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New Spec Creation & QC

S3D Piping Specification

Input Required To Create New Spec
 Piping Spec. definition sheet, it contains following details.
1. Pipe Nominal Size
2. Pipe Schedules
3. Pipes, Fittings, Flanges, Valves & Bolting Rules
4. Branch Table
5. Pressure & Temperature Limits
6. Valve Datasheets, SPP & TPD etc.,
 Vendor details for special piping components requirements (Plastic specs, SDBB valve & ESDV
valves etc.,)
 Template for piping material description format in the S3D.
 Check lists, it contains Spec parts
 Code list & Generic files (If client specified details)
 Time Schedule for completion of project
 Project Number and task ID for project hours booking
 QA / QC Procedure
S3D - Piping Spec Creation In SPRD
Piping Spec Header Information
Create Spec Items
• To create specification piping components - Enter inputs in SPRD specification item window based on
paper spec contents.
Export Spec
Quality Check (QC)

 The output file format is Excel spread sheet along with all piping parts and specification rules.

 Perform self-check and update manual correction if any components required.

 Piping spec spread sheet issued to QC checker for thorough quality check.

1. Piping part class sheets (Pipes, Fittings, Flange & Valves).

2. Piping Commodity Filter Sheet (PCF).

3. Piping Commodity Material Control Data Sheet (PCMCD).

4. Spec Dependent Sheets (Service limit, Branch Table, Taps, Bolting Rule, Gasket Rule, Bend Angel

 Update the piping specification spread sheet based on comments received from QC checker.
Bulkload Reference Data -
Append Mode
Upload the piping specification spread sheet in the S3D
“Test Data Base” by using Bulkload Reference Data tool
(Append mode).
Error Log File
 Open the log file to check for any errors or warnings in the bulkloading process.
Bulkload Reference Data -
AMD Mode
 To review the specification error log file received from
Bulkload reference data tool.
 Update the piping specification spread sheet if
required and upload again into “Test Data Base” in AMD
Catalog Placement Tester
To examine placement of 3D components in the S3D model
environment by using S3D - Catalog Placement Tester tool.
Catalog Placement Tester tool – Report
The Catalog Placement Tester tool
generates the report in the form of
an Excel workbook, which reports
Information regarding the placement
of the components.
Based on the output report file
resolve the errors and add if there is
any missing component.
Bulkload piping spec into “Test
Data Base” again and resolve the
errors (AMD mode – Add, Modify
and Delete).
MTO Check
 Perform MTO Check by using S3D
piping MTO Reports.
 S3D generates the report in the form of
an Excel workbook, which reports
Information regarding the components
along with material description and its
NPD size.
 Update the material description in the
piping specification if required and
upload again into “Test Data Base”
AMD mode.
Editing Existing Spec
AD-HOC Service Requests
Workflow Of AD-Hoc
 Update the existing master spec. Excel spread sheet based on
Service request received from S3D user.
 Bulk load spec spread sheet in the Test Database.
 Review the Error log file received from bulkload reference data
tool and update the spec again if required.
 Bulkload piping spec into “Test Data Base” again and resolve the
errors (AMD mode – Add, Modify and Delete).
 Perform MTO Check using Description Reports if required.
 Resolve errors and bulk load again.
 Issue spec for final check – QC Checker (Piping Isometric sheet
should be documented as a final check copies).
 Finalised spec. to be loaded into Production Database.
 Spec to be tested in the Production Database.
 Spec update Completion status to be Informed S3D user via CAD
Portal Notification.
 Close the service request.

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