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March 2, 2019
Workplace Democracy
…is the application
of fairness in its
various forms
(including voting,
debates, due process
and systems of
appeal) to the
10 Guiding Principles of Workplace
Demoracy (International “freedom at work” consultancy Worldblu)
1. Purpose and Vision 6. Individual + Collective

7. Choice
2. Transparency

3. Dialogue + Listening 8. Integrity

4. Fairness + Dignity 9. Decentralization

5. Accountability 10. Reflection + Evaluation

Crisis of Legitimacy
…there is a loss of faith in the way
governance processes operate.
Everywhere, a Crisis of Legitimacy
The Decline of Trade Union
Causes of Mental Health
Services Challenges
1. Inadequate funding at a time of increasing
2. Access problems and a lack of integration
and prevention

3. Inadequate provision of quality services

4. An understaffed workforce and

insufficient training
Freire and Conscientization
- a process of political awakening
realized in the interaction between
participants, framed by mutual
understanding, hope and love.
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Man’s ontological vocation is to be a
Subject who acts upon and transform his
world, and in so doing moves toward ever
new possibilities of fuller and richer life
individually and collectively.
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Every human being, no matter how
“ignorant” or submerged in the culture of
silence he or she may be, is capable of looking
critically at the world in a dialogical encounter
with others. Provided with proper tools for this
encounter, the individual can gradually
perceive personal and social reality as well as
the contradiction in it, become conscious of his
or her own perception of that reality, and deal
critically with it .

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