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How to plan a successful event

What is an event?:
• conference
• training
• marketing exhibition
• sports competition
• many others ...
 Education & Career Event
 Sport Event
 Entertainment Event
 Political Event
 Corporate Functions
 Religious Event
 Fund Raising Event
 Corporate Event Management
 Sport Event Management
 Product Launch Event Management
 Careers Event planning
 Private Event Management
 Global Event Management
 Fashion Show
 Musical Event Management
 Children Event management
 Negotiating Skills
 Creative Skill
 Convincing Skill
 Co-ordinating Skill
 Planning Skill
 Implementing Skill
"I keep six honest serving-men
(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are
What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who"
 Ideal and Alternate
 Indoor and Outdoor
 Parking needs
 Calendar
 Best time for your
 Location availability
 Outdoor events-
alternate date or
 Day of the week
 Be flexible
 Day vs. Evening
 Length of time needed
 Other concurrent
 Adequate parking for
your event participants
 Contact the Catering
 Order all items at
least 7 days in
 Guarantee number of
people 3 days in
 Add extra time for
decoration and
registration of guests
and after the event
for cleanup
 Format- presentation,
panel discussion,
lecture, instruction or
interactive group
 Contact with the
speaker about the
facilities and services
– Theater- rows of chairs
facing front
– Classroom- rows of chairs
and tables
– Banquet- round tables
with chairs
– Conference- chairs around
– flags and banners, table
skirts and cloths, dividers
 Event Management
Office- Complete
Reservation Request
form and/or New
Contact form
 One point of contact for each
 2 contacts for each group
 Email address and cell phone
 When sponsoring an event
makes arrangements
budget number is needed
 Meeting
 Promote your event
 Work with your advisor
 Contact Event Management with questions
• speakers pay full registration fee
– include their accommodation?
– include travel and subsistence costs?
• generates goodwill and eases speakers load
• speakers pay (reduced) registration fee
• speakers attend free
– the latter two require higher registration fees from
non-speaking delegates
 Poster papers
 often used to gain additional delegates

 Special dietary requirements

 vegetarian, vegan, halal, etc
• advertising
– TV, radio, journals, magazines
– specialised mailing lists
– e-discussion lists
– SMS/MMS telecommunications
• media
– flyers, brochures etc
• design costs
• printing costs
• mailing costs
• administration
• personnel on-the-day
• travel (to view venue in advance)
• audio-visual aids and technician

... and other income

• sponsorship
• “flyers” in the delegate pack
• cancellation may incur:
– lost deposits on venues
– refunds of any prepayments
– speakers spending in anticipation of event
– “all that effort for nothing”
• continuation may result in:
– negative budget
– “loss leader” informing future events
– loss of reputation,
if delegate expectations not realised
 Broadly the same considerations
 outdoors may also need
 formal permission to use public space
 fenced area accessible only to ticket holders
 security to ensure no freeloaders
 public address systems
 first-aid provision
 independent caterers
• what can go wrong?
– pay-on-the-day and no-one arrives
– the weather (no audience - no “atmosphere”)
• insurers will cover the risk?
– they are in business to make money
– they consider the risks involved
– they request lower premiums where
• a full risk assessment already exists
• where plans/budgets have sensible contingency

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