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Universiti Tun Hussein

Onn Malaysia
Mechanical Engineering
Dynamics DAM 20903
Presented by
Mr. Tuan Mohd Hafeez bin Tuan
12.6 Motion of a Projectile
• Projectile: any body that is given an initial
velocity and then follows a path determined
by the effects of gravitational acceleration
and air resistance.
• Trajectory – path followed by a projectile
Horizontal Motion is Uniform Motion
Notice that the Horizontal motion is in no way affected by the Vertical motion.
Horizontal and vertical components of velocity
are independent.
Vertical velocity decreases at a constant rate
due to the influence of gravity.
Verify this mathematically
Horizontal Motion
• Acceleration : ax= 0

• Conclusion # 1: Horizontal velocity remains constant

• Conclusion # 2: Equal distance covered in equal time intervals
Vertical Motion
• ac= -g = 9.81 m/s2

• Conclusion # 1: Equal increments of speed gained in equal increments

of time
• Distance increases in each time interval
Projectile Motion
• Assumptions:
(1) free-fall acceleration
(2) neglect air resistance
• Choosing the y direction as positive upward:
ax = 0; ay = - g (a constant)
y v
• Take x0= y0 = 0 at t = 0
• Initial velocity v0 makes an 0
angle θ0 with the horizontal x
Maximum Height
At the peak of its trajectory, vy = 0.

Time t1 to reach the peak

Substituting into:
Projection Angle
• The optimal angle of projection is dependent on the
goal of the activity.
• For maximal height the optimal angle is 90o.
• For maximal distance the optimal angle is 45o.
Projection angle = 10 degrees
10 degrees
Projection angle = 45 degrees
10 degrees
30 degrees
40 degrees
45 degrees
Projection angle = 60 degrees
10 degrees
30 degrees
40 degrees
45 degrees
60 degrees
Projection angle = 75 degrees
10 degrees
30 degrees
40 degrees
45 degrees
60 degrees
75 degrees

So angle that maximizes Range

(θoptimal) = 45 degrees
Example 1
• Sebiji batu dilontar dengan halaju 100 m/s pada
sudut 30o terhadap garisan ufuk. Tentukan:
a) Tinggi maksimum yang dicapai
b) Masa dan jarak lontaran
c) Halaju lontaran pada ketinggian 80m
• A ball is given an initial velocity of V0 = 37 m/s at an angle of θ = 53.1. Find
the position of the ball, and the magnitude and direction of its velocity, when t =
2.00 s. Find the time when the ball reaches the highest point of its flight, and
find its height h at this point

The initial velocity of the ball has components:

v0x = v0 cos θ0 = (37.0 m/s) cos 53.1° = 22.2 m/s

v0y = v0 sin θ0 = (37.0 m/s) sin 53.1°= 29.6 m/s

a) position
x = v0xt = (22.2 m/s)(2.00 s) = 44.4 m
y = v0yt + ½gt2
= (29.6 m/s)(2.00 s) + ½ (-9.80 m/s2)(2.00 s)2
= 39.6 m
Solution (con.)
• Velocity
• vx = v0x = 22.2 m/s
• vy = v0y – gt = 29.6 m/s + ( -9.80 m/s2)(2.00 s) = 10.0 m/s
Solution (cont.)
• b) Find the time when the ball reaches the highest point
of its flight, and find its height H at this point. (-g)
Solution (cont.)
c) Find the horizontal range R, (that is, the horizontal
distance from the starting point to the point at which the
ball hits the ground.) (-g)
25 m/s Horizontally
x = x0 + (v0)x t x = 25 *3.19 = 79.8 m
Initial Conditions
vx = 25 m/
v = v0-gt
vy0 = 0 m/
y = y0 + v0t + 1/2gt2 …. 50 = 0+0+1/2(9.8)t2 … t = 3.19 s
a = 9.8 m/s2
v2 = v02 - 2g(y-y0)….

y0 = 0 m
y = 50 m
x0 =0 m 79.8 m
• Example 12.11
• Example 12.12
• Example 12.13

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