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Griselda Mata

Artifact # 2
Multicultural lesson plan
 Subject: Social Studies/social emotional
 Grade level: Pre-Kindergarten
 Curriculum standard: G6.PK.2 begin to recognize characteristics that make
them unique. Can express how others are similar or different from one another.
 Multicultural goal: Develop an educational environment that promotes respect
for differences.
Lesson plan title: Shades of people
1. Standards
Observable objective: Students will be able to create their own portrait using
their choice of skin color crayons, markers, and pencils ( synthesis) to begin to
recognize that every one is unique.
Multicultural Goal: Students will be able to demonstrate similarities and
differences and develop an educational environment that promotes respect for
Learning styles:
Auditory: students will listen to the reading of the books, directions, and to other
students as they share their final projects.
Visual: students will look at the illustrations of the books while teacher is reading,
while choosing their colors, and when sharing their final projects.
kinesthetic: students will be able to draw and color their pictures and puppets (fine
motor skills)
Gardener’s Intelligences
bodily-kinesthetic intelligence: students will be able to use their hands to draw
and color their projects.

Interpersonal intelligence: students by naming their skin shade, they will

understand that every one is unique.
2. Materials
books: Shades of people by Shelley Rotner and Sheila M. Kelly and the
Color of Us by Karen katz.
White paper bags, pencils, erasers, crayons, washable markers, yarn,

glue,, scissors, colorful googly eyes, cardstock paper.

3. Instruction Learning process
Do first: The introduction would be to tell the children that
everybody including myself is going to have some fun doing a couple of Art
projects that will show our individual uniqueness. I will also show them my
puppet I have already created and the materials we will be using after I read the
books to them.
Mini lesson: I will start with the book, ” Shades of People.” This will be
during circle time. Before reading the book, I will ask the children questions about them
and their family units. Then, as I read the book, I will keep stopping to show the pictures of
the children in the book and the names of the shades each children is compared to. While I
stop, I will continue to ask questions about them and their families such as “Do you see any
children in the book that match you?”, and “Do you see any shades that look like anyone in
your family?” After finishing the first book, I will ask the children to go to the tables where
I have already set out the supplies they will be using and ask them to draw pictures of their
family units. I will also ask the children to find a crayon, marker or pencil that they think is
similar to their skin. When they finish coloring their portrait, I will help them to write down
the name of the shade they chose. After they are done, I will read the second book using
my puppet and mimicking different voices and ask questions about themselves. When
finishing the second book, I will pass out the supplies for the children and ask them to start
making their puppets of themselves. I will help them write down the name shade they
chose. They will color and decorate their the puppets with the material provided. They are
working in small groups to create their portrait and puppet.
Guided practice: While the children are creating their own
puppets, I will walk around the tables and show them the puppet I created and assist
them to finish their puppet. When everybody is done, I will have the children present
their pictures and puppets to each other. While doing this, I again will be asking
questions about what was the name of the shade they choose and helping them write
it down on their puppets. I will emphasize that even though their skin color is
different, we have similarities. I will tell them that we need to respect each other no
matter what shade we had. The children’s pictures of the family units will be hung up
in the classroom and the puppets will be sent home with the children.
Independent Practice: I will go table to table
and ask the children about their own shades, that of their family
members and the classmates. Then the children will take turns
introducing their puppets to me. I will ask the students one or two
questions about their puppets. Once they talk about their shades, I will
have them assist me in putting their pictures on the wall.
Exit Slip: I will ask the children to find someone who matches
their color, and sit next to them. If there is anybody that the color does not
match, I will have the children acknowledge that having no one to match
them make them unique and we have to respect each other. For the ones
they found their match, I will tell them that even though the shade is very
similar, it is a different shade. There is nothing wrong to be different and
we have to respect each other.
4. Resources

Rotner, S., Kelly, S.( 2009). Shades of peoplee. New York: Holiday House.
Katz, K.(2012). The Colors of Us. New York : Herry Holt and company.
5. reflection
1. Students learned about diversity and know that having different
shades make them unique.
2.The children learn that there is a lot of diversity in this world.
3. The engagement was very high because was about themselves
4.The strengths was to allow the children to be creative and
weakness was that that children may get bored of the books.

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