x ct

w2  n1C1e kp1z  n2C2e kp2 z  e   .

ik x ct
Boundary conditions
(1). At the interface, z  0 , the continuity of the displacement along x direction
requires that u1  u2 and w1  w2 .

(2). At the interface, z  0 , the continuity of the stress requires that  xz 1   xz 2

and  zz 1   zz 2 , where  xz and  zz are the stress component. Subscript ‘1’ is
taken for the layer and ‘2’ for the half space.

(3). At the upper boundary plane (Free Surface) i.e. , z  h the stresses vanishes
i.e.  xz 1  0 and  zz 1  0.
Using the boundary conditions first, second, third and equations (12), (13), (26)
and (27) respectively, we have
A1  A2  A3  A4  C1  C2  0 (28)
m1 A1  m2 A2  m3 A3  m4 A4  n1C1  n2C2  0 (29)
K1 A1  K 2 A2  K3 A3  K 4 A4  2  in1  p1  C1  2  in2  p2  C2  0 (30)
K5 A1  K6 A2  K7 A3  K8 A4   i2   2  22  p1n1C1   i2   2  22  p2n2 C2  0
K1 A1eks1h  K2 A2eks2h  K3 A3eks3h  K4 A4eks4h  0 (32)

K5 A1eks1h  K6 A2eks2h  K7 A3eks3h  K8 A4eks4h  0 (33)

Eliminating A1 , A2 , A3 , A4 , C1 and C2 from (28) to (33), we have

1 1 1 1 1 1
m1 m2 m3 m4  n1  n2
K1 K2 K3 K4  2  in1  p1   2  in2  p2 
K5 K6 K7 K8   i2   2  22  p1n1   i2   2  22  p2 n2 
K1e ks1h K 2e ks2 h K 3e ks3h K 4e ks4h 0 0
K 5e ks1h K 6e ks2 h K 7e ks3h K8e ks4h 0 0

The equation (34) gives the dispersion relation of Rayleigh waves in anisotropic
layer lying over sandy medium.
Special Cases:

Case I: When we consider C15  C35  0 , then equation (34) reduces to

dispersion relation of Rayleigh waves in orthotropic layer lying over sandy half
Case II: When we take C11  C33  1  21 , C13  1 , C55  1 , C15  C35  0 , then
equation (34) reduces to dispersion relation of Rayleigh waves in isotropic layer
lying over sandy half space.
Case III: When h  0 , then equation (34) reduces to
 in1  p1   in2  p2 
0 (35)
i   
2 2  2 2  p1n1 i   
2 2  22  p2 n2 

The equation (35) gives the dispersion relation of Rayleigh waves in sandy half
Case IV: When h  0 and   1 , the equation (34) reduces to
 in1  p1   in2  p2 
0 (36)
i2   2  22  p1n1 i2   2  22  p2 n2 
where p1 and p2 are roots of

 22 4   22   c 2   2  22  c 2
  22  c 2  c 2 
p    1  2 
  2  1   2 
 1   p  2 
 1  2  1 0
2 2
  2    2   2  2
  2  2
  2 

and n1 and n2 are given by

c2  22 2
 1  2 pj
 2
nj  2  j  1, 2  .
 2 2
i 1  2  pj
 2 
The equation (36) gives the dispersion relation of Rayleigh waves in isotropic
half space.
Numerical results and discussion
We have taken data for inhomogeneous anisotropic medium from Rasolofosaon
and Zinszner [1].
C11  106.8GPa, C22  99.00GPa, C33  54.57GPa, C12  27.10GPa

C13  9.68GPa, C14  0.03GPa, C15  0.28GPa, C16  0.12GPa

C23  18.22GPa,C24  1.49GPa, C25  0.13GPa, C26  0.58GPa

C34  2.44GPa, C35  1.69GPa, C36  0.75GPa, C44  25.97GPa
C45  1.98GPa, C46  0.43GPa, C55  25.05GPa, C66  37.82GPa

C56  1.44GPa, 1  2727 kg/m3

For sandy half space, the data is taken as

2  2.46Gpa,2  5.66Gpa and 2  7800kg/m3 .

