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Definition of tourism product

Medlik and Middleton (in Yoeti 2006)

“As far as the tourist concerned, the product covers the complete
experience from the time he or she leaves home to the time he or she
return to it”

Burkat and Medlik (in Yoeti, 2006)

“The tourist product may be seen as a composite product, as an amalgam
of attraction, transportation, accommodation, and entertainment.”
Victor T.C. Middleton (in Yoeti, 2006)
“The product may be considering as a bundle or package of tangible and
intangible components, based on activity at a destination. The package is
perceived by the tourist as experience, available as a price.”

From those definitions we can conclude that tourism product is

something that can be offered to tourist to visit a tourist destination.
The products which satisfy the leisure, pleasure, religious or business
needs at places other than the normal place of residence.
5 components of tourism product

• Destination Attractions
• Destination Facilities and Services
• Accessibilities of the Destination
• images and Perception of the Destination
• Price to the Consumer
Destination attraction

Natural attraction
Building Attraction

Cultural Attraction Social attraction

Destination Facilities and Services

• facilitate the tourists’ stay at destinations and their partaking in the tourist
• It includes facilities at the destination which function to meet the guest’s need.
– Accommodation Unit; Hotel, Apartment, Villas, etc.
– Restaurants, Bars, and Café
– Transport at the Destination
– Sport & Activities
Accessibilities of the Destination

It is a means by which a tourist can reach the area where

attractions are located
images and Perception of the Destination

The available tourism product (objects, attractions) of the destination

will influence the image of the destination.
Price to the Consumer

Price of the tourism products is one of the important aspects that will
influence the customer choice of the destination.

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