8 World Water Forum - Brasília-Brasil, March 18-23, 2018

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< March 21st, 2018 >

< Naoki Komatsu >

Senior Technical Director of Lake
Biwa and the Environment, Shiga
Prefectural Government

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Today’s Presentation

1. Shiga and Lake Biwa

2. Efforts Toward the Improvement of
Water Quality
3. Changes in the Ecosystem
4. Considering the Connection
5. Recent Developments
6. Next Challenge

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1. Shiga and Lake Biwa

Shiga in Japan


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1. Shiga and Lake Biwa
Basic information
about Lake Biwa
●Surface area:
670.25 km2
(1/6 the size of Shiga)
● Length of shore:
Maximum depth 103.58 m 235km
● Water volume:
Okishima Island
27.5 billion m3
● Average depth:
41 m
● Maximum depth:
103.58 m
● Minimum width:
1.35 km
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Otsu City
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1. Shiga and Lake Biwa
Value of the Lake

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1. Shiga and Lake Biwa

Value of the Lake

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1. Shiga and Lake Biwa

Value of the Lake : Ancient Lake

 4 million years old (one of the oldest

lakes in the world after Lake Baikal
and Lake Tanganyika
 Inhabited with more than 60 endemic
species Jesogammarus

Round crucian carp Biwa catfish

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2. Efforts Toward the Improvement
of Water Quality Shiga

Occurrence of Freshwater Red Tides in 1977

1. Freshwater Red Tide and Uroglena Americana

2. Trend in occurrence of Freshwater Red Tide

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2. Efforts Toward the Improvement
of Water Quality Shiga

Ban of Synthetic Detergents That Contain Phosphorus

1) Soap Movement

Housewives’ Movement
*Synthetic detergent

*Natural powdered soap

2) Establishment of the
“ Lake Biwa Eutrophication Prevention
Ordinance” (enacted in 1979)
Disposed Synthetic

Drastic decrease in the occurrence of red tides

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2. Efforts Toward the Improvement Shiga

of Water Quality
Trends of Inflow Loads
Rain Forest Towns Farms Industry Homes Waste

COD Inflow Load Total Nitrogen Inflow Load Total Phosphorous Inflow Load

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2. Efforts Toward the Improvement
of Water Quality Shiga

Water Quality of Lake Biwa : Transparency, T-N and T-P

Water Quality of Lake Biwa
1. Transparency
2. Total-Nitrogen
3. Total-Phosphorus


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3. Changes in the Ecosystem Shiga

August, 1956 October, 2007

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3. Changes in the Ecosystem

Fish Catch in Lake Biwa


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3. Changes in the Ecosystem

Propagation of Invasive Species and Countermeasures for Reducing

Their Number
1) Invasive Species
• Bluegill (left)

• Largemouth Bass

2) Countermeasures
1. Ban on releasing by the Lake Biwa leisure
*Installation of 67 collection boxes and 30 fish
tanks around the Lake
2. Capture of invasive species in collaboration with
fishery associations
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4. Considering the Connection

1. Mother Lake 21 Plan (1999-2020)

Fundamental Goal
Coexistence between Lake Biwa and people
Ideal State
Healthy and active coexistence between Lake Biwa and people

2. Second Term
Considering the connection

Two Pillars
Conservation and revitalization
of the Lake Biwa Basin
Restoration of the connection
between our lives and the lake
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4. Considering the Connection

Mother Lake Forum

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5. Recent Developments

Law on Conservation and Restoration of Lake Biwa

Purpose:Conserve and restore Lake Biwa
Implementation:September 28, 2015
Main Contents:
• Establishment of a basic plan of action (national government)
• Formulation of a plan for the conservation and restoration of Lake Biwa
(Shiga Prefectural Government)
• (Financial) Support from the National Government
• Collaboration with related parties
• Establishment of the Special Committee for the Conservation and
Restoration of Lake Biwa
• Measures to be conducted by the national and local governments

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6. Next Challenges
Water Quality - Organics JAPAN

- Those derived from internal

production (e.g. photosynthesis)
- Those derived from the land
(e.g. lifestyle changes and non-point
and bacteria

organic matter

- Switch to the recovery of the nutrient environment for fish, understanding

the relationship between water quality (qualitative changes in organic
matter) and the base of the ecosystem, such as plankton
- Evaluate using a new index for organic matter such as the TOC
- Establish new methods for water quality management that consider the
conservation of the ecosystem

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7. Final Message

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Thank you
Thank you
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Introduction of our Sister State


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Sister State Relationship

Rio Grande Do Sul - Shiga JAPAN

Year Events
1980 Both states sign an agreement to become sister
1983 “Plazza Shiga”, the Japanese garden is
established in RS

1995 Shiga Culture Plaza is established in RS

1996 Junior soccer teams of both states have a

friendship match
2000 Both governors visit the other state to celebrate
the relationship’s 20th anniversary

2017 RS delegation attends the Biwako Business

2020 50th anniversary of the sister state relationship

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Sister State Relationship

Michigan - Shiga JAPAN

Year Events
1968 Both states sign an agreement to become sister
1971 The first Michigan Goodwill Mission visits Shiga

1989 The Japan Center for Michigan Universities is

1990 High school students exchanges start
2010 The governor of Shiga attends the US Midwest-
Japan conference in Detroit
2017 The governor Michigan and a delegation visits
2018 50th anniversary of sister state relationship

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