Engineering Design: BITS Pilani

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Engineering Design

Module 5: Concept generation and

BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad
Dr. Nitin Kotkunde
Pr o d uct D e ve l opment Pr o ce ss

ETZC 413 – E N G IN E ERIN G D E S IG N 2 BITS-Pilani

C o n tent : C o n c ept g e n eration
• Creativity and problem solving

• Functional decomposition and synthesis

• Morphological analysis

• TRIZ: Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

• Decision Making

• Evaluation Methods

• Summary

ETZC 413 – E N G IN E ERIN G D E S IG N 3 BITS-Pilani

BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad

5.1: Creative Thinking

In tr o duction to C r e ative T h i n ki ng

Freud’s Model of Levels of the Mind

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Br a i n -D ominance T h e ory

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

• The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBIT) is a simple measurement
indicator of how people behave and
contribute in work environment.
• Different personalities are often
better suited for different tasks.

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M y e r s -Bri ggs T y p e In d i cator ( M BT I )

• First Category: How a person is energized – Extroversion vs. Introversion

• Second Category: What a person pays attention to: Sensory vs. Intuition

• Third Category: How a person decides: Thinking vs. Feeling

• Fourth Category: What kind of outlook on life a person adopts: Judgment vs.

• Possible combinations are 16 personalities behavior

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M y e r s -Bri ggs T y p e In d i cator ( M BT I )

ETZC 413 – E N G IN E ERIN G D E S IG N 8 BITS-Pilani

Engineering Design
Module 5: Concept generation and
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad
Dr. Nitin Kotkunde
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad

5.2: Creative Thinking

T h i n king Pr o c e sses th a t L e a d to C r e ati ve
Id e a s
• Aids to Creative Thinking: • Creative thinking process
– Develop a creative attitude

– Unlock your imagination

– Be persistent

– Develop an open mind

– Suspend your judgment

– Set problem boundaries

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Ba r r ier s to C r e ative T h i n king
Perceptual Emotional Blocks Cultural Blocks Intellectual Blocks Environmental
Blocks Blocks
Stereotyping Fear of risk taking Set of pattern Poor choice of Physical
problem-solving environment
language or problem
Information Unease with chaos tradition bound Memory block Criticism
overload and are reluctant
to change
Limiting the Unable or unwilling Countries even Insufficient
problem to incubate new differ in their knowledge base
unnecessarily ideas attitudes toward
Fixation Motivation Incorrect information

Priming or
provision of cues

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C r e ative T h i nk ing M e th ods

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C r e ative T h i nk ing M e th ods

ETZC 413 – E N G IN E ERIN G D E S IG N 14 BITS-Pilani

Engineering Design
Module 5: Concept generation and
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad
Dr. Nitin Kotkunde
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad

5.3: Creative Thinking Methods

C r e ative T h i nk ing M e th ods

• Brainstorming:
• The overall aim of brainstorming is to obtain several creative
ideas that might work as solution principles for development of
• All team members are encouraged to be open and uninhibited
during the initial session of brainstorming.
• Generally, group with 5-15 people participate in brainstorming
session. Usually, session will continue for 30-45 minutes.
• Avoid hierarchically structured groups.

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Br a i ns tor ming

• Drawbacks:

• Right idea may not come at right time

• Group conventions may sidetrack original ideas

• Distractions by misdirected focus

• Certain team members may be dominate the discussion

• The team may not be open to new ideas

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C h e ck li st fo r Br a i nstor ming Se ssi on

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Oth e r Id e a Ge n erating T e ch niques

• Six Key Questions

– Who? Who uses it, wants it, will benefit by it?

– What? What happens if X occurs? What resulted in success? What resulted in failure?

– When? Can it be speeded up or slowed down? Is sooner better than later?

– Where? Where will X occur? Where else is possible?

– Why? Why is this done? Why is that particular rule, action, solution, problem, failure

– How? How could it be done, should it be done, prevented, improved, changed, made?

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Oth e r Id e a Ge n erating T e ch niques

• Five Whys:

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C o n cept M a p

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Engineering Design
Module 5: Concept generation and
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad
Dr. Nitin Kotkunde
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad

5.4: Creative Methods for Design

C r e ative M e thods fo r D e si gn

• Refinement and Evaluation of Ideas:

– Ideas that are feasible.

– Ideas that may have potential after more thought or research are applied.

