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Population Growth &

Economic Development
By HA2M2
 Pakistan has had a continuously high rate of population
 According to world bank Pakistan will become fifth
largest country by 2050.
 This rapid increase in population puts an enormous
strain on the economy.
 High population growth and lack of well developed
human resources in terms of education, skills result in
problems that hinder the economic development . The
problems include:
Food insecurity
Shortage of water supply
Electricity crisis and etc
In order to achieve balanced economic
growth , efforts should be made in the
following directions: (fig 12.4)
a) Reducing the population growth
 Family planning programs in rural and urban areas through
different NGOs to create awareness
 Providing cheap contraceptives to the population
 Imposing ban on child labor to reduce dependence on
children's income.
b)Human Resource development
 Can be done by :
1. increasing literacy rate
2. Providing education facilities to people in rural & urban
3. Introducing skill development programs which would
generate income and contribute to the economic
4. Promoting female education in the following ways:
 educated women do not get married early hence reducing
the span of productivity
educated females more interested in pursing a career rather
then having children
Educated women's have better knowledge of family planning
educated females help to reduce dependency ratio,
contributes to economic developments
c)Utilization of natural resources
 Pakistan faces population crisis because its existing
resources are not supporting the needs of population
 Better use of natural resources can achieve higher economic
 In order to develop our natural resources we need
comprehensive planning , effective management & a strong
will from the people & the government

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