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Unit 3 : Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881

• Text book:
• SN Maheshwari and SK Maheshwari, A Manual of Business
Laws, Himalaya Publishing House, Section 1

• Reference book:
• Kuchhal MC and Vivek Kuchhal Business Law, Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi,
Negotiable Instruments
The word negotiable means ‘transferable,’ and the word
instrument means ‘a written document by which a right is
created in favor of some person.’

A negotiable instrument is a piece of paper which entitles a

person to a certain sum of money and which is transferable
from one to another person by a delivery or by endorsement
and delivery.
• Video on Negotiable Instruments
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881

 Came into force on 1st March 1882

• Extends to the whole country except Jammu and Kashmir

• The Act recognizes the following three types of negotiable

1. Promissory notes
2. Bills of Exchange
3. Cheques
• Negotiable instruments are of two types which are as
• Negotiable Instruments recognized by status:
• e.g. Bills of exchange, cheque and promissory notes.

• Negotiable instruments recognized by usage or customs of

• e.g. Bank notes, bearer debentures, share certificate
According to Section 13 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, “a
negotiable instrument means a promissory note, bill of
exchange or cheque payable either to order or to bearer.”
The Act, thus, mentions three kinds of negotiable instruments,
namely bills of exchange, cheques and promissorynotes and
they must be made payable in any of the following forms:

A negotiable instrument may be in following forms:

• Payable to order
• Payable to bearer
• A) Payable to order: A note, bill or cheque is payable to order
which is expressed to be ‘payable to a particular person or his

• B) Payable to bearer: ‘Payable to bearer’ means ‘payable to

any person whom so ever bears it.’
Characteristics of a Negotiable
1. It must be in writing, which includes typing, computer
print or engraving
2. It must be signed by the maker/drawer.
3. It must involve payment of money only.
4. There must be an unconditional promise or order to pay.
5. They are transferable by delivery (as in the case of bearer
instrument) or by indorsement and delivery (order
6. Transferee can sue in his own name without giving notice
to the debtor.
7. Title of holder is free from all defects
• Transferee can sue in his own name without giving notice to
the debtor:
• A bill, note or a cheque represents a debt, i.e., an “actionable
claim” and implies the right of the creditor to recover
something from his debtor
• The creditor can either recover this amount himself or can
transfer his right to another person
• In case he transfers his right, the transferee of a negotiable
instrument is entitled to sue on the instrument in his own
name in case of dishonour.
• Title of holder is free from all defects
• A person who takes negotiable instrument bona-fide and for
value gets the instrument free from all defects in the title. The
holder in due course is not affected by defective title of the
transferor or of any other party.
• Certain presumptions apply to all negotiable instruments.

• Section 118 and 119 lay down the following presumptions:

• (a) For consideration : that every negotiable instrument, was made,

drawn, accepted, endorsed or transferred for consideration.
• (b) As to date : that every negotiable instrument bearing a date was
made or drawn on such date.
• (c) As to time of acceptance : that every bill of exchange was
accepted within a reasonable time after its date and before its
• (d) As to transfer: that every transfer of a negotiable instrument was
made before its maturity
• (e) As to time of endorsements : that the endorsements
appearing upon a negotiable instrument were made in the
order in which they appear thereon.
• (f) As to stamps : that a lost promissory-note, bill of exchange
or cheque was duly stamped.
• (g) As to a holder in due course: that every holder of a
negotiable instrument is holder in due course (this
presumption would not arise where it is proved that the
holder has obtained the instrument from its lawful owner, or
from any person in lawful custody thereof, by means of an
offence, fraud or for unlawful consideration
• (h) As to dishonour: that the instrument was dishonoured, in
case a suit upon a dishonoured instrument is filed with the
court and the fact of protest is proved

Bills of Exchange (Section 5):

A Bill of Exchange is an instrument in writing
containing an unconditional order signed by the
maker, directing a certain person to pay a certain sum
of money only to or to the order of a certain person or
to the bearer of the instrument.