– Ideas that are very unfeasible and have no chance of becoming good solutions.

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Sy s te mati c M e th ods fo r D e si gning

Functional Decomposition and Synthesis:

• “If one generate one idea it will probably be a poor idea; if one generates many ideas, one
good idea might exist for further development” (Ullman, 1992).
• The emphasis is on attaining a correct description of what the product is to do as a system
of functions.
• Functional modeling provides a basis for organizing the design team, tasks, and process.
• Derived or generated directly from the customer needs.
• The function defines clear boundaries to associate assemblies or subassemblies of the
final design solutions.

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F u n c ti onal D e c omposition a n d Syn th esis

• Primary functions, secondary functions and constrains.

• What is function?
• A function of a product is a statement of a clear, reproducible relationships between the
available input and the desired output of a product, independent on any particular form.

• It is simplest representation of the product.

• Usually just a “ Noun and an active verb” Examples “ Chop beans”, “ Clip nails”

• The next step is to decompose the functions into various sub-functions

• The relation between the various sub-functions and functions are often governed by
constrains or input – output relations.

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F u n c ti onal D e c omposition a n d Syn th esis

• Abstraction:
• It is the process of ignoring what is particular or incidental and emphasizing what is
general and essential.

• Generic black box method:

• Constrain: It is set of clear criterion that must be satisfied by a product.

Input Product Function Output

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Si m p le Ap p r oach: F u n ction T r e es

• FAST Method (Top-down approach)

• Subtract and operate Method (Bottom-up approach)

How Why

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Subtract and operate Method

ETZC 413 – E N G IN E ERIN G D E S IG N 30 BITS-Pilani

Engineering Design
Module 5: Concept generation and
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad
Dr. Nitin Kotkunde
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad

5.5: Black Box Method

Black Box Method

Energy Energy

Material Product represented as a Material

Function Systems
Signal Signal

Finger force Sound KE in

hand motion nail
Finger nail, Remove excess length Cut nail, hand,
hand, debris debris
Long nail,
on finger nails
hang nail, appearing
rough nail
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Ste p s fo r Bl a c k Bo x M e thod

• Phase I: Develop process description as Activity Diagrams

• Phase II: Formulate sub-functions through task listing

• Phase III: Aggregate sub-functions into a redefined function structure

• Phase IV: Validate the functional decomposition

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Exa m p les

Dish washer

Mechanical Pencil
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A p n eumatic n a i ler

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Engineering Design
Module 5: Concept generation and
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad
Dr. Nitin Kotkunde
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad

5.6: Morphological Methods

M o r phologi cal M e th ods

• It is a tool that provides a structured search and combination of concepts in

product design.

• Steps:
1. Consider each product function in the fundamental model and each module of the
product architecture

2. List the function or module as row of the matrix

3. In the first column of the matrix, enter the current solution to the function or module, if
the product already exists

4. Apply concept generation methods (such as TIPS etc.) and record the concepts in the
columns of the matrix for each function.
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M o r phologi cal M e th ods

5. Map the range of solutions per each function to a classification scheme, such as
energy domains. Judge if the solutions are too focused or cover a good breadth.

6. If the solutions are too focused, carry out further sessions of intuitive and directed
concept generation

7. When a good breadth of ideas and technologies are realized in the morphological
matrix, combine the ideas into diverse concept variants that seek to satisfy the entire
product specification.

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M o r phologi cal M e th od: Exa m p l e

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M o r phologi cal M e th od: Exa m p l e

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Engineering Design
Module 5: Concept generation and
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad
Dr. Nitin Kotkunde
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad

5.7: Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

T h e ory o f In ve n ti ve Pr o b lem So l vi n g ( T IPS
o r T R IZ )
• A Russian acronym: Theoria Resheneyva Isobretatelskehuh Zadach

• (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)

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• These three categories are “ identifying conflicts and solving them with known
physical principles,” “ identifying new principles,” and identifying new product
functions and solving them with known or new principles.”

• Altshuller observed a number of trends in historical invention.

• Evaluation of engineering system is done by same pattern, independent of

engineering discipline.

• Conflicts (contradictions) are the key drivers for product invention.

• Compromises is unacceptable.

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• TIPS (TRIZ) is based on two basic principles

1. Somebody, sometime, somewhere has already solved your problem or one similar to it.
Creativity means finding that solution and adapting it to the current problem.

