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Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

Mobile Phone Based Application under 2nd Tier of

Quality Monitoring System.

National Rural Roads Development Agency

Ministry of Rural Development
Government of India.
Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System
Present Systems under 2nd Tier
 Schedule Assigning by SQC on OMMAS- Districts/ Roads.
 Schedule communication to SQM via e-mail/phone.
 Selection of roads with consultation of PIU.
 Observations made on basis of prescribed tests and
visual inspections.
 Supporting photographs taken with the help of PIU
through normal camera.
 Inspection report prepared in prescribes formats and
shared with PIU & SQC.
 Abstract of quality grading and photographs uploaded in
OMMAS through computers.
Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

 Delay in schedule communication to SQMs.

 Selection of roads mainly dependent on concerned PIU.
 Previous details of NQM/SQM inspection not available
 Dependency of SQMs on PIU for taking photographs.
 Difficulties in segregation of photographs corresponding to
roads inspected in the camera.
 Manual compression of photograph required for uploading.
 Browsing and selecting each photographs for uploading in
OMMAS takes substantial time.
 At time roads inspected not available in OMMAS for entry of
inspection data.
Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System
Advantages of Mobile Application:
 Instant alert sent at SQM mobile on schedule finalization.
 History of Road inspections made available at SQM/SQC/PIU
login for assisting in road selection.
 Selection of roads by multiple stakeholders through application.
 Geo-tagged photographs independently taken by SQM.
 Storing of inspection data and photographs in mobile.
 Manual compressing of photographs not required.
 Attachment of photographs to the corresponding road done by
the application.
 Inspection data (grading & photographs) uploading in OMMAS
from field itself.
Mobile Display of photographs on Google maps on web interface.
Application Based Quality Monitoring System
Process redefined

Schedule Assignment & Finalization- COMPUTER

Downloading road list, inspection entry and

photographs – Mobile Application

Reporting:- COMPUTER

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Internet connectivity requirement:

At two points:

i. Schedule downloading

ii. Inspection and abstract uploading

GPS requirement:

Taking photographs in field

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Quality Monitoring under PMGSY

2rd Tier

Create Inspection Proposed Road for Finalized the Forward Schedule

Register SQM Finalized Schedule
Schedule Inspection Proposed Road to SQM

Set Start Point

If No of photo Yes

Proposed Road Finalized the Get Finalized Select Road for Enter Inspection Upload Grading
Select Description Capture Photo between 10 and
for Inspection Proposed Road Road List Capture Photo Grading and Photo

Set End Point


Proposed Road Finalized the

for Inspection Proposed Road

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Application Flow – OMMAS Website (

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Application Flow - Mobile

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Assigning Schedule- Redefined

 Assign “district” for the month and year to be visited for

the inspection (Schedule Initiated Mode).- COMPUTER

 Road Selection input from multiple stake holders (PIU,


 Finalization of Schedule by SQC (Schedule In progress


 Schedule information via system generated email to SQMs

on “finalization” by SQC.- COMPUTER
Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System
Mobile Application Modes

Standard Mode-
 Get inspection schedule (Assigned Roads) on
mobile (Online Mode Only)
 View Schedule.
 Capture photos through mobile on the field.
 Enter inspection detail and quality grading in the
 Upload inspection detail, quality grading and
photos through mobile

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Mobile Application Process

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Operating the “Mobile Application”

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Process of uploading Quality Grading and Photo via mobile

For using the application, click on the

“State Quality Monitors” System icon
located on the home screen of the
mobile, which would take you to the
home screen of mobile-based quality
monitoring system.

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Process of uploading Quality Grading and Photo via mobile

This screen allows user to login into

application. To login, please follow these
a. Type in User name.
b. Type in Password.
c. Select the mode i.e. Online / Offline.
Default mode is Online.
d. Click on Login button, which would
take to the Main Menu.

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Main Menu
After logging in the application, choose
one of the three options displayed in Fig
as per the requirement.

1. Standard Mode
2. Reset Mode

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Standard Mode

 Get Schedule: To download the

assigned schedule for current month.
 View Schedule: To view the assigned
schedule with the list of roads.
 Take Photos: To choose the photo
description and take photos.
 View Photos: To view the photos
captured against the road.
 Inspection Entry: Fill the quality
gradings of inspected road.
 Submit Entry: Upload the photos and
the quality gradings of the inspected
road to OMMAS.

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Standard Mode

To download the assigned schedule for

current month
a. Click on “Get Schedule” button in menu.

b. On click of “Get Schedule” button,

application will ask for confirmation.

c. Click on “Yes” to download the new


d. Click on “No” to cancel the “Get Schedule”.