Parties to a Bill of Exchange:

i. The drawer
ii. The drawee (also called the acceptor)
iii.The payee
Specimen of a Bill of Exchange
Parties to a Bill of Exchange
Following are the various parties related to a Bill of Exchange:

There are three parties involved in a bill of exchange
• (i) The Drawer – The person who makes the order for making
payment. In the above specimen, Rajiv is the drawer.
• (ii) The Drawee – The person to whom the order to pay is
made. He is generally a debtor of the drawer. It is Sameer in
this case.
• (iii) The Payee – The person to whom the payment is to be
made. In this case it is Tarun.

• The drawer can also draw a bill in his own name thereby he
himself becomes the payee. Here the words in the bill would
be Pay to us or order.
• In a bill where a time period is mentioned, just like the above
specimen, is called a Time Bill.
• But a bill may be made payable on demand also. This is called
a Demand Bill.
Essentials of a Bill of Exchange:
i. It must be in writing
ii. It must contain an order to pay. A mere request to pay on
account, will not amount to an order
iii. The order to pay must be unconditional
iv. It must be signed by the drawer
v. The drawer, drawee and payee must be certain. A bill cannot be
drawn on two or more drawees but may be made payable in
the alternative to one of two or more payees
vi. The sum payable must be certain
vii. The bill must contain an order to pay money only
viii. It must comply with the formalities as regards date,
consideration, stamps, etc
Promissory Note (section 4):
Promissory Note is an instrument in writing (not being a bank
or a currency note) containing an unconditional undertaking,
signed by the maker to pay a certain sum of money to, or to the
order of, a certain person or to the bearer of the instrument.
Specimen of a Promissory
Parties to Promissory Notes
There are primarily two parties involved in a promissory note. They
(i) The Maker or Drawer: The person who makes the note and
promises to pay the amount stated therein. In the above
specimen, Sanjeev is the maker or drawer.

(ii) The Payee – the person to whom the amount is payable. In the
above specimen it is Ramesh.

In course of transfer of a promissory note by payee and others, the

parties involved may be –
(a) The Endorser – the person who endorses the note in favour of
another person. In the above specimen if Ramesh endorses it in
favour of Ranjan and Ranjan also endorses it in favour of Puneet,
then Ramesh and Ranjan both are endorsers.
(b) The Endorsee – the person in whose favour the note is
negotiated by endorsement. In the above, it is Ranjan and then
Essentials of Promissory Note
1. It must be in writing:
• A promissory note has to be in writing
• An oral promise to pay does not become a promissory note
• The writing may be on any paper or book
• Illustrations: A signs the instruments in the following terms:
• “I promise to pay B or order Rs. 500”
• “I acknowledge myself to be indebted to B in Rs. 1, 000 to be
paid on demand, for value received”
• Both the above instruments are valid promissory notes.
Essentials of Promissory Note
• 2. It must contain a promise or undertaking to pay:
• There must be a promise or an undertaking to pay
• The undertaking to pay may be gathered either from express words
or by necessary implication
• A mere acknowledgement of indebtedness is not a promissory note,
although it is valid as an agreement and may be sued upon as such
• Illustrations: A signs the instruments in the following terms:
• “Mr. B I owe you Rs. 1,000”
• “I am liable to pay to B Rs. 500”

• The above instruments are not promissory notes as there is no

undertaking or promise to pay. There is only an acknowledgement of
• Where A signs the instrument in the following terms:
• “I acknowledge myself to be indebted to B in Rs. 1, 000, to be paid
on demand, for value received,” there is a valid promissory note
Essentials of Promissory Note
• 3. The promise to pay must be unconditional:
• A promissory note must contain an unconditional promise to
• The promise to pay must not depend upon the happening of
some uncertain event, i.e., a contingency or the fulfillment of
a condition
• Illustrations: A signs the instruments in the following terms:
• “I promise to pay B Rs. 500 seven days after my marriage with
• “I promise to pay B Rs. 500 as soon as I can”
• The above instruments are not valid promissory notes as the
payment is made depending upon the happening of an
uncertain event which may never happen and as a result the
sum may never become payable
Essentials of Promissory Note
• 4. It must be signed by the maker:
• It is imperative that the promissory note should be duly
authenticated by the ‘signature’ of the maker
• ‘Signature’ means the writing or otherwise affixing a person’s
name or a mark to represent his name, by himself or by his
authority with the intention of authenticating a document
Essentials of Promissory Note
• 5. The maker must be a certain person:
• The instrument must itself indicate with certainty who is the
person or are the persons engaging himself or themselves to
• Alternative promisors are not permitted in law because of the
general rule that “where liability lies no ambiguity must lie”