2. Don’t accept contradictions. Resolve them.

ETZC 413 – E N G IN E ERIN G D E S IG N 47 BITS-Pilani

En g i neering Pa r a meters ( 3 9 )
1. Weight of moving object 18. Temperature 33. Complexity of device
2. Weight of nonmoving object 19. Brightness 34. Complexity of control
3. Length of moving object 20. Energy spent by moving object 35. Level of automation
4. Length of nonmoving object 18. Power 36. Productivity
5. Area of moving object 19. Waste of energy
6. Area of nonmoving object 20. Waste of substance
7. Volume of moving object 21. Loss of information
22. Waste of time
8. Volume of nonmoving object
23. Amount of substance
9. Speed 24. Reliability
10.Force 25. Accuracy of measurement
11.Tension, pressure 26. Accuracy of manufacturing
12.Shape 27. Harmful factors acting on object
13.Stability of object 28. Harmful side effects
14.Energy spent by nonmoving object 29. Manufacturability
15. Strength 30. Convenience of use
16. Durability of moving object 31. Repairability
17. Durability of nonmoving object 32. Adaptability

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In ve n tive Pr i n ci ples ( 4 0 )
21. Rushing through
1. Segmentation 22. Convert harm into benefit, "Blessing in disguise"
2. Extraction, Separation, Removal, Segregation 23. Feedback
3. Local Quality 24. Mediator, intermediary
4. Asymmetry 25. Self-service, self-organization
5. Combining, Integration, Merging 26. Copying
6. Universality, Multi-functionality 27. Cheap, disposable objects
7. Nesting 28. Replacement of a mechanical system with 'fields'
8. Counterweight, Levitation 29. Pneumatics or hydraulics:
9. Preliminary anti-action, Prior counteraction 30. Flexible membranes or thin film
10. Prior action 31. Use of porous materials
11. Cushion in advance, compensate before 32. Changing color or optical properties
12. Equipotentiality, remove stress 33. Homogeneity
13. Inversion, The other way around 34. Rejection and regeneration, Discarding and recovering
14. Spheroidality, Curvilinearity 35. Transformation of the physical and chemical states of an
15. Dynamicity, Optimization object, parameter change, changing properties
16. Partial or excessive action 36. Phase transformation
17. Moving to a new dimension 37. Thermal expansion
18. Mechanical vibration/oscillation 38. Use strong oxidizers, enriched atmospheres, accelerated
19. Periodic action oxidation
20. Continuity of a useful action 39. Inert environment or atmosphere
40. Composite materials
ETZC 413 – E N G IN E ERIN G D E S IG N 49 BITS-Pilani
Engineering Design
Module 5: Concept generation and
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad
Dr. Nitin Kotkunde
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad

5.8: TRIZ Examples

T R IZ Exa m p l e

• Statement: Bullet proof vests should be strong, but not


• Step 1 – Identify the contradiction(s): Strength

(improves) versus Weight (worsens)

• Step 2 – Look at the list of features and identify those

important to your contradiction.

Strength – #14 Weight – #2

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T R IZ Exa m p l e
1 Segmentation Principle 27: Cheap short-living objects
26 Copying
• Replace an inexpensive object with a multiple
27 Cheap short living of inexpensive objects, comprising certain
40 Composite materials qualities (such as service life, for instance).

Principle 1: Segmentation
Principle 40: Composite materials
• Divide an object into independent parts.
• For lighter-weight, stronger vests, the use of
• Make an object easy to disassemble.
composites is an active area of research.
Principle 26: Copying
• Polymers (Kevlar) reinforced with carbon nanofibers
• Instead of an unavailable, expensive, fragile
are currently being investigated as a strong
object, use simpler and inexpensive copies.
lightweight alternative to steel for structural
• Replace an object, or process with optical materials.
ETZC 413 – E N G IN E ERIN G D E S IG N 53 BITS-Pilani
T R IZ Exa m p l e

• Iron product to remove the wrinkles:

Conflicts is we desired heavy iron to remove the wrinkles from the cloths but we do
not want a heavy iron due to the impact on ergonomics.
 8 – Principle of counterweight: Attach an object with lifting power or use the interactions
with the environment, e.g. aerodynamic lift.
 1 – Principle of segmentation: Divide the object into independent parts that are easy to
dissemble, increase the degree of segmentation as much as possible.
 37 – Application of thermal expansion: Use expansion or contraction of material by
heat. Use materials with different coefficient of thermal expansion.
 18 – Use of mechanical vibration: Make the object vibrate. Increase the frequency of

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T R IZ Exa m p l e

• Airbags need to inflate before contacting occupants to prevent forward motion.

