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Mathematics and the

Game of Poker

Kristina Fitzhugh
The History of Poker
 Over the past 10 centuries
poker has evolved from
various games
– 969 AD: Emperor Mutsung in
– 12th & 13th centuries: Eyptians
– 16th century: “Primero” is often
called “poker’s mother”
 Each player was dealt 3 cards and
bluffing was a very large part of
the game
The History of Poker

 In the U.S.
– 1834: Being played on
Mississippi Riverboats
 Referred to as the
“cheating game”

― Civil War: extremely popular with soldiers

for both the North and South
― Wild West period: poker table found in a
saloon in almost every town across the
The Different Games of
1) 5 Card Draw – grew in popularity after the
Civil War and remained the most popular
for almost a century
2) 7 Card Stud – shorty before WWII became
the most popular and remained so for 40
3) Texas Hold ‘Em – became the dominant
game in the 1970’s. Most prominent game
of poker in the world.

-hundreds of forms of poker exist

Basic Rules of
Texas Hold ‘Em
 The point of poker is to make money
– “when the cards are dealt; you are no
longer a grandson, a friend, or a nice
guy; you are a player” (Sklyansky)

1) Post big blind and little blind

2) Dealer deals each player 2 cards face down
3) Betting begins – can call, raise, or fold
4) The Flop – the dealer burns the top card and places
3 cards on table face up. 2nd round of betting
Basic Rules of
Texas Hold ‘Em
5) The Turn – burns a card and another card
placed face up on table. 3rd round of
6) The River – burns a card and places the
last card face up on table. 4th and final
round of betting
7) A player can use any combination of the 7
available cards – 5 community cards and 2
in hand – to make best 5 card poker hand
8) Hands are revealed. The best hand wins.
Mathematical Expectation

 Known as the expected value in

Statistics, though name is misleading
 Generally not a value that will be
 Better to think of it as the long term
average value of the variable over
numerous independent trials
 In poker: the amount a bet will
average winning or losing
Mathematical Expectation
 Example:
– betting a friend $1 on the flip of a coin. Each time
it comes up head, you win. Each time it comes up
tails, you lose.
 The odds of coming up heads are 1-to-1
 You are betting $1-to-$1
 Mathematical Expectation = 0
– Cannot expect to be ahead or behind after 2 flips
or 200 flips

 Expectation = (w * pw) + (-v * pl)

– w = gain on the winning bet
– pw = probability of the win
– v = value of the loss
– pl = probability of the loss
Mathematical Expectation
 Now, say your friend (who is not too
intelligent) wants to bet $2 to your $1 on the
flip of a coin
 Do you take the bet?
 The odds of coming up heads are still 1-to-1
 You are now betting $2-to-$1
 Mathematical Expectation = $0.50
– Expect to win one and lose one
– Lose first one, lose $1
– Win second one, win $2
 By the equation:
– E = (2 * ½) + (-1 * ½) = ½ = $0.50
Mathematical Expectation

 A person chooses a number between 1

and 5 and holds it behind their back.
They bet you $5 to your $1 that you
cannot guess the number.
 Do you take the bet?
 What is the mathematical expectation?
Mathematical Expectation

 w = $5
 pw = 1/5
 v = $1
 pl = 4/5
 E = (5 * 1/5)+(-1 * 4/5) = 1/5 =$0.20
Mathematical Expectation

 In poker, it allows players to predict

how much money they are going to
win, or lose
 The calculation of mathematical
expectation, money management
skills, and knowing the outs and pot
odds allows a player to play a
profitable game
Pot Odds & Outs

 Outs: the number of cards left in the

deck that will improve your hand
– Ex: you have 4 spades on the Turn, so
you have 9 outs left to get the flush on
the River
 Pot odds: the ratio of the amount of
money in the pot to the bet you must
call to continue in the hand
– Ex: If there is currently $1000 in the pot
and you have to put in $20 to call, your
pot odds are 1000:20 or 50:1
Odds with Exposed &
Unseen Cards
 When figuring the outs, why are the
burned cards and the number of cards
your opponents have not considered?
– Consider all unseen cards as potential outs!
 Say you have 2 cards and your friend has 10
 You get to draw 1 more card from the remaining
deck of 40 cards
 The odds of that 1 card being the Ace of Clubs
(given that you already don’t hold it in your hand)
is 1/50, NOT 1/40!
A Simple Example

 Dealt:

 The Flop:

What is the ratio of outs if you are

going for 3 of a kind with 5’s?
A Simple Example

 There are 2 remaining 5’s that can

complete our 3 of a kind, so we have 2
 There are 5 shown cards and 47
unseen cards
 Ratio of outs: 47:2 or 23.5:1
The Use of Pot Odds &
 Playing Texas Hold ‘Em
 Dealt:

 Raise $3 pre-Flop
 Both blinds fold, opponent on left calls
 Pot: $7.50, Flop:
The Use of Pot Odds &
 You have the button, so you are the last to act
after the flop
 Your opponent bets $7.50, doubling the pot to $15
 You are going for a flush, do you call or fold?
 Calculate the pot odds: $15 in the pot, have to put
in $7.50 to call, so 15:7.5 or 2:1
 Calculate the ratio of outs: 4 diamonds that we
know of, leaving 9 left that could help your hand to
get the flush. There are 47 unknown cards in total,
so 9 out of 47 cards can help, that’s 47:9 or 5.22:1
 Since the ratio of outs is greater than the pot odds,
you cannot profitably call
Same problem done with
Mathematical Expectation
 We have:
– w = 15
– pw = 9/47
– v = 7.5
– pl = 38/47
E = (15*(9/47)) + (7.5*(38/47)) = -3.191

Negative mathematical expectation, so don’t


 Say your opponent bets only $1, so

you have to put in $1 to call
 Calculate your pot odds: $8.50 in pot,
$1 to call, so 8.5:1
 Ratio of outs stays the same, so have
49:9 or 5.22:1
 Now your ratio of outs is less than
your pot odds, thus you have a
positive expectation and should call!
 Thousands of people with thousands of
opinions about poker
 Different ideas of how to become a
good poker player and what some of
the terms mean
– You might know different (and better)
information about Poker
The Fundamental
Theorem of Poker
 “Every time you play a hand differently from
the way you would have played if you could
see all your opponents’ cards, they gain;
and every time you play your hand the
same way you would have played it if you
could see their cards, they lose.
Conversely, every time opponents play their
hands differently from the way they could
have if they could see all your cards, you
gain; and every time they play their hands
the same way they would have played if
they could see your cards, you lose.
The Fundamental
Theorem of Poker
 What exactly does this mean?
– Ex: Your opponent has pocket Aces and
you have a flush. If he were to see your
hand, he would throw away his Aces, but
instead he calls.
 Calling was a mistake, but not a bad move, it
was just played differently than if he knew what
you had
 The math for poker doesn’t stop there
 http://www.learn-texas-
More to Poker

“Knowing the mathematics of poker can

certainly help you play a better game.
However, mathematics is only a small
part of poker logic, and while it is
important, it is far less important than
understanding and using the
underlying concepts of poker.”
More to Poker

 Position
 Bluffing
 Reading your opponents and knowing
their style
 Reading hands
 Slow playing
 Loose and tight play
 .....

 The Theory of Poker by David Sklansky


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