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Tujuan Pembelajaran

Menentukan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks bentuk pesan
singkat (short mesage) dan isi beberapa teks.

Menggunakan kosa kata dan ungkapan yang

digunakan pada short message .

Menulis pesan singkat (short message) terkait

kegiatan di sekolah.
Example of Short Message
Dear Ayu.

How are you? Here is some information you will

need. The examination will be held soon, started
from May 13th. Calculator and dictionary are not
allowed. Lateness is not tolerated. The first day is
Indonesian. It will be held for four days. Don’t
forget to bring your examination card. See you
soon. Take care

To: Dania

Don’t forget to join us in the English Club

meeting this evening. We are going to discuss
our plan to celebrate our school anniversary.
Mia, Nury, arief, Panji and Gadis will be there
too. Please be punctual.

See you there

To: Margareta

Margaret, please tell Mrs. Ayuni that I

couldn’t join the Math class tomorrow. I have
to go with my mom to Surabaya for visiting
my grandma who is sick now. I will be there
for three days.

The Definition of Short Message
Short Message is a brief text message to inform
or ask someone to do something.
Function of Short Message
The Function of Short Message is to send
an important message to other people,
friend, or family.
Generic Structure of Short Message
To whom the message is sent for. Write down
the name of receiver if it is needed.
The content of short message usually consists
of intention of message from the sender.

The name or phone number of sender can be
mentioned or not is depended of its needed.
Language Features of Short Message
A. Use of imperative sentence
An imperative sentence is a type of sentence that gives
advice or instruction or that expresses a request or
command. There are two structures of imperative
1. Positive or Affirmative Imperative Pattern:
Example: Go to Farah’s house now!
Don’t or do not + infinitive!
2. Negative Imperatives Pattern:
Example: Don’t go to Farah’s house!

B. Use of simple present tense

Please complete the missing words/
sentence below!
To ____________

Buddy, I’ve just received __________ from Herdy.

This afternoon Mrs. Ruth wants us to
__________our projects at school. Please
don’t_______________. Our _______ presentation
must be good next_________!

News group week

Ryan come late finish
Please identify and compare the purpose, text structure,
language features and the content of the short messages
Dear Mira, Rani, sorry I can’t come to your house
I’m sorry I have to tell you that I can’t tonight to do the wall magazines project
come to your house to work on our as we planned. My grandmother has
project as we planned before. just come and she wants me to
Unxepecting thing happenes, my accompany her to my aunt’s house. I wil
grandma must be hospitalized soon. I’ll meet you at school tomorrow.
tell about our plan later Erika

Purpose :................................................... Purpose :......................................

Receiver: ……………………………………………….. Receiver: ……………………………..
Text structure:................................ Text structure :.........................
Language features Language features
Tense:......................................................... Tense :...........................................
Verb:……………………………………….. Verb:………………………………………..
Linking verb: ……………………………… Linking verb: ………………………………
Pronoun:…………………………………… Pronoun:……………………………………
Content :.......................................... Content :..........................................
Sender: …………………………………. Sender: ………………………………….
Dayu wants to tell his father that she wants
to do her homework in her friend home
and go home at six o’clock.
James is sick now and he wants to tell his
friend (John) to inform to the teacher that he
doesn’t come to school today.

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