We would like to inflate the air bags faster while decreasing the adverse effects.
– Principle 16: Partial or Excessive Action Use a lower powered air bag. By using less
power the acceleration of the bag is less, and injuries will be reduced. Use smaller air
bags with higher power. These bags will reach full inflation sooner.

– Principle 21: Rushing Through Inflate the air bag faster than current practice.

– Principle 40: Composite materials Airbag material that can’t grab skin as it is deployed

ETZC 413 – E N G IN E ERIN G D E S IG N 55 BITS-Pilani

Engineering Design
Module 5: Concept generation and
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad
Dr. Nitin Kotkunde
Pr o d uct D e ve l opment Pr o ce ss

ETZC 413 – E N G IN E ERIN G D E S IG N 57 BITS-Pilani

C o n tent : C o n c ept Se l e ction

• Decision making process

• Pugh concept selection

• Example of Pugh concept selection

• Measurement Scales

• Summary

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BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad

5.9: Decision Making Theories

D e c i si on M a k ing

Making a decision is a stressful situation:

– Concerned about the material and social losses
– Their reputations and self-esteem as competent decision makers are at stake

Unconflicted Unconflicted Defensive

Hypervigilance Vigilance
adherence change avoidance

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Be h avi oral As p e cts o f D e ci sion M a king



Unconflicted Unconflicted
Adherence Change

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D e c i si on T h e ories

• Decision under certainty

• Decision under uncertainty

• Decision under risk

• Decision under conflict

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D e c i si on T r e es

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Eva l u ati on M e th ods

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Engineering Design
Module 5: Concept generation and
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad
Dr. Nitin Kotkunde
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad

5.10: Pugh Concept Selection

Course Code – E N G IN E E RIN G D E S IG N 66 BITS-Pilani

Pu g h C o n c ept Se l e ction
Choose the criteria for evaluation

Formulate the decision matrix

Clarify the design concepts

Choose the datum concept

Run the matrix

Evaluate the ratings

Establish a new datum and rerun the matrix

Examine the selected concepts for improvement opportunities

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Pu g h c o n c ept s e l ection: Exa m p le
• Improvement of on/off switch in a right-angle drill:

• Concept A is a modest change to the

existing switch, and will be the DATUM.
• Concept B adds three buttons for on/off/
and reverse.
• Concept C is a track and slider design.
• Concept D is an add-on accessory to
make it easier to operate the existing

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Pu g h c o n c ept s e l ection: Exa m p le

• The highest-ranking design, an add-on

attachment that makes it easier to operate the
switch, has two negatives, poorer aesthetic
appeal and poor ergonomics (comfort to the
• Design D provides force amplification, but it is
not easy on the ligaments in the fingers.
• The next ranking design, the track and slider
design, has only a single minus for
“availability of materials.”

Course Code – E N G IN E E RIN G D E S IG N 69 BITS-Pilani

Engineering Design
Module 5: Concept generation and
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad
Dr. Nitin Kotkunde
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad

5.11: Pugh Concept Selection example

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Exa m p le: Br e a d T o a ster

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Exa m p le: Br e a d T o a ster

Step 1: Identified set of criteria for evaluation

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Exa m p le: Br e a d T o a ster

Step 2: Select one concept as a datum

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Exa m p le: Br e a d T o a ster

Step 3: Compared all the concepts with respect

to datum concept.

Course Code – E N G IN E E RIN G D E S IG N 75 BITS-Pilani

Engineering Design
Module 5: Concept generation and
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad
Dr. Nitin Kotkunde
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad

5.12: Measurement Scales

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M e a surement Sc a l es

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We i g hted D e c i s ion M a tr i x

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We i g hted D e c i s ion M a tr i x

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Su m m ary

• Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an effective tool to assign the appropriate work to
the particular individual.

• There are many intuitive and direct logical methods can be used for creative thinking and
effective concept generations.

• Functional decomposition with Morphological analysis can be used as an effective medium

to generate multiple feasible concepts.

• TRIZ method can be universally used in the all stages of product development. This method
will help to focus the problem in right direction.

• Pugh concept method is used for preliminary concept selection. It can be used to compare
the various concepts and rank them appropriately.

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