4.0 4.0

1. h 2.4 Km
3.8 3.8 2. h 2.5 Km
3. h 2.6 Km

Im c Kms
Re c Kms

3.6 3.6 2

1. h 2.4 Km

3.4 2. h 2.5 Km 3.4

3. h 2.6 Km

3.2 3.2
4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0
wave number k wave number k

Fig. 2 Variation of Re  c  and Im  c  with k for different value of h

when   2.54 and layer is of anisotropic material.
4.0 4.0

3.8 2 3.8 1

Im c Kms
Re c Kms

3.6 3.6 1. 1.0

1. 1.0 2. 1.5
2. 1.5 3. 2.0
3. 2.0
3.4 3.4

3.2 3.2
4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0

wave number k wave number k

Fig. 3 Variation of Re  c  and Im  c  with k for different value of  when

h  2.5 Km and layer is of anisotropic material.
4.0 4.0

1. h 2.4 Km

2. h 2.5 Km
3.8 3.8
3. h 2.6 Km
Re c Kms

Im c Kms
3.6 3.6
1 2

1. h 2.4 Km
2. h 2.5 Km
3.4 3.4
3. h 2.6 Km

3.2 3.2
4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0
wave number k wave number k

Fig. 4 Variation of Re  c  and Im  c  with k for different value of h

when   2.54 and layer is of orthotropic material.
4.0 4.0

1. 1.0
3.8 3.8 2. 1.5
3. 2.0 1

Im c Kms
Re c Kms

3.6 3.6 3

1 1. 1.0
2. 1.5
3. 2.0 3.4

3.2 3.2
4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8
wave number k wave number k

Fig. 5 Variation of Re  c  and Im  c  with k for different value of  when

h  2.5 Km and layer is of orthotropic material.


3.4 3.0 2
Re c Kms

Im c Kms

3.2 1 1
1. h 2.4 Km 1. h 2.4 Km
2. h 2.5 Km
2. h 2.5 Km
3.0 3. h 2.6 Km 3. h 2.6 Km

2.8 2.0
4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8
wave number k wave number k

Fig. 6 Variation of Re  c  and Im  c  with k for different value of h

when   2.54 and layer is of isotropic material.
3.5 3.4


3 1

Im c Kms
Re c Kms

2 2
1 3

1. 1.0 1. 1.0
2. 1.5 2.8 2. 1.5
3.1 3. 2.0 3. 2.0

3.0 2.6
4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8
wave number k wave number k

Fig. 7 Variation of Re  c  and Im  c  with k for different value of  when

h  2.5 Km and layer is of isotropic material.
The Rayleigh wave propagation in anisotropic layer lying over sandy half-space
solid medium has been investigated. The dispersion relation is obtained
analytically. The numerical results are discussed through figures by plotting
graphs between phase velocity and wave number. It can be concluded from
figures that as the thickness of layer increase magnitude of both real and
imaginary phase velocity increase with wave number. Also, for increase of
sandiness parameter the real phase velocity increases while imaginary decreases
with wave number. The nature of effects of sandiness and depth are similar for
different types of materials but the anisotropy of materials affects the phase
velocity significantly. The velocity of seismic waves depend not only direction
of wave propagation but also on the elastic properties and density of materials.
The velocity of waves of seismic waves varies drastically in different materials
and also at different depth. The sandiness of materials produces heterogeneity in
the medium and has a great impact on the phase velocity. The heterogeneity and
anisotropy plays a key role in the seismic wave propagation.
Appendix A.1
a0  C33C55  C35 2 , a1  2i  C15C33  C13C35 

a2   C33  C55  0c 2  4C15C35  C11C33  C132  2C13C15  2C15C35

a3  2i  C15  C35  0c 2  C11C35  C13C15 

a4  0 2c 4   C55  C11  0c 2  C11C55  C15 2

K1  iC15  m1s1C35   im1  s1  C55 , K 2  iC15  m2 s2C35  im2  s2  C55

K3  iC15  m3s3C35   im3  s3  C55 , K 4  iC15  m4 s4C35   im4  s4  C55

K5  iC13  m1s1C33   im1  s1  C35 , K6  iC13  m2 s2C33   im2  s2  C35

K7  iC13  m3s3C33   im3  s3  C35 , K8  iC13  m4 s4C33  im4  s4  C35


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