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Standard Mode

 View Schedule: To view the

assigned schedule with the list of

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Standard Mode
Take Photos
 The menu options under “Take Photos” are
available to user only after downloading the
 Before taking photos for the road being inspected,
user needs to set start and end points of the road.
 At any instance during inspection also, user can
set start and end points of road.

a) Choose road being inspected from the dropdown.

b) To set start point of the road, choose description

as “Start point of the road” from dropdown and
click on “Set Start Point of Road” button.

c) To set end point of the road, choose description as

“End point of the road” from dropdown and click
on “Set End Point of Road” button.

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Standard Mode
Using the menu options in Fig user can
enter/choose the photo description and take

Image description is mandatory for each photo.

User needs to take minimum 10 and maximum
20 photos for a road to upload.

Choose appropriate description from the

dropdown, it will appear in “Image Description
“text box.

To edit and update, click on “Image

Description” text box, which will provide key
pad to type and edit the description.

Click on “Take Photo” button.

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Standard Mode

1. Capture photo using photo-

capturing screen.

2. To save captured photo, click on

“Save” button.

3. To cancel captured photo, click on

“Discard” button.

4. To cancel whole activity of taking

photos, click on “Cancel” button.

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Standard Mode
Inspection Entry:
Using “Inspection Entry” button in main menu
user can fill the observations of inspected road.

After filling the observations overall grade is

saved with user’s confirmation.

a) First of all, choose the road from dropdown

list to fill the observations. On selection of
road, screen will be auto-populated with
respective road details.
b) From and To road lengths will be auto-
populated in text boxes, if user wants to edit
those, he can edit and update.
c) Choose appropriate “Road Status” by
checking the radio button. On check of
radio button respective grade parameters
will be shown to user on respective screens.
Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System
Standard Mode

d) On double click of “Road Completion

date”, date picker will appear to choose the
completion date.

Choose appropriate date

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Standard Mode
e) Click on “Next” button which are on top
of screen, to fill grading parameters as per
the observations.

“Prev” and “Next” button will navigate the

user through all grading parameters and
finally shows the calculated “Overall
Grading” as shown in Fig

f) Click on “Save” button to save overall

grading. Application alerts for

g) To cancel the whole activity of Inspection

Entry, click on “Cancel” button.

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Standard Mode
h) To save grades for items and sub-items
click on “Yes”.

i) To cancel the operation click on “No”.

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Standard Mode
Submit Entry
Using this menu option the inspection details
and photos are uploaded to the server. Screen
provides information about number of
remaining photos to be checked as well as
number of remaining photos to be uploaded.
a) Choose inspected road from the dropdown.
b) Check minimum and maximum 10 photos,
which are to be uploaded.
c) Click on “Submit” button to upload the
inspection details.
d) To cancel the activity, click on “Cancel”
e) Confirmation and status of uploaded
details is provided in the form of audio

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Reset Mode
This mode provided facility to clean up the
unused data stored in the mobile. To clean
up unused data, click on the “Reset Mode”
button in Main Menu.

a. On click of “Reset Mode” button,

application will ask for credentials to
clean up unused data

b. Enter Password.

c. Click on “Reset”, to clean up unused


d. Click on “Cancel”, to exit the activity.

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Handling the Mobile
Application Downloading

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Touch and pull down

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

1 2

1. Internet Connectivity
Wi-Fi (localized)

2. Global Positioning System


OFF- position

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

1 2

1. Wi-Fi.
2. GPS.

ON- position

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

1. Indication of internet connectivity

2. Click to open “Home Screen”

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System
Sweep the screen

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Application icon

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Installing of Application in Mobile

For installing the mobile-based quality monitoring system on your

mobile, follow the steps given below.

a. Open web application using mobile browser and type the following
URL in the web browser.

b. Click on ‘go’ button in mobile- Application downloading starts.

c. Access ‘my files’ icon ‘download’ folder
d. Touch - “sqms.apk”.
e. Click on Quality Monitors System icon

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System
Click on Install tab

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

You can see the progress bar for
installation; wait till operation is
in progress

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

After getting message as
“Application installed”,
click done

Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

Contact Detail
OMMAS Help Number: 09422000264
OMMAS Help E-mail:

Shri Anand Singh (Project Engineer, C-DAC, NRRDA, Delhi)

Contact No: 011-26716930

Shri M. Srinivasa Rao (Project Manager, C-DAC, Pune)

Contact No: 020-25503201

Shri Rakesh Kumar (AD Project-III, NRRDA, Delhi)


Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System


Mobile Application Based Quality Monitoring System

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