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Assessment of respiratory system
Subjective data: the nurse must ask the client about:-

 Coughing (productive, non productive)

 Sputum (type & amount)

 Allergies, dyspnea or SOB (at rest or on exertion).

 Chest pain, history of asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, tuberculosis.

 Cyanosis, pallor.

 Exposure to environmental inhalants (chemicals, fumes).

 History of smoking (amount and length of time)

Technique for Respiratory Exam

 Before beginning, if possible:

 Quiet environment

 Proper positioning (patient sitting for posterior thorax exam, supine for

anterior thorax exam)

 Expose skin for auscultation

 Patient comfort, warm hands and diaphragm of stethoscope, be

considerate of women (drape sheet to cover chest)

 Apply the four techniques; Inspection, Palpation, Percussion

and Auscultation
Initial Respiratory Survey (Inspection)
 Observe the patient’s breathing pattern
 Rate (normal vs. increased/decreased)
 Depth (shallow vs. deep)
 Effort (any sign of accessory muscle use, inspect neck)
 Assess the patient’s color
 Cyanosis
 Normal Respiratory Rates
 Infant 30-60
 Toddler 24-40
 Preschooler 22-34
 School-age child 18-30
 Adolescent 12-16
 Adult 16-20
Inspection and assessment of respiration patterns
 Assess the skin and overall symmetry and integrity of the thorax.
 Assess thoracic configuration.
 Client must be uncovered to the waist, and in sitting position without
 Observation of skin may give you knowledge about nutritional status
of the client.
 Anterior- posterior diameter of thorax in normal person less than the
transverse diameter = (1:2).
 Assess for abnormality of configuration, e.g. pigeon chest, funnel
chest, spinal deformities.
 Assess ribs and inter spaces on respiration – may give information
about obstruction in air flow e.g. bulging of inter spaces on expiration
may be from obstruction to air out flow “tumor, aneurysm, cardiac
Assess pattern of respiration
 Normally: men and children – breathe diaphragmatically and
Women breathe thoracically or costally.

 Tachypnea: respiratory rate over than 20/m for adult.

 Bradypnea: respiratory rate less than 10/m.

 Palpation: palpate areas of chest especially areas of abnormalities.

 If clients complains: all chest areas must palpated carefully for

tenderness, bulges, or any movements

Assess thoracic expansion:
 Anterior: put your hands over anterior-lateral chest and thumbs
extended along costal margin pointing to xiphoid process.
 Posterior: thumbs placed at level of T 10 with palms placed on
posterior-lateral chest.
 By two ways you feel amount of thoracic expansion during quiet
and deep breathing, and symmetry of respiration between left
and right hemi thoraces.
 Assessment of fremitus: which is vibration perceptible on
 In subcutaneous emphysema: you must palpate the tissue,
audible cracking sounds are heard – these sounds are termed
Percussion of chest:
 Done to determine relative amounts of air, liquid, or solid material in the
underlying lung, and to determine positions and boundaries of organs.
 Percussion done for posterior and anterior and lateral aspects of chest with
all directions, and with about “5”cms intervals.
 To obtains information about the function of respiratory system & to
detect any obstruction in the passages.
 Instruct the client to breathe through the mouth more deeply and slowly
than in usual respiration and then to hold the breath for a few seconds at
the end of inspiration to increase intrapleural pressure and reopen
collapsed alveoli.
 Auscultate all areas of chest for at least one complete respiration: 12
anterior locations and 14 posterior locations
 Auscultate symmetrically: Should listen to at least 6 locations anteriorly
and posteriorly
 Breathe sounds: are analyzed according to pitch, intensity, quality,
and relative duration of inspiratory and expiratory phases.
 Bronchial breathe sounds: are normally heard over manubrium of
 If heard over lung tissue – indicate pathologic condition, these
sounds “high-pitched loud sounds with decrease inspiratory and
lengthened increase expiratory phases.
 Absent or decreased breath sounds can occur in:
 Foreign body.
 Bronchial obstruction.
 Shallow breathing.
 Emphysema

Breath Sounds
 Normal breath sounds are distinguished by their location over a
specific area of the lung and are identified as tracheal, vesicular,
bronchovesicular, and bronchial (tubular) breath sounds as the next:
 Very loud, high pitched sound
 Inspiratory = Expiratory sound duration
 Heard over trachea in the neck
2. Bronchial
 Loud, high pitched sound
 Expiratory sounds > Inspiratory sounds
 Heard over manubrium of sternum
 If heard in any other location suggestive of consolidation
3. Bronchovesicular
 Intermediate intensity, intermediate pitch
 Inspiratory = Expiratory sound duration
 Heard best 1st and 2nd ICS anteriorly, and between scapula
 If heard in any other location suggestive of consolidation

 Soft, low pitched sound
 Inspiratory > Expiratory sounds
 Major normal breath sound, heard over most of lungs

Adventitious Breath Sounds
 An abnormal condition that affects the bronchial tree and alveoli may
produce adventitious (abnrmal= addtional) sounds. Adventitious sounds
are divided into two categories: discrete, noncontinuous sounds
(crackles) and continuous musical sounds (wheezes) as the next:
1. Crackles (Rales)
 Discontinuous, intermittent, nonmusical, brief sounds. Heard more
commonly with inspiration
 Classified as fine or coarse
 Its may associated with Prolonged recumbency
 Crackles caused by air moving through secretions and collapsed alveoli
and associated with the following conditions: pulmonary edema, early
CHF, and pnumonia

 Continuous, high pitched, musical sound, longer than crackles
 Whistle quality, heard during expiration, however, can be heard on
 Produced when air flows through narrowed airways
 Associated conditions: asthma, chronic bronchitis, and COPD

3. Rhonchi
 Similar to wheezes (subtype of wheeze)
 Low pitched, snoring quality, continuous, musical sounds
 Implies obstruction of larger airways by secretions
 Associated condition: acute bronchitis

4. Stridor
 Inspiratory musical wheeze
 Loudest over trachea
 Suggests obstructed trachea or larynx
 Medical emergency requiring immediate attention
 Associated condition
 inhaled foreign body
5. Pleural Friction Rub
 Pleural friction rubs are specific examples of crackles. Discontinuous or
continuous brushing sounds
 It is a loud dry, cracking or grating sound indicating of pleural irritation,
heard over lateral and anterior lung in sitting position that heard during
both inspiratory and expiratory phases
 Occurs when pleural surfaces are inflamed and rub against each other
 Associated conditions as pleural effusion, Pneumonothorax
Medical conditions associated with decreased or absent of
breath sounds
 Asthma
 Pleural Effusion: fluid accumulating within the pleural space
 Pneumothorax: caused by accumulation of air or gas in the pleural
 ARDS( adult respiratory distress syndrome)
 Atelectasis : is defined as a state in which the lung, in whole or in
part, is collapsed or without air entery
Five Main Symptoms of Respiratory Disease
 Cough Sputum Pain
 Breathlessness Wheeze

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