• 6. The payee must be certain:

• Like the maker the payee of a pronote must also be certain on
the face of the instrument
• A note in favour of fictitious person is illegal and void
• A pronote made payable to the maker himself is a nullity, the
reason being the same person is both the promisor and the
Essentials of Promissory Note
• 7. The sum payable must be certain:
• For a valid pronote it is also essential that the sum of money
promised to be payable must be certain and definite
• The amount payable must not be capable of contingent additions or
• Illustrations: A signs the instruments in the following terms:
• “I promise to pay B Rs. 500 and all other sums which shall be due to
• “I promise to pay B Rs. 500, first deducting thereout any money
which he may owe me”
• The above instruments are invalid as promissory notes because the
exact amount to be paid by A is not certain

• 8. The amount payable must be in legal tender money of India:

• A document containing a promise to pay a certain amount of foreign
money or to deliver a certain quantity of goods is not a pronote
Promisory Notes?
1. I promise to pay B Rs 1,000.
2. I acknowledge to be indebted to B in Rs 1,000, to be
paid on demand, for value received.
3. I promise to pay Rs 1,000 to your eldest son on your
death. (Conditional upon death, which is certain).
4. I promise to pay you $1,000 in equivalent rupees on
January 31, 2011 ( exchange rate of $ is certain).
5. Mr B , IOU Rs 1,000. (No express undertaking to pay)
6. I promise to pay B Rs 1,000, and all other sums which
shall be due to him (uncertain sum)
Cheques (Section 6):

Cheque is an written instrument containing an unconditional

order, addressed to a banker, signed by the person who has
deposited money with the banker, requiring him to pay a
certain amount of money on demand, or to the order of certain
person or to the bearer of instrument."

A cheque is a kind of bill of exchange but it has additional

qualification namely-
1- it is always drawn on a specified banker and
2-it is always payable on demand without any days of grace.
• 1) Drawer
• 2) Drawee
• 3) Payee

• It is an order of the customer without any condition. It is

drawn upon a certain bank in writing. The bank has to always
pay it on demand. A cheque is not required to be stamped at
all. It is payable to a certain person.
Essentials of a Cheque:
i. Always drawn on a specified banker.
ii. Always payable on demand.
iii. It does not require acceptance.
iv. It may be made payable to drawer himself.
v. Must be dated.
vi. Valid for 3 months.
vii. No acceptance of cheque is required
viii. Cheque is not required to be stamped.
Types of cheque
Crossing of Cheques:
Crossing of Cheques means to draw two lines transverse parallel
on left hand corner of the cheque. It directs the bank to deposit
the money directly into the account and not to be pay cash at
the bank counter.

The idea to ensure security and prevent frauds

Negotiation of Instruments:
The transfer of an instrument by one party to another so as to
constitute the transferee a holder thereof is called negotiation.

Negotiation of instruments can be effected in following ways:

i. By mere delivery (in case of instruments payable to bearer)
ii. By indorsement and delivery (in case of instruments payable
to order)
Endorsement :
Endorsement means and involves the writing of
something on the back of an instrument for the
purpose of transferring the right, title and interest
therein to some other person.

Kinds of Endorsement:
• Endorsement in blank
• Endorsement in full
• Restrictive Endorsement
• Conditional Endorsement
• Partial Endorsement
Holder & Holder in due course
• The Holder of a negotiable instrument means any person
entitled in his own name to the possession thereof and to
receive or recover the amount due thereon from the parties

• A person is called the holder of a negotiable instrument if the

following conditions are satisfied:
He must be entitled to the possession of the instrument in his
own name and under a legal title.
He must be entitled to receive or recover the amount from
the parties concerned in his own name.
• The holder in due course is a particular kind of holder.

