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Communication Process

Is a situation ,setting or circumstances within which
communication takes place
External Stimuli:
Prompts a person to send a message
e.g. memo , note, electronic mail, fax, telephone etc.
Internal Stimuli:
It includes
Internal Stimuli:
It includes
likes and Dislikes
The person who sends a message
Core Idea
 Unity of thought
 Consistency in expression
 Emphasis on the point
A channel use to convey a message
The one who receives message

Feed Back
Receiver’s response to Sender’s message
Barriers to effective communication
• The factors that hinder the smooth communication process and cause
miscommunication are called barriers to communication.
• These barriers may come from sender,receiver,circumstances etc.
• They may confuse listener or reader and do not produce desired results.
Common barriers.
• Physical
• Psychological
• Cultural.
• Perception
• Frame of Reference
Physical barriers
• Apparent environmental barriers are called physical barriers.
1. Noise…of people , traffic etc
2. Distance…closed offices , large working area
3. Distractions
Psychological barriers
Any psychological or emotional disorder or disturbance can prove to be
a barrier to effective communication.
They comprise of followings;
Psychological Barriers
• Sadness
• Fear
• Anger
• Anxiety
• Mistrust
• Suspicion
• Nervousness
• Very excited
Roots of emotional and psychological barriers lie in childhood and
Cultural Differences
Communication becomes difficult and the chances of misunderstanding
increase when we communicate with people of other cultures.
Cultural differences may include differences in followings:
1. Education
2. Law and regulation
3. Economics
4. Politics
5. Religion
6. Social norms
7. language
Perception barriers
We all are unique individuals ,so we see the world differently. Same word
has different meanings for different people.
A woman without her man is nothing.
This sentence may have two different meanings.
1. A woman , without her , man is nothing.
2. A woman without her man , is nothing.
e.g, fat means thick but fat chance means attractive chance.
e.g, copy means to replicate but many people use this word for notebook.
Frame of Reference
Is Individual to every one
Based on
• Experiences
• Exposure
• Education
• personality

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