The holder of a negotiable instrument is called the holder in due

course if he satisfied the following conditions;

The negotiable instrument must be in possession of the holder in

due course. The negotiable instrument must be regular and
complete in all respects.
He obtained the instrument for valuable consideration.
He becomes the holder of the instrument before its maturity before
the amount mentioned in it become payable.
He has no cause to believe that any defect existed in the title of the
person from whom he derived his title.
Example: A third-party check is a holder in due course.
• Privileges granted to a ‘holder in due course’ under the Negotiable
• A holder in due course enjoys the following privileges and rights:

Where a duly stamped and signed instrument is either left wholly
blank or in complete in some material requirements such as date,
amount, payee’s name, and is delivered by one person to another
for the purpose of filling it up. If such a person or any holder fills up
more amount, than what he was authorized to do. The holder in
due course of such an instrument can recover the whole amount,
provided the stamp affixed upon it is sufficient to cover the filled

All the prior parties of the negotiable instrument are liable to the
holder in due course until it is duly satisfied. The holder in due
course can sue against any prior party (The maker, acceptor or
endorser) for the recovery of the amount with his own name. Sec,
When a bill of exchange is drawn payable-to the drawer’s
order in a fictitious name and has been endorsed by the
drawer, the acceptor is liable to make payment to the holder
in due course. Sec. 42.
• illustration
A bill is drawn by A on B and accepted by the later which is
payable to Z who is not a real or legal person (fictitious
‘name), and endorsed by A to C against value received. The B
is liable to make payment to C as C is a holder in due course.
When an instrument is negotiated to a holder in due course,
the other parties to the instrument cannot be relieved from
liability on the ground that the delivery of the instrument was
conditional or for a special purpose only. Sec. 46.
A delivers an instrument to B for safe-custody but B transfers
it to C for value received. As C is a holder in due course, so he
has a right to get the payment of the instrument even though
the delivery of instrument from A to B was conditional (For
the As title is defective provided that C has no knowledge of
As fraud.
A holder who derives title through a holder in due course and
who is not a party of any fraud or illegality, has all the rights of
the holder in due course even through the title of any of the
prior parties was defective, So the holder in due course and
every subsequent party gets a better title than the prior party.
Sec. 53.
A receives an instrument from B by fraud and endorses it to C
for valuable consideration. As the C is a holder in due course
so his title is good even though
• When a negotiable instrument has been lost or has been
obtained from any maker’, drawer, acceptor or holder thereof
by means of offence or fraud or for an unlawful
consideration, neither the person who finds or so obtains’ the
instrument nor any possessor is entitled to receive the
amount due there 6n unless he is a holder in due course.

• Illustration
B finds a bill of exchange and delivers it to C against value
received. The C is entitled to receive the payment of the bill
even though the title of B is defective.
• No maker of the promissory note and no drawer of a bill of
exchange and cheque and no acceptor of the bill of exchange
for the honor of the drawer, shall, in a suit thereon by a holder
in due course, be permitted to deny the validity of the
instrument as originally made or drawn. Sec. 120.
Dishonour of Instruments:
Instruments are dishonoured either by non-acceptance or by

Notice of Dishonour:
When an instrument is dishonoured, the holder or some party
liable thereon must give notice of dishonour to all other parties
whom he seeks to make liable.
Dishonour of Cheque (Sections 138 to 142):

If a cheque is returned by the bank unpaid for the reason of

insufficiency of the amount of money standing to the credit of
the account on which the cheque was drawn, the drawer of
such cheque shall be deemed to have committed an offence.
The Act provides for criminal penalties in such case:
i. Imprisonment for term which may extend to 2 years, or
ii. Fine which may extend to twice the amount of cheque, or
iii. Both
In order to attract the aforementioned penalties following
conditions must be satisfied:
i. The cheque has been dishonoured due to insufficiency of
funds only.
ii. The cheque should have been presented to the paying banker
within 3 months from the date on which it is drawn.
iii. The payee of the cheque should have given notice in writing
to the drawer demanding payment, within 15 days of the
receipt of information of dishonour of the cheque from the
iv. The drawer is liable only if he fails to make the payment
within 15 days of the receipt of such notice.
v. The payee of the cheque dishonoured should have made a
complaint within 1 month of the cause of action.

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